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Study on the microclimate condition along

a green pedestrian canyon in Singapore

Nyuk Hien Wong and Steve Kardinal Jusuf*
Department of Building, National University of Singapore, 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566, Singapore

The research on urban canyons in the tropics is still very limited. Currently, the research focus has been on the temperate
climate, especially in the development of the urban canyon temperature prediction model. In the Singapore context, the
cooling impacts of greenery in the form of parks and rooftop gardens have been well established. However, the cooling effects
within the different green canyon forms have not yet been explored. Experimental data were therefore collected in this study to
examine the issues. Firstly, the microclimate condition and the thermal effects along two pedestrian canyons with different
greenery and building distribution conditions were investigated. The results show that the cooling effects inside the canyons
vary as a function of vegetation cover and shading effect from trees and buildings. Planting vegetation within the canyon can
be an effective passive measure to improve the microclimatic condition. Secondly, pedestrian thermal comfort was also cal-
culated. The calculated mean radiant temperature and physiologically equivalent temperature show that mature trees are able
to provide thermal comfort to the pedestrian due to their ability to provide sufficient shading.

Keywords: Green pedestrian canyon; impact of trees; microclimate condition; outdoor thermal comfort; Singapore

the cluster of trees demonstrated that, on average, there is a

INTRODUCTION 0.1K higher air temperature detectable under the single tree
Rapid urbanization is taking place and 61% of the worlds than under the cluster of tree crowns. The maximum differ-
population is projected to live in cities and towns by 2030 ences of 30.8 and 34.1K in TMRT were found between places
(United Nations, 1997). Increasing urbanization has turned that were heavy and lightly influenced by trees. The
cities into densely populated urban areas with less trees, maximum mean differences are 19.3 and 21.0K, respect-
more roads and more buildings. The loss of vegetations ively. The physiologically equivalent temperature (PET)
and their replacements with buildings or pavements increase showed maximum differences of 17.6 and 16.6K, whereas
the heat storage in the ground layer and building fabrics, con- in relation to the mean values, there were maximum differ-
tributing to the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon (Oke, ences of 7.5 and 9.9K.
1982). This phenomenon has become a rising concern to In the Singapore context, Chen and Wong (2006) investi-
the quality of the urban environment. gated the cooling impacts of greenery in the form of parks.
It is evident from the past studies that planting of vege- Through a field measurement, the built environment,
tation in urban areas is the simplest and most effective located close to a park, has a lower average air temperature
way of cooling the air temperature. From infrared photo- of 1.3K. Thus, the more the parks that are built in an urban
graphs, it can be seen that large parks appear as cold area, the lower the urban air temperature. The results
spots, indicating their ability to mitigate the UHI effect derived from the traffic analysis and simulation showed
(Forsyth and Musacchio, 2005). A preliminary study on 61 that every 1K air temperature reduction lowers the cooling
city parks in Taiwan has shown that urban parks have a energy consumption by 5%. The air temperatures measured
lower average air temperature than the surroundings of inside the parks also have a strong relationship with the
0.81K at noon in the summer (Chang, 2007). Streiling and density of plants, since plants with higher leaf area indexes
Matzarakis (2003) investigated the influence of single and (LAIs) may cause lower ambient temperatures.
small cluster groups of trees on the bioclimatic condition The shade of trees can also be an effective passive method
of the city. Between the areas with trees and without trees, of solar control for buildings (Papadakis et al., 2001). The
the maximum air temperature difference was 2.2K. The radiative and thermal loads in the area shaded with high
mean differences of the air temperature were 1.0 and 0.9K, trees were significantly lower than those of the non-shaded
respectively. The differences between the single tree and area. Vegetation, when properly located and arranged, can

