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Mrs. Nejwa Al-Ghoraibi
Research Methods Lane 331
January 2011 15
True Love in King Lear
The researcher will try to expose that feelings are not shown with words but
with actions. No one can deny that true love between a father and a daughter is
something really wonderful. In King Lear, the King's youngest daughter, Cordelia,
gives us the real meaning of love from daughter to a father. The reader will
understand that by comparing the words she said when her father asked her to profess
her love to him and she answered simply "I love you because you are my father" with
her sisters` long speeches of love. Also the reader will realize the true love is not said
but it is felt, where it was appeared when King Lear divided his kingdom between two
.daughters and ignored Cordelia because she was not able to express her love

The researcher's goals are to explain the true love and passion, also to show that the
true love does not vanish from the heart even if a person is treated badly by the person
he loves. Through the research the researcher will try to correct and confirm the real
meaning of true love which is expressed by deeds not with words and to show how
the expressions of feelings in actions rather than words can increase the love and
peace we give each other. The reader will discover that one who loves you is the one
who speaks more is not necessary true .And to correct the idea it is not what we say; it

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is what we do that shows us who we really are. And the research will raise awareness
that would help people to comprehend that feeling not only by words because true
.love can never be described merely by words alone
In King Lear, Shakespeare addresses the issue of true love. Nowadays most of people
do not know the means of true love and we desperately need this love to do a lot of
things together to make this world a better place for us and also to learn how to
express our feelings in an effective way without hurting each other's feeling. People
will be able to differentiate if they listen to their hearts and know that what people
say about love may not be linked to love. Because the words will never be a true
measure in the expression of love and the reader will understand this .In this research
the researcher hopes that people understand how they can love and respect other
people even if some of them tend to treat us badly at times. When the people can
control their feelings and express them through proper actions, I believe their friends
and colleagues can better understand them.
Literature Review:
True love is a central element in King Lear and is formed by Shakespeare who
presents the real meaning of true love and loyalty as opposed by selfish love. The
reader will realize the same thing that King Lear discovers in his life, the real meaning
of true love is through deeds not with fake words. People will be able to differentiate
if they listen to their hearts and know that what people say about love may not be
linked to love.The parent-child realationship in King Lear shows us tragic ending to
the poor heroine,Cordelia, who pays the price for the father`s misjudjment . The
lesson that Lear learns about the true meaning of love is too late because he loses the
. only person who loves him

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Stephen Orgel adds a further insight to our understanding of the Cordelia
:character and how she embodies the true love in King Lear
.CORDELIA. You have begot me, bred me, loved me
:I return those duties back as are right fit
.Obey you, love you, and most honor you
Why have my sisters' husbands if they say
,they love you all? Haply, when I shall wed
that lord whose hand must take my plight shall carry
.half my love with him, half my care and duty
Sure I shall never marry like my sisters
.to love my father all (1.1.106-115)
The image that the writer used in his book describes one of the only genuinely
principled characters in the play. But she does inherit some of her fathers features
she inherited his pride and, like her father, she can be headstrong. Many articles
display "Cordelia analysis"(2010) by Ph.D. and Masters students from Stanford,
Harvard, and Berkeley; a perfect description of Cordelia who forgave her father after
he discarded her because she did not like to hear him empty words of tongue and only
love in her heart, who unlike her two sisters that they flatter their father and then
throw him out of the house once they've got his money. And Cordelia's honesty and
integrity contrast with her sisters' selfish insincerity.
Lear's character, his rash haste, his violent impetuosity and his blindness to "
every thing but the dictates of his passions or affections that produces all his
misfortunes, that aggravates his impatience of them, that enforces our pity for him".
This point has already been argued (Hazlitt: 12-18) .Also, about Lear's character in
King Lear: The Attack on Fatherhood and the Destruction of Hierarchy by Mitchell

