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The Synthesis Essay


Minimum Requirements


*You must meet these minimum requirements in order to receive a passing grade for your essay:

Refer to at least five different sources in the body of the essay using SIP format: must include
A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid and a t least two additional sources from B6, B7, and/or B8..
Include at least one image in the body of the essay
List your sources in an alphabetical MLA formatted Works Cited section at the end of the essay
Develop your essay to include six or more complete and well developed paragraphs and at
least 1,000 words in length total
Do not plagiarize (copy and paste, substitute, and/or over-quote)
Do not refer to Wikipedia (any information found there can be traced to a more reliable source
using the bibliography information)
Do not use second-person references ("you")
You must "mostly meet expectations" for ALL criteria on the essay rubric in order to pass (see

Description of Expectations
*You must mostly meet expectations for all criteria listed in order to receive a passing
grade for your essay:

Introduction paragraph hooks the audience, funnels and develops ideas

smoothly, and provides enough information to effectively engage the audience
and prepare them for the thesis statement
Thesis statement is the last sentence of the introduction paragraph and conveys
a specific, interesting, arguable main point while establishing the scope of the
essay (must respond directly to the essay prompt and demonstrate complex,
critical thinking)
Body paragraphs include at least three unique, specific, interesting, and
arguable sub-points, stated in the first sentence of each, that support and
thoroughly develop the thesis statement, break the essay down into manageable
parts, and maintain unity/focus
Sub-points are supported with a variety of credible and convincing information
(quoted, paraphrased, and/or summarized source material)
Quoted, paraphrased, and/or summarized information is cited properly using SIP
format, or MLA style (signal phrases and parenthetical in-text citations)
Sub-points are further developed with logical and detailed explanations/analysis
to clarify and illuminate the connections between the information and the






sub-points, and the sub-points and the thesis statement (explanations/analysis

demonstrate critical thinking and clarify the authors purpose)
Body paragraphs provide sufficient background information and explanation to
give context and understanding for the sub-points made within the essay
(placement is well planned with the audience in mind)
Ideas are organized effectively at the sentence, paragraph, and essay level
Transitions at the sentence, paragraph, and essay level aid in understanding and
Conclusion paragraph reminds the audience of the importance of the thesis
statement and adequately wraps up the ideas in the essay without introducing
new points, leaving the audience with a thoughtful final impression
Voice and tone are effective for the audience and purpose: academic, mature,
and consistent (the writing is free of second person and student-specific
references, vocabulary/word choice is precise and meaningful, and the author
uses rhetorical appeals to engage the audience) * Use of first person, if included,
is minimal and provides effective rhetorical appeal.
Sentences are varied, complex, and controlled; the essay contains few
mechanical errors (spelling/usage, punctuation, grammar)
Page formatting is creative and shows an effort to experiment with the rhetoric of
display to appeal to the audience
MLA works cited section is accurate and meets the minimum requirements for
sources for the essay

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