*Corresponding author: Email: stevekj@nus.edu.sg


doi:10.3763/asre.2009.0029 #2010 Earthscan ISSN: 0003-8628 (print), 1758-9622 (online) www.earthscan.co.uk/journals/asre
Study on the microclimate condition along a green pedestrian canyon in Singapore 197

provide maximum cooling and reduce the outdoor air temp- or various canyon types. However, similar studies in tropical
erature by up to 2.7K (Parker, 1983). climates are rather limited and the cooling effects within the
Wong et al. (2002) studied the impact of intensive and different green canyon forms have not been explored. This
extensive rooftop greenery on buildings and on the environ- study will look into this aspect of work with the aim of pro-
ment in Singapore. Rooftop greenery can provide benefits viding a better understanding of the microclimatic environ-
not only to the building, but also to the environments ment in these canyons. This article involves two aspects of
ambient temperature condition. With an intensive system, study: (i) investigation of the microclimatic condition of
the surface temperature may be reduced by up to 31K and two different pedestrian canyons and (ii) the cooling effect
the ambient temperature at 1m may be reduced by up to inside the canyons, including canyon ability to provide
1.5K. The impact of rooftop greenery is clearer for a metal thermal comfort to pedestrians.
roof. Without plants, the surface temperature of the metal
roof can be up to 60 708C during daytime and lower than
20K at night-time. With plants, it ranges only from 248C
to 328C. The benefits of reducing the surface temperature
by greenery can be observed from the mean surface tempera- Located between latitudes 18090 N and 18290 N and longitudes
ture differences between the hard metal surface and those 1038360 E and 1048250 E, Singapore can be classified as
below the plants. They are 4.7, 1.9 and 1.4K with the pres- having a hot humid climate. Uniform high air temperatures,
ence of dense plants, sparse plants and weed, respectively. humidity and rainfall throughout the year characterize the
However, in urban areas, having large greenery areas may climate. The diurnal temperature variations are small with
be a constraint. As a result, the microclimatic conditions in the range for minimum and maximum air temperatures of
these canyons become the most crucial element in influen- 23 268C and 31 348C, respectively. The mean annual air
cing the citys overall climate (Shashua-Bar and Hoffman, temperature was 27.48C between the period 1982 and 2001.
2004). A city with various land uses may comprise warm Relative humidity (RH) is generally high and although it
and cold areas as a result of distinct urban land use invariably exceeds 90% in the early hours of the morning just
change. The change between park and built-up area can before sunrise, it frequently falls to 60% during the after-
produce urban air temperature differences up to 7K noons when there is no rain. During the prolonged heavy
(Spronken-Smith, 1998). rains, RH often reaches 100%. Between the period 1982
Toudert (2005) studied different street designs to improve and 2001, the mean annual RH was 83.5%.
outdoor thermal comfort in the hot and dry climate of There are two main seasons in Singapore: northeast (NE)
Ghardia, Algeria and in the temperate climate of Freiburg, monsoon and southwest (SW) monsoon seasons. The NE
Germany. The study found that wide streets (H/W  0.5) monsoon occurs between November and early March, with
are not favourable for either E W or N S street orientation. the prevailing wind blowing from north to northeast. Mean-
However, N S orientation has some advantages and its while, the SW monsoon occurs between June and Septem-
benefit increases as the aspect ratio (H/W) increases. ber, with the prevailing wind blowing from south to
Shashua-Bar and Hoffman (2004) found similar findings in southwest. Two short inter-monsoon periods with a duration
their microclimatic study of urban streets and courtyards of two months separate the main seasons.
with trees. Increasing the building height from 12 to 24m There is no clear distinct wet or dry season as rainfall
reduces the air temperature by 1.5K in a street or a courtyard occurs throughout the year. However, the NE monsoon
24m wide. The cooling effect in the N S street orientation is season is considered as wet weather, since the wind is gener-
slightly stronger, about 0.64K, than that in the E W orien- ally cool and brings frequent spells of wet weather at about
tation in the H/W 1.0 cluster with high albedo. Another 48% of total annual rainfall. On the other hand, the SW
study in a hot and dry climate (Johansson, 2006) also con- monsoon wind brings about 36% of total annual rainfall.
cluded that a deep canyon is favourable to providing shade
in the summer, cooler by as much as 10K during the
hottest period, as compared to a shallow canyon.
In addition to canyon geometry, materials and orientation,
researchers have also been interested in vegetation as a
climate component in urban street design. Shashua-Bar and Object of study
Hoffman (2000) studied the cooling effect of 11 small The National University of Singapore (NUS) campus
urban green sites with trees in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Tree complex can be considered as a city on a smaller scale
shading provided an average of a 3K cooling effect at noon- (Figure 1). From the estate-wide air temperature measure-
time, while the specific cooling effect of the site due to its ment (Wong et al., 2007a, b), daytime heat island intensity
geometry and tree characteristics, besides the shading, was (4K) was found to be higher than night-time heat island
found to be relatively small at about 0.5K. intensity (3K). Prince George Park Residence (PGP) is one
Many researchers have explored the climatic impact of of the hottest areas in the NUS campus due to its high-
vegetation and small green areas on either building energy density building arrangement and less greenery.


