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Pharmacology Exam Nursing Year 2

Max marks: 25
1) Ripple therapy for peptic ulcer disease includes------------------------------------a) Omeprazole b)Ranitidine c)Aluminium hydroxide
2) Amoxicillin belongs to ------------------------------------- class of antibiotics. a)
Penicillins b) Cephalosporin c) Macrolides
3) Sulfasalazine -------------------------- the inflammatory response in ulcerative
colitis. a) Increase b) Decrease c) Does not affect
4) Pentasa is------------------------------------------------- form of mesalazine. a) Tablet b)
syrup c) Controlled release
5) --------------------------- is enteric coated form of mesalazine. a) Asacol b) Panadol
c) None
6) ------------------------------------------------------------- is an action of cyclosporine. a)
Immunosuppression b) fever c) None
7) Cytotoxic waste should be burned in --------------------------------------------- a)
Incenerator b) Dustbin c) None
8) Patients with penicillin allergy may present with
------------------------------------------- a) Anaphylectic shock b) Hypertension c)
9) ------------------------------------------------ can be used as an alternative if a patient
is allergic to penicillin. a) Azithromycin b) Voren c) Panadol
Ventolin is the brand name of -------------------------------------------- . a)
Salbutamol b) Albuterol c) Both
Short acting beta 2 agonists are used at ------------------------------- step of
the management of asthma. a) 1 b) 0 c) None
--------------------------------------------- is a short acting beta 2 agonist. a)
Salbutamol b) paracetamol c) None
------------------------------------------------------- are used during acute phase of
asthma. a) Bronchodilators b) Voren c) None
Beta adrenergic agonists are also used in the treatment of
---------------------------------- and shock. a) Hypertension b) Fever c) None
Brand name of ipratropium bromide is ----------------------------------- a)
Atrovent b) Augmentn c) None
Dry mouth and nasal congestion are side effects of ----------------------- .
a) Anticholinergics b) Paracetamol c) Asprin
Anticholinergics act by inhibiting------------------------------------------------- .a)
Acetylcholine b) Platelets c) None
-------------------------------------- is a xanthine derivative a) Theophylline b)
Panadol c) none
Theophylline is used to treat mild to moderate
----------------------------------. a) Asthma b) Vomiting c) None
Sinus tachycardia is a side effect of --------------------------------------. a)
Theophylline b) Panadol c) None
Montelukast is available as --------------------------------- in the market. a)
Myteka b) Lasix c) None

Dexamethasone belongs to ----------------------- calss of drugs. a)
Corticosteroids b) Antibiotics c) None
Ciprofloxacin is used to treat---------------------------------- a) UTI b)Fever c)
Brand name of ciprofloxacin is --------------------------------- a) Ciproxin b)
Augmentin c) None
Inhaled corticosteroids are used for the treatment of
-------------------------------- a) Asthma b) Trauma c) None

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