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Based on the field trip that you have undertaken please address the following:





Elaborate in some detail, the specific nature of the local problem [need
identification: health, water, energy, waste management, etc.] that you
encountered during the group field visit [the emphasis must be on the
specific needs identified during the visit].
Having identified the need(s) elaborated above, how did you go about
gathering the local evidence [describe the process: brief survey,
conversations, independent assessment]? [30]
What, if any, were the drawbacks of your field visit vis-a-vis gathering
evidence? You are being asked to provide a thorough analysis of your
qualitative or quantitative approach, given the discussions during the
Given the response to the questions above [1, 2 & 3], what would be a
practical, specific & immediate step that should be undertaken to
address the needs identified above. Please do not provide a broad and
general response. Be very specific about what your group would do to
address the specific need [the stress is not on the solution as an end in
itself, but what would be the PROCESS followed to arrive at a meaningful
solution (who would be the actors, what would they do, how would they
engage, etc.) beyond what you have stated in response to queries 1
through 3].

Details on Presentation and Report Submission:




Presentation Format: You are allowed a maximum of 12 slides [15 +

5 min.(Q&A)]. The slides should be divided between 5 sections: a) need
identification; b) choice of particular methodology followed; c) reflection on
responses of various participants; d) process to be created in finding meaningful
solution to the specific need identification.
(30)% of Grades
Report: All groups are expected to submit a 5 page group write up on the
day of your presentation [17/11]. Please do not use bullet form in your
report. You are expected to write on the various kinds of engagements
that took place during the field visits, your reflections on the interactions
with the local populace and the immediate course of action that you
suggest. Please do not repeat verbatim the same points that you have
mentioned in the slides. You are expected to elaborate, justify, reflect on
specific aspects of your analysis [see point 4 above] that you could not
give justice to during your presentation.
(5)% of Grades
Grading: You will be graded during your presentation on: a) your ability to
synthesize content from various sources (including course material &
course presentation), b) systematic organisation of your thoughts, c)
the communication skills of your group (at least two members should
present and the other members respond to Q&A), & d) the novelty of the
alternative solutions that you would like to suggest.

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