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1.3 Sample size
a. Definition : A number in a trial or sample, the larger samples increase the chance of
finding a significant difference, but large samples need cost more money.
1.4 Sample tehcnique
a. Process of selecting cases to represent a population and can inference about the
population can be made (Polit & Beck, 2012)
b. In quantitative study, sample tehcnique is divided by 2, as follow
1. Probability sampling
Probability sampling involves the random selection of elements from a
Probability sampling is more representative than non probability sampling
Equal, Independent chance of being selected, must develop sampling frame
Sample must be randomly selected from the sampling frame.
Types of probability sampling are Draw a label, Systematic sampling, Stratified
random sampling (SRS) , Cluster sampling and Multi-stage random sampling
2. Non probability sampling
This sampling is selected by nonrandom methods
Types of Non probability sampling are Convenient or accidental or volunteer
sampling, Purposive or Judgment sampling, Quota sampling and Snowball
B. Based on Article Provided
1. Target population in this study is patients who have MI at Auckland City Hospital
2. Inclusion criteria of sample in this study is patients who have MI at Auckland City
Hospital, the age less than 70 years old, can speak english, and do not have serious
psychiatric illness
3. In this study researcher used non probability sampling particularly Purposive
sampling, due to in this study researcher consider to select sample by looking age,
type of disease and do not have psychiatric problem. Thus, the rsearcher
appropriate choose purposive sampling.

4. Sample size in this study is 103 patients consists of 51 patients or 29

spouses/patient and 52 patients or 28 sp ouses/patient.
5. In this study, researcher did not explain clearly how calculate population so that the
researcher got sample size is 103 patients.

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