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A young and very beautiful princess lost her ball in the water, while she was

playing by the side of a lake. She began to cry so sadly that the frog who sat beside
the lake croaked to her, What will you give me if I get you your ball back?
All the gold you could wish for! replied the princess. No, I ask only that I am
allowed to stay with you and be your friend, said the frog. The princess gave her
word (what did such a promise cost her if it meant she could have her ball back?),
but she had absolutely no intention of keeping her promise. In fact, the moment she
had her ball back she ran off so fast that the frog could not keep up with her.
Nevertheless, after a while the frog arrived at the palace.
As soon as she saw the frog, the princess was frightened. She ran to ask for
help from her father, but the king, w h o k n e w w h a t h a d h a p p e n e d , o rd e re d
h i s d au gh t e r t o ke e p h e r promise. So the princess picked the frog up gently in
her hand, but, with a shiver of disgust, she let it drop to the ground again. But that
one brief touch was enough to break the spell that bound that frog, and caused it to
turn back into the young and handsome prince he had been before.
The story ends with the happiest of wedding ceremonies.

Fairytale: Cerita anak-anak tentang hal-hal imajinatif.

Folktale: Cerita yang biasanya tersebar melalui mulut lewat mulut dan berasal dari kultur
yang populer./ dongeng
Myth : Mitos
Legend: Legenda
Fable : Fabel (Cerita tentang hewan yang bisa berbicara)

The Three Feathers Story

Folktale ada
cerita bagiaman sang protagonis memperjuankan hak dan idealitasnya yang selalu dihadang
oleh kejelekan dan termasuk contoh cerita naratif
Once upon time There was a king who had three sons. The two son were clever. The third son
did not speak much so he was called Simpleton. When the king had become old, he did not know
which son should become the king.
Then he got a bright idea and said; Go forth, who brings me the most beautiful carpet will be
king after me. He blew three feathers in the air, and said: You should go as they fly. One
feather flew to the east, the second to the west, but the third flew straight up and did not fly far.
So one brother went to the right, and the other to the left. Simpleton was sad because his feather
did not fly far. Then all at once he saw a trap-door close to the feather. He found some steps, and
went down the door. Then he came to another door, knocked at it. The door opened, and he saw
a fat toad sitting. She asked what he wanted. He answered; I should get the prettiest and finest
carpet in the world. Then she called a young toad; Bring me the great box!
The young toad brought the box. The fat toad opened it, and gave simpleton a carpet out of it.
The carpet was so beautiful. So Simpleton thanked her, and brought it to the kingdom.
Meanwhile his brothers just got some coarse handkerchiefs from a shepherds wives whom they
had met. When the king saw Simpletons carpet he was very astonished and said; Well, the
kingdom belongs to the Simpleton. But his two brothers argued that it was impossible that
simpleton should be king, They asked the king to make a new agreement.
Then the father said; Who brings me the most beautiful ring will inherit the kingdom. He blew
three feathers, which they were to follow. Those of the two eldest again went east and west, and
simpletons feather flew straight up, and fell down near the trap-door. Again the fat toad gave him
a ring sparkled with jewels. Meanwhile his two brothers just got old carriage-rings. However they
did not cease from tormenting the king until he made a third condition.
So the king declared; Who brings the most beautiful woman home will be the king. He again
blew the three feathers into the air. Then Simpleton went down to the fat toad, and said; I am to

take home the most beautiful woman. The she gave him a yellow turnip which had been
hollowed out. Mournfully Simpleton said; What am I to do with it?. The toad answered; Just put
one of my little toads into it!. Then Simpleton seized one little toad and put her into the yellow
coach. Surprisingly the little toad turned into a beautiful maiden. So Simpleton took her to the
king. On the other hand, his brother brought peasant women to the kingdom.
When the king saw the women he said; After my death the kingdom belongs to my youngest
son. But the two eldest brothers kept arguing that whose wife could leap through a ring which
hung in the center of the hall would be the king. The king agreed. Then the two peasant women
jumped through the ring but they fell which made their arms and legs broke. On the other hand,
the pretty maiden sprang through the ring as lightly as a deer which made the two peasants
ceased. So Simpleton received the crown and ruled wisely the kingdom.


Telah disampaikan diatas, semua teks narrative harus disusun berdasar struktur orientation,
dilanjutkan dengan complication dan ditutup dengan resolution. Bagaimana pengorganisasian
paragraf pada struktur seperti itu? Mari kita lanjutkan membahasnya.
1. Paragraf orientation. Pendeknya bisa kita lihat pada kutipan cerita dibawah ini

Once upon time There was a king who had three sons.
2. Paragraf Complication. Serangkaian pertentangan dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh tokoh
cerita utama (protagonist) dalam memperjuangkan idealitasnya. hal ini bisa dilahat dari kutipan
cerita dibawah:

Simpleton was sad because his feather did not fly far.
But his two brothers argued that it was impossible that simpleton should
be king
However they did not cease from tormenting the king until he made a
third condition
3. Paragraf resolution. Akhir dari cerita itu bagaimana diselesaikan. Unsur resolution ini
dibutuhkan karena sebelumnya ada fase complication. Dalam contoh folktale diatas, resolution
terlehat pada kutipan dibwah:

So Simpleton received the crown and ruled wisely the kingdom

Sekali lagi cerita narrtive itu berfungsi untuk menghibur dan mengajarkan suatu pelajaran moral,
nilai kebaikan, dan kepantasan bersosial ditengah masyarakt banyak.