198 Wong and Jusuf

Figure 1 | Measurement points at the ENG (see Table 1 for the detailed equipment)

Two different characteristics of pedestrian canyons, in the enclosed between two blocks of four-storey-high buildings
Faculty of Engineering (ENG) and the PGP of NUS, were (Figure 1). The average H/W was 1.3. The site was predomin-
selected for the measurements. The first canyon was situated antly mature trees and they covered the canyon extensively.
in ENG, between the E4 and E5 buildings. It was 14m wide, The second canyon was in PGP . It was on average 13m wide


Study on the microclimate condition along a green pedestrian canyon in Singapore 199

with 7 13-storey-high residential buildings adjoining it canopy height of trees and shrubs as compared to the
(Figure 2). The calculated average H/W was 1.7. The canyon sidewalk at ENG. Both locations had the same
canyon had a relatively young and moderate or low NW SE orientation.

Figure 2 | Measurement points at the PGP (see Table 1 for the detailed equipment)


200 Wong and Jusuf

Table 1 | Measurement equipment and parameters

Symbol Parameter Equipment Accuracy Sensor Logging
height interval
Air temperature and RH HOBO H08-003-02 +0.28C at 1.8m 1min, averaged
(Continuous) 218C to 1h data
Ground surface temperature T-type thermocouple +1.58C On 1min, averaged
(Continuous) wire and HOBO U12-014 surface to 1h data
Wind speed/direction inside S-WCA-M003 wind speed +0.5m/s 1.8m 1min, averaged
canyon and solar radiation and direction sensors +10W/ 1.8m to 1h data
below tree (Continuous) Silicon pyranometer # m2 1min, averaged
S-LIB-M003 to 1h data
Complete weather stations HOBO weather station 1.8m 1min, averaged
(Continuous) to 1h data

Field measurements speed/direction. These WSs served as reference points for the
Field measurements were carried out from 17 July to 20 respective canyons and were configured to measure at 1-min
October 2007. Table 1 and Figure 3 show the complete intervals. Other HOBO weather stations (WS 2) were put in
measured parameters and equipment. All the meteorological the middle of the canyon, mainly to measure wind speed/direc-
equipment was calibrated for a few days in a controlled tion and solar radiation at pedestrian level inside the canyon.
NUS weather station (NUS WS)
Microclimate condition inside the canyon Meteorological data from the NUS WS were also collected to
Figures 1 and 2 show the various measured parameters and obtain the climatic data above the canyons. The WS is
the locations of measurement points in both locations. At located on the rooftop of a building in the ENG and main-
ENG, there were eight measurement points stretching over tained by the Department of Geography (2008), NUS.
an approximate length of 135m. Points 1 5 were placed
within the canyon, while Points 6 8 were placed outside Calculation of mean radiant temperature (MRT)
it. At PGP Residences, there were seven measurement and PET
points installed over a span of 125m. To study the performance of two different characteristics of
Meanwhile, HOBO weather stations (WS 1) were put on a canyons in providing thermal comfort to the pedestrian, a
nearby (within 100m) open place with minimal effect from the thermal comfort index, PET, was calculated. PET is
canyon and greenery. The WSs recorded the weather data, defined to be equivalent to the air temperature that is required
which included air temperature, RH, solar radiation and wind to reproduce, in a standardized indoor setting and for a stan-
dardized person, the core and skin temperatures that are
observed under the conditions being assessed (Hoppe,
1999). Hoppe developed PET based on the Munich energy-
balance model for individuals (MEMI), which models the
thermal conditions of the human body in a physiologically
relevant way. This model is a modification of Fangers
indoor thermal comfort indices predicted mean vote and
predicted percentage dissatisfied, so that it is applicable
to the outdoor conditions by assigning appropriate par-
ameters to adjust the model with a much more complex
outdoor radiation condition. The MEMI model is based on
the energy balance Equation (1) for the human body,
where the unit of all heat flows is in Watt:
M W R C ED ERe ESw S 0 1
where M is the metabolic rate (internal energy production);
W is the physical work output; R is the net radiation of the
Figure 3 | Weather station at reference point (left) and HOBO
body; C is the convective heat flow; ED is the latent heat
on the lamppost for temperature/RH measurement inside the
flow to evaporate water diffusing through the skin (imper-
canyon (right)
ceptible perspiration); ERe is the sum of heat flows for


