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Running Head: LESSON PLAN

Heather Coates
National University



This paper includes a weeklong lesson plan including the content areas of social
studies/history, physical education, and visual and performing arts. The lesson will include the
content standards for all of the content areas. This lesson will incorporate the three different
content areas for five separate days showing how they can be incorporated into a single day. This
paper will include learner outcomes, instructional activities, assessments, and a rubric designed
for this lesson and unit evaluation. This lesson is designed for a fifth grade class and addresses
the standards for the grade level.



Content Area:

Standard (Learner Outcomes):

Social Studies/ History

United States History and

Geography: Making a New Nation
5.3 Students describe the
cooperation and conflict that
existed among the American
Indians and between the Indian
nations and the new settlers.

Students will use their textbooks to

create a Venn diagram in which they
will list the cooperation and conflict
between the American Indians and
the Indian Nations and the new

Visual Arts
4.0 Aesthetic Valuing
4.1 Compare the different
purposes of a specific culture for
creating art.

Students will see the different artwork

from the American Indians and the
Indian Nations and the new settlers
and compare and contrast the
differences in the artwork across the

Standard 5
Social Interaction
5.6 Acknowledge orally the
contributions and strengths of

Students will work in teams to

complete different obstacle courses.
After the students complete the
obstacles, they will discuss in their
teams, how each team member
contributed and what each team
members strength was. This will
relate back to the cooperation
between the different colonies.

Visual and Performing Arts

Physical Education

Instructional Activities:


Content Area:

Standard (Learner Outcomes):

Instructional Activities:

Social Studies/ History

United States History and

Geography; Making a New Nation
5.3.1 Describe the competition
among the English, French,
Spanish, Dutch, and Indian
nations for control of North

Students will use a map and draw the

different ways in which each nation
attempted to gain control of North
America. The nations will simply be
blank outlined allowing the students to
draw in the nation how they

Visual Arts
2.0 Creative Expression
2.4 Create an expressive abstract
composition based on real objects

Students will use their map from the

above portion to create an abstract
piece of art in which depicts their
overall understanding of the
competition of the nations for control
of North America.

Standard 1
Body Management
1.1 Perform simple small-group
balance stunts by distributing
weight and base of support.

Through a game of capture the flag,

students will be able to understand
the need for teamwork in order to
control an entity (the flag). This
correlates directly with the students
understanding of the competition for
control of North America.

Visual and Performing Arts

Physical Education


Content Area:

Standard (Learner Outcomes):

Instructional Activities:

Social Studies/ History

United States History and

Geography; Making a New Nation
5.3.2 Describe the cooperation
that existed between the colonists
and Indians during the 1600s and
1700s (e.g., in agriculture, the fur
trade, military alliances, treaties,
cultural interchanges).

Students will work in groups to create

a diagram, chart, map, drawing, that
explains the cooperation between the
colonists and Indians during the
1600s and 1700s.

Visual Arts
4.0 Aesthetic Valuing
4.3 Develop and use specific
criteria as individuals and in
groups to assess works of art.

Students will analyze the diagram,

chart, map, or drawing of another
team in order to assess the art that
the teams have created. Students will
discuss in small groups and reconnect
as a class to discuss the overall art of
each group.

Standard 5
Social Interaction
5.5 Contribute ideas and listen to
the ideas of others in cooperative
problem-solving activities.

Students will be introduced to a set of

obstacles in which they must get
through. In small-groups, the students
will need to work cooperatively to get
through the obstacles. This correlates
to the cooperation between the
colonists and Indians during the
1600s and 1700s.

Visual and Performing Arts

Physical Education


Content Area:

Standard (Learner Outcomes):

Social Studies/ History

United States History and

Geography; Making a New Nation
5.4.3 Examine the conflicts before
the Revolutionary War (e.g., the
Pequot and King Philips Wars in
New England, the Powhatan Wars
in Virginia, the French and Indian

In their table groups, students will

choose one conflict before the
Revolutionary War in which they
would like to research. Students will
create a poster board with all of the
key details in their specific conflict.