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Kalpakgian Simpson College. Lear discovers the meaning between sentimentality and
love, between insincere words and just deeds, between selfishness and selflessness.
Cordelia, however, honor the bond between father and child and continue to perform
their filial duties, even though has suffered injustice from the blindness of their
.fathers' rash judgments
In "Shakespeare's King Lear - Cordelia and King Lear." (2008) in which Ryan
Cutts discusses the parent-child relationship are so important to the meaning of King
Lear, though Lear shows that he misunderstands the way in which a daughter's love to
her father should be expresses, and fundamentally misjudges Regan and Goneril,
taking their flattery at face value. However, if he misjudges those two, his judgment
of Cordelia is something close to a crime. And in Websters Random House College
Dictionary defines love as, a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep
affection. According to this definition, there is much love displays in Shakespeare's,
King Lear. However, the debate between love and true or real love remains. It can be
says that all three of King Lear's daughters loves him, however, only Cordelia truly
loves him. It can be argues that Lear loves all three of his daughters, but by the end of
.the play, it is painfully clear that he only truly loves Cordelia
According to these diverse sources, all agree that the inability of Cordelia to
express her love for his father did not like what King Lear understood as a lack of
affection. But entirely contrast , it is real love- rare type does not exist anymore it
died and buried with the faithful daughter . In this research, the researcher is trying to
increase awareness and understanding for people to understand that love is not just a
tune you can create without a musical instrument . Unfortunately,till now there are
people deceived by the flowery words like King Lear did. The research supports the
effectiveness of understanding the real meaning of true love.

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I. Introduction
a. The relationship between father and daughter, and how the true
.love will show in actions more than words
b. The mistakes that King Lear fall in it and how can people avoid
.these mistakes
II. King Lear Background
a. King Lear in Shakespeare's lifetime
i. Shakespeare's life
ii. Shakespeare as a Writer
iii. Shakespeare's Work
b. Feature of the Composition of King Lear

History of the King Lear

ii. Technique in King Lear


Inspiration from King Lear

III. Conflict between Fathers and Daughters

a. King Lear's Character

His Definition for love


Misjudgment and Regret


Lesson Learned

b. Cordelia's Character
i. Her Love to her Father
ii. Her Actions

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iii. Her Destiny
IV. The tragedy of King Lear
a. Painful Consequences
i. Cordelia's Death
ii. Lear's Regret
iii. The Sad Ending of King Lear
b. Lessons learned from King Lear
i. The true meaning of love
ii. Words of genuine and deceptive
iii. True love without conditions
V. Conclusion
a. Analytic Summery
i. King Lear's Behavior
ii. Cordelia's Behavior
iii. Actions Louder than Words
b. The world can not truly be seen with the eye
c. You too, can be fooled by flowery words. In order to avoid this
you have to follow your heart, which may be err sometimes but
you will not regret late

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Works Cited
Hazlitt, William." King Lear Character Analysis." Absolute Shakespeare 3 July
2001:12-18.Absolute Shakespeare .2005.Amer.Assn. For the Advancement .15
Des.2010 <http://absoluteshakespeare.com/guides/king Lear /character/king
Lear characters essay.htm>.
Kalpakgian, Mitchell. King Lear: The Attack on Fatherhood and the Destruction of
Hierarchy. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1990.
"King Lear". The free encyclopedia. Home page.14 Dec 2010<http://en. wikipedia.
org / wiki/king Lear>.
Shakespeare, William. King Lear. Ed. Stephen Orgel. New York: Penguin Group,
"Shakespeare's King Lear - Cordelia and King Lear." 123HelpMe.com. 14 Dec
.<http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=12078> 2010
,.Shmoop Editorial Team. "King Lear" Shmoop.com. Shmoop University, Inc
-Nov. 2008.Web.15 December 2010 <http://shmoop.com/king 11
.< Lear/cordelia.htm
Webster, Noah." love." Websters Random House College Dictionary. 2ed.New
.York: house Reference, 2005

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