Study on the microclimate condition along a green pedestrian canyon in Singapore 201

heating and humidifying the inspired air; ESw is the heat flow temperature data. Table 2 shows the selected dates for the
due to evaporation of sweat and S is the storage heat flow for analysis.
heating or cooling the body mass.
The individual heat flows in Equation (1) are controlled
by the following meteorological parameters (Hoppe, 1999): Microclimatic condition inside the canyons
Air temperature
air temperature: C, ERe
Before discussing the air temperature profile inside the
humidity: ED, ERe, ESw
canyon, the background air temperature of the respective
wind velocity: C, ESw
canyons was studied (see Figure 4). On the typical hot
mean radiant temperature: R.
days 5 6 August 2008, from morning until noontime, the
PET has been used in many outdoor thermal comfort studies ENG site has slightly higher air temperature than the PGP
(Matzarakis et al., 1999, Spagnolo and de Dear, 2003) and is site and it remains higher until around 19.00 hours,
sufficient for use in a comparison study of thermal comfort in whereas the PGP site is warmer until around 08.00 hours.
tropical climate canyons (Johansson and Emmanuel, 2006). The heat storage flux in the ground during this period is
Another important parameter to determine thermal negative and it gives heat to the surface after 16.00 hours,
comfort is MRT, especially in outdoor conditions, and which is greater in the PGP site than in the ENG site since
solar radiation intensity is the main climatic parameter that the PGP site is characterized by high-density building
influences the MRT value. RayMan 1.2 software (Matzara- arrangement and less greenery (Hamdi and Schayes, 2005).
kis et al., 2000) was used to calculate the MRT and PET The air temperature difference between NUS WS and both
values of the ENG and PGP canyons. canyons reference points (WS 1) is larger during daytime
To calculate the MRT and PET values inside the canyon, than at night-time. As mentioned, NUS WS was located on
solar radiation below tree data was used rather than solar the engineering building rooftop, where the wind speed is
radiation at the reference points from the respective higher than at the ground level and the prevailing wind direc-
canyons. The tree in the obstacle menu of RayMan 1.2 soft- tion was relatively perpendicular to canyon orientation (see
ware serves as a parameter to calculate the sky view factor the Wind section below). Hence, during daytime, the wind
(SVF) value. It is important to note that using the reference shear provides a more cooling effect at the rooftop level as
points solar radiation data will present a misleading MRT compared to the ground level. Meanwhile, during night-time
and PET value for the ENG canyon that has mature trees when there is no solar radiation, the thermal properties of the
fully covering its canyon. It will provide high MRT and building fabrics and the pavement generate the temperature
PET values, which to the contrary is not the case. difference (Arnfield, 2003).
The PET threshold value of 338C was used as the upper The average air temperatures of all the measurement
limit value to achieve outdoor thermal comfort, borrowed points inside the ENG (Points 1 5) and PGP (Points 1 7)
from the Dhaka outdoor thermal comfort zone (Ahmed, canyons are shown in Figure 5 together with their respective
2003). Johansson and Emmanuel (2006) used this method, reference point to show the average air temperature condition
since there is no established outdoor thermal comfort zone along the canyon. The air temperature inside the ENG
for tropical climate. In the Singapore context, Dhakas canyon is lower around 0.7 1.1K as compared to the PGP
PET threshold value is probably too high, since Singapore site during daytime and maintains its coolness at about
has a greener environment and less pollution, which may 0.4 0.5K during night-time. The mature trees planted
give a higher tolerance for Singapores inhabitants towards along the ENG canyon provide very good shading to the ped-
hot and humid climate conditions. estrian walkway (see Figure 1 as compared to Figure 2).
For the subject parameters, light trousers and short- Shashua-Bar and Hoffman (2000) also found that higher
sleeved clothing of 0.5clo were used and activity of 115W tree canopies reduce the heating effect from the surrounding
was set as walking at a speed of 0.89m/s (ASHRAE, environment through the shading effect.
1989). The other climatic parameters (air temperature, RH, It is very clear from Figure 5 that the air temperature
wind speed, solar radiation) were structured as the average inside the ENG canyon is lower than its reference point.
of 24-hour data on selected hot days. Meanwhile, the condition is reversed in the PGP site where
young palm trees dominate its canyon. These palm trees
are not able to provide sufficient shading and cooling to
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION the environment due to the condition of their leaves. The
The data analysis focuses on fairly clear and hot weather LAI value is only 2.2 as compared to 5.3, the mature trees
conditions, selected by analysing the solar radiation and air in the ENG site. The time shift of peak air temperature is