A folk tale is a story or legend handed down from generation to

generation usually by oral retelling. Folk tales often explain something
that happens in nature or convey a certain truth about life.
Folktale adalah cerita atau legenda yang turun temurun dari satu gnerasi ke generasi berikutnya
yang diceritakan dari mulut ke mulut. Folktale sering menceritakan dan menjelasakan sesuatu
yang yang terjadi di alam dan mengandung suatu nilai kebenaran hidup
Sementara menurut http://myths.e2bn.org

A folktale is a popular story that was passed on in spoken form, from one
generation to the next. Usually the author is unknown and there are often
many versions of the tale. Folktales comprise fables, fairy tales, old
legends and even urban legends.
Folktale adalah cerita yang sudah populer yang biasanya diceritakan dari mulut ke mulu
melampau beberapa generasi yang turun temurun. Pengarangnya biasanya tidak diketahui dan
cerita itu tersebar dalam beberapa versi. Folktale bisa beruapa cerita binatang, cerita peri,
legenda kuno atau legenda diperkotaan.
Folktale sebagai salah satu contoh narrative text ini biasanya ditandai dengan beberapa clue,
1. Diawali dengan frase Once upon a time atau ungkapan sejenisnya
2. Bagian dari cerita sering memunculkan pelaku dan peristiwa yang mempunyai kekuatan dan
3. Pelaku cerita biasanya single participant dan sering berupa sorang raja, ratu, pangeran dan
4. Cerita biasanya memasukkan hitungan angka kepada para pelaku atau objek dalam cerita,
misal three eggs, seven sisters, three feather, seven dwarfs, dan lainnya
5. Cerita sering diakhir dengan kebahagiaan dengan unkapan misal they lived happily ever
after. atau frase sejenis.

Fable adalah cerita tentang masyarakat binatang. Prilakunya dibuat mirip seperti manusia. Cerita
narrative fable biasanya memberikan pelajaran nilai moral yang bagus agar dipetik oleh

The Smart Monkey And The Dull Crocodile

One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he saw a
crocodile so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side of the
river. The crocodile agree and told the monkey to jump on its back. Then
the crocodile swam down the river with the monkey on his top.
Unluckily, the crocodile was very hungry, he stopped in the middle of the
river and said to the monkey, My father is very sick. He has to eat the

heart of the monkey. So he will be healthy again.

At the time, the monkey was in dangerous situation and he had to think
hard. Then he had a good idea. He told the crocodile to swim back to the
river bank. Whats for? asked the crocodile. Because I dont bring my
heart, said the monkey. I left it under a tree, near some coconuts in the
river bank.
The crocodile agreed and turned around. He swam back to the bank of the
river. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the
crocodiles back. Then he climbed up to the top of a tree.
Where is your heart? asked the crocodile. You are foolish, said the
monkey to the crocodile. Now I am free and I have my heart.
Seperti cerita sebelumnya, fable tentang monyet dan buaya ini juga dilengkapi suara cara
membacanya dalam bentuk file MP3 supaya bisa didownload DISINI
Arti Cerita Monyet Pintar dan Buaya Bodoh dari Teks Bahasa Inggris
Suatu hari, ada seekor monyet. Ia ingin menyeberangi sungai. Di sana ia melihat buaya
sehingga ia meminta buaya untuk membawanya kesisi lain dari sungai itu. Buayapun setuju dan
mengatakan kepada monyet untuk melompat di punggungnya. Kemudian buaya berenang
menyusuri sungai dengan monyet di atas punggungnya.
Akan tetapi saat buaya itu merasa sangat lapar, ia berhenti di tengah-tengah sungai dan berkata
kepada monyet, Ayah saya sangat sakit. Dia harus makan jantung monyet supaya bisa sehat
Saat itu, monyet itu ada dalam situasi yang sangat berbahaya. Ia harus berpikir keras. Kemudian
ia memiliki ide yang bagus. Iapun mengatakan kepada buaya supaya berenang kembali ke tepi
sungai. Apa? Tanya buaya. Karena aku tidak membawa hati saya, kata monyet. Aku
meninggalkannya di bawah pohon, dekat pohon kelapa, di tepi sungai itu.
Buayapun setuju dan berbalik, berenang kembali ke tepi sungai. Begitu sampai di tepi sungai,
monyetpun melompat dari punggung buaya. Kemudian ia naik ke atas pohon.
Dimana hatimu? Tanya buaya. Dasar buaya bodoh, kata monyet. Sekarang saya bebas dan
tetap mempunayi jantung.
Generic Structure Contoh Narrative Text Fable
1. Orientation: The participants or characters of the story are a smart monkey and dull crocodile.
One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile
The time set is just one day. The story takes place in a river
2. Complication: Every narrative text must consist of conflict or problem. A simple definition of
problem is when something goes and it is not what we want. In the story the complication start
when the crocodile want to eats the monkey.
the crocodile was very hungry, he stopped in the middle of the river and said to the monkey, My
father is very sick. He has to eat the heart of the monkey. Of course the monkey don not want to

be the crocodiles meal and that is the problem which sets the whole story.
3. Resolution: A problem must be resolved. It can succeed or fail. In this story, the monkey
succeeds to solve the problem. He get free from the hungry crocodile.
The crocodile agreed and turned around. He swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they
reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodiles back. Then he climbed up to the
top of a tree.

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