Development of Theatrical Skills
2.1 Participate in improvisational
activities to explore complex ideas
and universal themes in literature
and life.

In the same table groups students will

be asked use what they just learned
about the conflict and create a small
improvisational dance/skit that gives
an overview of the entire conflict.

Standard 1
Rhythmic Skills
1.18 Design and perform a
creative dance, combing
locomotor patterns with intentional
changes in speed and direction.

Students will incorporate a dance into

the above skit in which shows the
speed and direction of the actual
conflict as a visual representation to
the other table groups.

Visual and Performing Arts

Physical Education

Instructional Activities:


Content Area:

Standard (Learner Outcomes):

Instructional Activities:

Social Studies/ History

United States History and

Geography: Making a New Nation
5.3.6 Explain the influence and
achievements of significant
leaders of the time (e.g., John
Marshall, Andrew Jackson, Chief
Tecumseh, Chief Logan, Chief
John Ross, Sequoyah).

Students will choose their favorite

leader of the time. Groups will be
created based on the leaders chosen.
Students of the group will represent a
different achievement of the leader
and be asked to research in depth
that achievement.

Artistic Perception
1.2 Identify the structural elements
of plot (exposition, complication,
crisis, climax, and resolution) in a
script or theatrical experience.

Students will be asked to work in their

leader groups to create a script that
will be turned in for grading. Students
will determine how they can create a
performance based on the script.

Standard 2
Rhythmic Skills
2.5 Design a routine to music,
changing speed and direction
while manipulating an object.

Students will pair the above script with

music that reminds them of their
leader. The students will use one
object that they believe represents
their leader and incorporate it in a
routine to show the achievements and
strengths of the leader.

Visual and Performing Arts

Physical Education

Criteria &
Diagram, Map,

Poor Effort

Good Effort

1 Point
Student does
not complete
assignment or
fails to include
any details.

2 Points
Student completes
some details
however does not
go into depth.


1 Point
Student shows
in the material

2 Points
Student shows
understanding and
is able to answer

3 Points
Student shows
participation and
throughout the
lesson and


1 Point
Student does
not participate
in group or
class activities
and is distracted
during activities
and lesson.
1 Point
Student does
not show any
research or
throughout the

2 Points
Student listens
and pays attention
however does not
throughout the

3 Points
participates in
both group and
class discussions
seldom getting
off topic.

2 Points
Student includes
details that they
previously knew
about the

3 Points
Student includes
outside sources
and details from
their textbook in
order to complete
their portion of
the assignment.



3 Points
Student includes
research from
their textbook,
and shows
understanding of




This unit will include both formative and summative assessments. Throughout the
majority of the week formative assessment will be utilized to assess overall participation and
understanding in students.
Informal observation will be used multiple times throughout the unit. Informal
observation allows teachers to alter their lesson to better fit the students in the classroom. The
teacher will actively assess the students to see if the lesson should me extended or if they are able
to review certain things in less detail. Modifying the lesson to accommodate the students in the
classroom will ensure success for the students. One on one meetings will be utilized to check for
student progress throughout the unit. Since students are working in groups many times
throughout the unit, the teacher will meet one on one with students and ask about their portion of
the assignment. The one on one meeting will allow the teacher to assess if the student is focused,
on-topic, and understanding the material. The teacher is also able to modify the unit at this point
if they realize it is best to alter the lesson to better fit the students needs.
Unit Evaluation
A summative assessment will be used at the end of the unit to check for knowledge and
understanding of the material. At this point students will take a multiple-choice test based on the
information that they learned throughout the unit. Since students became the expert in only
certain areas, they will be tested strongly in that area with a less intense assessment of all other
aspects of the unit.



California State Department of Education. (1997). History-Social Science Framework for

California Public Schools K-12. pp.
California State Department of Education. (1996). Visual and Performing Arts Framework for
California Public Schools K-12.
California State Department of Education. (1994). Physical Education Framework for California
Public Schools K-12. http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/pestandards.pdf

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