Table 2 | Selected days of fairly clear and hot weather condition (total 20 days)
July August September October
Selected dates - 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 25 5, 9, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30 3, 4, 5, 6


202 Wong and Jusuf

Figure 4 | Temperature condition at ENG, PGP reference point (WS 1) and NUS WS

Figure 5 | Average air temperature (20 hot days) of all the measurement points inside the ENG and PGP canyons as compared
to ENG, PGP reference point (WS 1) and NUS WS during the period between 17 July and 20 October 2007


Study on the microclimate condition along a green pedestrian canyon in Singapore 203

Figure 6 | Average RH of all the measurement points inside the ENG and PGP canyons on clear hot days between 17 July and
20 October 2007

probably due to differentiation of solar reception inside the radiation that is described in Beers law (Jones, 1992). The
canyon. The air temperature in the ENG site is at the sudden drop in the solar radiation intensity at the PGP site
maximum at 15.00 hours, while at the PGP site and the increase at the ENG site at 14.00 hours are mainly
the maximum is at 14.00 hours. It can be concluded that due to the positioning of the solar radiation sensors. At
the maximum air temperature at different sites may not 14.00 hours, at the PGP site, multiple layers of palm
occur at the same time. There is a strong influence from leaves coincidentally blocked the solar radiation. Similarly,
the sites specific characteristics, such as canyon geometry at the ENG site, the solar radiation was able to penetrate
and the existence and density of greenery. through the gap between mature trees.
The ground surface temperature at the PGP site is higher,
Relative humidity on average, by 2K as compared to the ground surface temp-
In the early morning, the RH on both sites is relatively erature at the ENG site (Figure 8). This is because the solar
similar to the average of around 82% (see Figure 6). The radiation received by the PGP canyon is higher. However,
RH difference is then becoming larger when the sun starts this surface temperature is not as high as compared to the
rising and reaching its maximum around 15.00 hours when bare asphalt surface, which can reach a maximum surface
the ENG site is 5% higher. This can be explained by the temperature up to 618C (Santamouris, 2001). The pavement
fact that PGP, on average, has a higher air temperature and of the PGP site is made from yellow sandstone, which is con-
less greenery. sidered as a light colour. A light colour pavement has been
proved to have a lower surface temperature, since it helps
Solar radiation below tree and surface temperature to reflect the heat (Doulos et al., 2004). The measured
The solar radiation inside the PGP canyon is higher as com- average solar reflectivity from the ENG pavement is 0.25
pared to the ENG canyon (see Figure 7). Although both the as compared to 0.3 in the PGP site. However, the high reflec-
solar sensors were placed below the tree, it shows that palm tivity of a sandstone pavement reduces the visual comfort of
trees, which dominate the PGP canyon, are not able to pedestrians.
provide sufficient shading. The trees leaves density has a The ground surface temperature in the ENG site is similar
strong correlation with the trees ability to intercept solar to the ambient air temperature, although the pavement is


204 Wong and Jusuf

Figure 7 | Average solar radiation below tree (20 hot days) measured at point WS 2 in the ENG and PGP canyons during the
period between 17 July and 20 October 2007

Figure 8 | Average ground surface temperature inside the ENG and PGP canyons (20 hot days) during the period between 17
July and 20 October 2007


