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Facilitated Technique: Assistive Technology

Activity title: Photography using AT

Equipment: Camera (AT devices that will be discussed in the adaptations)
Description: This activity promotes creativity, inclusion and will develop
leisure interest and lifestyle. The CTRS will meet with the individual to see
the persons strength and choose which AT will be less restrictive but also
allow them to successfully carry out the therapeutic goal of associated with
photography. The first part, will be for the CTRS to train the participants how
to use there AT devices efficiently to take pictures. This activity can be done
in a group setting of 5 people, at a location that interest all participants in
the group.
Leadership Considerations: The CTRS needs to review the medical charts
and have an interview with the participant prior to the activity. They must be
fully experienced in using the assistive technology that will be assigned to
the person and effective in training them how to use it. Also, during the
activity they must observe the AT being used and make sure that the
participant are not to dependent on it and it is not restricting them in
anyway. Further modifications might have to be made.
Adaptations for people who are visually impaired: For a person who is
visually impaired one adaptions would be to make the LCD screen larger on
the camera. Also, training the person to use their other senses to complete
the activity will also be a modification. An AT can be used which analyses the

light and produces a sound that will signal how bright or dark the area is.
This would help the participants adjust the brightness on the camera.
Adaptations for people with developmental disabilities: Motor
function would be an area of concern for a person with developmental
disabilities. If a person is in a wheelchair, a tripod can be replaced with a
mounting system, that would be placed on their leg, to steady the camera.
Adaptation sources:
Dattilo, J. (2000). Facilitation techniques in therapeutic recreation (3rd ed.).
State College, PA:
Porter, H. R. (2015). Recreational therapy for specific diagnoses and
conditions. Enumclaw, WA:
Idyll Arbor.
Gordon, D. (n.d.). Assistive technology for photography. Retrieved November 2, 2016, from

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