Study on the microclimate condition along a green pedestrian canyon in Singapore 205

made of black pebble stone. This is because the mature trees to provide shading, but also to block and redirect wind direc-
can provide very good shading. Meanwhile, in the PGP site, tion (Olgyay, 1992).
the ground surface temperature can be up to 2K higher as Figure 10 shows that the prevailing wind direction during
compared to the ambient temperature. With a higher the period of measurement came from the southern and
surface temperature, the thermal comfort of pedestrians can southeastern directions, relatively perpendicular to the
be affected due to a higher mean radiant temperature canyons orientation, where around 22% was calm wind
(Johansson and Emmanuel, 2006). (0.5 2.1m/s). The wind inside the ENG canyon followed
the canyon orientation. The wind blew in a direction from
Point 1 to Point 5. This is understandable because the area
Wind outside the canyon edge in Point 1 is an open space, which
In Figure 9, the average wind speed over the 20 hot days is has a higher altitude than the other side of the canyon
between 1.0 and 4.0m/s measured at the NUS WS (rooftop). Meanwhile, the observation found inside the ENG canyon
Meanwhile, the wind speed at the pedestrian level is low, less is different from that inside the PGP canyon. In the PGP
than 1.5m/s during daytime and less than 0.5m/s during canyon, the wind direction follows the southern prevailing
night-time. The graph also shows a pattern in which the wind direction. The position of WS 2 for wind measurement
wind speed starts to increase at 09.00 hours and reaches its was located in a small open space in the middle of the canyon
maximum speed at 15.00 hours. The ENG reference point (see Figure 2). Hence, the wind direction at this location was
(WS 1) has the lowest average wind speed due to its location, not influenced by the canyon orientation as in the ENG
surrounded by some mature trees and building blocks, which canyon.
prevents it from prevailing wind blow most of the time,
although the location was relatively open to the sky. On Calculated MRT and PET values
average, the wind speed inside the ENG canyon is lower Figures 11 and 12 show the calculated MRT and PET values
than inside the PGP canyon. The dense greenery inside the inside the ENG and PGP canyons and their respective refer-
ENG canyon is believed to reduce the wind speed that ence points. The representative point for the ENG canyon is
passed through inside the canyon. Trees are able not only Point 3 (ENG 3) located in the middle of the canyon and

Figure 9 | Average wind speed (20 hot days) in ENG, PGP and NUS WS (20 hot days) during the period between 17 July and
20 October 2007


206 Wong and Jusuf

Figure 10 | Wind speed and prevailing wind (blowing from) direction in ENG, PGP and NUS WS


Study on the microclimate condition along a green pedestrian canyon in Singapore 207

Figure 11 | Calculated MRT inside the ENG and PGP canyons and its respective reference point on selected clear hot days

Figure 12 | Calculated PET value inside the ENG and PGP canyons and its respective reference point on selected clear hot


208 Wong and Jusuf

fully covered below by mature trees and that for the PGP Cooling effect of greenery along the canyon
caynon is Point 3 located in the middle of the canyon In this section, the air temperature behaviour in each
under a young palm tree. As mentioned in the methodology, measurement point along the canyon and the cooling effect
the calculation made use of the solar radiation data below of greenery are discussed. The cooling effect of each
the trees. Consequently, for the PGP canyon, the calculated measurement point was calculated by the subtraction of the
MRT and PET values for a subject who walks along the air temperature at respective points with the reference point.
PGP canyon were expected to be higher, close to the value
of the PGP reference point value, since young palm trees At the ENG site
are not able to fully cover the canyons and high solar radi- To determine the time of maximum cooling effect occur-
ation intensity inside the canyon can be expected. rence inside the canyon, the cooling effect profiles of
The calculated MRT-ENG 3 value is lower than the each measurement point were plotted against the 24h time-
MRT-PGP 3 one (see Figure 11). The young palm tree is line (see Figure 13). This shows that at most of the
not able to provide shading to the subject as compared to points, especially points inside the canyon (Points 1 5),
the mature tree. On the other hand, the MRT of the the maximum cooling effect occurs twice a day, in the
ENG reference point is slightly higher than the PGP refer- morning at 11.00 hours and in the afternoon at 15.00
ence point due to a higher SVF value (0.91 compared to hours. This phenomenon is different from the findings of
0.86). Shashua-Bar and Hoffman (2000), who describe in the
The calculated PET value inside the ENG and PGP methodology that the maximum cooling effect occurred
canyons is shown in Figure 12. At the ENG canyon, the only at 15.00 hours, which coincided with the maximum
mature trees are able to provide thermal comfort at almost daily air temperature in Tel-Aviv, Israel. For Points 5
all daytime hours, except at 14.00 hours, when the solar radi- and 6, the maximum cooling effect occurred only once in
ation penetrated in between the trees. On the other hand, the morning at around 10.00 hours, while in the afternoon
young palm trees in the PGP canyon are not able to the cooling effect was negligible. These Points 5 and 6
provide comfort to pedestrians due to their less dense leave were located at the edge of the canyon and outside the
characteristics. canyon, respectively, where there is less shading from

Figure 13 | Averaged cooling effect (20 hot days) measured at points inside the canyon in the ENG site


Study on the microclimate condition along a green pedestrian canyon in Singapore 209

Figure 14 | Averaged cooling effect (20 hot days) measured at different points in the ENG site

the greenery, and it was observed that anthropogenic heat the trees stabilize the air temperature inside the canyon,
from the opposite buildings air-conditioning cooling with the result of a further cooling effect at Point 4.
tower further dismisses the cooling effect from the sur- At 15.00 hours, Points 24 are found to display a higher
rounding trees. Meanwhile, although located outside the cooling effect than the other points at the edge of the canyon
canyon, the maximum cooling effect occurred twice at and outside the canyon. This is because the points are situated
Points 7 and 8. This is because they were located near at the mid-section of the canyon, well shaded by dense cano-
mature trees. pies and buildings. The cooling effect at Point 1 is slightly
This twice-maximum cooling effect phenomenon can be lower as it is located at the edge of the canyon, with increased
explained as the effectiveness of mature trees to provide exposure to direct sunshine. It can be realized that leaving the
shading to the canyon. In the morning (09.0011.00 hours), canyon can result in an immediate air temperature increase of
the sun radiation has not radiated the canyon directly due to about 2.1K. There is no cooling effect from the trees at
the shadowing effect of the building and upper tree canopies. Points 5 and 6. The probable reasons are that they are
The air temperature inside the canyon increases gradually exposed to the open space, a reduction of tree shade at their
along with the increase of background temperature. At immediate environment and, as mentioned, there may be
around 11.00 hours, the shading effect of trees gives its first anthropogenic heat from the opposite buildings cooling tower.
maximum cooling effect. When the sun moves gradually to At Point 8, the cooling effect is found to be around 1.2K.
exactly above the head at around 13.00 hours in Singapore, This is higher than the cooling effect at Points 5 7, even
the canyon receives the maximum solar heat gain. Then, as though they are all located outside the canyon. The dense
the sun sets (lower solar elevation), the trees provide shading tree cluster planted at the measurement point causes the
to the canyon and the second maximum cooling effect occurs. lower ambient temperature. It has provided shade to its sur-
The maximum cooling effects in the morning (11.00 roundings and has lowered the air temperature beneath.
hours) and in the afternoon (15.00 hours) are shown in
Figure 14. In general, the cooling effect was observed
inside the canyon sidewalk. It ranges from 0.9 to 1.5K. At the PGP site
The cooling effect pattern of both times is similar to the Figure 15 shows the 24h cooling effect pattern of each point at
cooling effect inside the canyon (Points 2 4). When the PGP site. On average, no significant cooling was observed
the air temperature reaches the maximum at 15.00 hours, along the canyon sidewalk at the PGP site as compared to the


210 Wong and Jusuf

Figure 15 | Averaged cooling effect (20 hot days) measured at points inside the canyon in the PGP site

Figure 16 | Averaged cooling effect (20 hot days) measured at different points in the PGP site


Study on the microclimate condition along a green pedestrian canyon in Singapore 211

ENG site, with only at around 0.5K. The cooling effects are trees in the PGP. The average air temperature inside the
noticeable at some points with the maximum of 0.8K, that is, ENG canyon is lower by around 0.7 1.18C as compared
Points 2, 3 and 5. At these points, the maximum cooling to the PGP canyon during daytime and maintains its cool-
effect pattern follows the phenomenon as in the ENG site. It ness at about 0.4 0.58C during night-time. However,
occurs twice a day, but at a different time, at 10.00 hours in higher RH can be expected by having dense greenery,
the morning and at 17.00 hours in the afternoon. This difference measured up to 5% on average as compared to the PGP
is believed to be due to the difference of site characteristics, such canyon.
as the building density, H/W ratio and greenery condition. The lower air temperature in the ENG canyon is the result
The cooling effects at Points 2 and 3 were at the same inten- of good shading provided by the dense foliage, which is
sity for both times (see Figure 16). Point 3 is situated at the able to intercept much more incoming solar radiation.
centre of a semi-open space, planted with groups of shrubs, The mature tree is able to reduce the solar radiation inten-
small plants and palms, and received no shading from adjoining sity to less than 150W/m2 as compared to the young palm
buildings. The plants brought about the maximum cooling tree to less than 300W/m2. The lower ground surface
effect for the location. At Point 2, young palm trees were at temperatures at the ENG canyon will in turn result in
the left and right sides of the walkways. The collective less heating of the air.
impacts from the cooling effect of young palm trees near the The wind speeds inside both canyons are calm (,0.5m/s)
open space and the shading from the buildings provide with more than 80% of the total occurrence. The wind
the same cooling effect as the air temperature measured at speed inside the canyon is reduced quite substantially at
the centre of the semi-open space. the maximum of around 0.5 1.5m/s as compared to
The heating effect was identified at Points 6 and 7 and above the canyon, which can be up to 4m/s.
a very minimal cooling effect at Point 5 in the morning. At The calculated MRT and PET show that the mature tree is
these points, the cooling effect intensity increases at almost able to provide thermal comfort to the pedestrian walking
the same rate as in the afternoon at 17.00 hours. The effect of along the ENG canyon. On the other hand, assuming that
solar radiation is the main reason for this air temperature behav- the young palm trees cover the whole stretch of the PGP
iour. The curved form of the PGP canyon makes these points canyon, they are still not able to provide thermal
more exposed to the eastern solar radiation than the other comfort to its pedestrian. This is mainly due to the
points. Thus, although not intensively planted with greenery, inability of young palm trees to provide sufficient shading.
these points receive some shade from the surrounding buildings. Mature trees and young palm trees are able to generate a
It is believed that the shade provided by these buildings is the cooling effect up to 1.5 and 0.5K, respectively. The
main factor contributing to the cooling effect in the vicinity. maximum cooling effect inside the canyon, especially
Both Points 1 and 7 are situated at the ends of the canyon, the location below the trees, occurs twice a day, in the
where they are constantly exposed to direct solar radiation. In morning (around 10.00 11.00 hours) and in the after-
addition, there are only small trees and shrubs planted around noon. The afternoon maximum cooling effect may not
the points, which are inadequate to cool the environment happen at the same time for every canyon. It depends on
through their shading. The high building densities and con- the characteristics of the canyons.
crete pavement at the site have also resulted in more heat This study concludes that two main contributory factors influ-
being radiated back to the built environment, thus contributing ence the thermal effect within the canyons. They are vege-
to the heating effect. Comparable to Points 1 and 7, Point 4 is tation covers and shading from buildings and trees. This
situated at the edge of a semi-open space, exposed to similar study has provided an indication that planting of vegetation
conditions as Points 1 and 7: hence, a heating effect is can be an effective passive measure to improve the microcli-
found. The heating effect identified at this point is 0.6K. mate inside a canyon. However, in general, it can be noted
that increasing the greenery density will result in a higher RH.
A comprehensive field measurement has been conducted to
study the microclimatic condition in two different canyons, This research was supported by the Department Building and
ENG and PGP. ENG has the characteristic of mature trees Office of Estate and Development (OED), NUS. The authors
covering its canyon, while PGP has less greenery along the express their sincere thanks to Ms Lina Goh for providing the
canyon, dominated by young palm trees. The objective of necessary information.
this study is to investigate the microclimatic condition of
these two different canyons. The summaries from this
study are as follows:

The mature trees inside the ENG canyon have the ability 1 Based on meteorological data on 1982 2001, National
to lower the air temperature rather than the young palm Environmental Agency, Singapore.


212 Wong and Jusuf

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