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KIN 3090 Worksite Project

Group strength Class Program

Round 1- Stretching
*each exercise 10 reps unless specifically noted
-Looking up and down
-Looking right to left
-Ears to shoulders R/L
-Shrug shoulders
-Shoulder circles forward
-Shoulder circles backward
-Reaching arms straight up forward
-Arms above head from side and clap at top
-Arms bent up to sides and forward
-Arms straight and pull in
- Wrist flicks
-Wrist circles
-Wrist circles backward
-Make fist and open
-Boxing L/R x 40
-Doodly doo (fist circles around each other)
-Doodly doo reverse
** Hands on tummy
- Sit up straight
Breathing in, and out


Round 2- Cardio
* If comfortable, stand behind chair, holding on
1) March on spot (30)
2) Toes up / heels up, rocking back and forth x10
3) Side kick
Right x 10
Left x 10
4) Back kick, if sitting do a forward kick
Right x 10
Left x10
5) Squats x10
Feet shoulder width apart, toes forward
If balance is good, put your arms straight out in front
If not, hold chair
Sit down in chair, and back up
6) Hamstring Curl
Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Work Report

Right x10
Left x 10
*Bend your knee and kick backward towards your bum
7) Balance
Lift right knee, and left arm x 10
Lift left knee and right arm x10
8) Reach forward
Right x10, holding 8th, 9th and 10th longer
Left x10, holding 8th, 9th and 10th longer
9) Side reach
*Bending knee slightly while reaching to each side
Right x 10, holding 8th, 9th and 10th longer
Left x10, holding 8th, 9th and 10th longer
** Hands on tummy
- Sit up straight
Breathing in, and out
**** Handout bands (residents know their band colours)
Round 3- Seated Resistance
1) band shoulder width apart
- Hands out front, pull band out to the side and back
2) left hand on left hip, right arm pulled up on diagonal toward right
3) Right hand on right hip, left arm pulled up on diagonal toward left
4) bow and arrow
Hands about 5 inchs apart, straight out front
Keeping right arm straight, bend left arm in toward side
5) Bow and arrow on opposite side
Keeping left arm straight, bend right arm in toward side
** Arms down for a break
6) Put band under and around knees
With feet flat on the ground, and hands on arm rests
Bring knees out, and in
7) Step into band
Right foot first

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Worksite Project

Bend knee up, kick out, in to bent, and down


** Hands on tummy
- Sit up straight
-Breathing in, and out
** Seated, collect bands
Palms up for hand sanitizer
Round 5- Cool down
1) Light elbow circles forward
2) Light elbow circles backward
** Shake it out
3) Hands clasped, push out and up
4) Ankles
Pointing toes up and down with leg stretched out-front
Right x10
Left x 10
5) Ankle circles
Right footCircle right x10
Circle left x 10
Left foot circle right x 10
Circle left x 10
6) Arms in front
Breath in
Stretch up, looking up
Exhale on the way down

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Work Report

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Worksite Project

Sign up in the
main office on
a first come first
serve basis



1:30 & 3:00 PM

Join us as we discuss ways of
which you and your fellow
residents can reduce their
personal fall risk. Learn
prevention strategies and talk
about the leading cause of falls
among retirement communities.

Did you know: Falls

more than half of all
among Canadians 65 years
and older

Among half of these

injuries, 79% of all
falls causing injury
lead to

Dont miss your

chance to gain
key information
on ways to
maximize your
personal falls

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Work Report

Falls Prevention Seminar Sign-up Sheet

March 29th at _______
Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Worksite Project


Date: March 29th
Time: ________
Location: Main Floor Hobby

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Work Report

Falls Prevention Seminar Notes

Slide 1)

Falls are seen among all ages but a huge concern for older populations. The
incidence of falls, and the severity of falls rise steadily onward from the age
of 60 years.
Fall risks factors are intrinsic; functional and cognitive impairment,
lower extremity weakness, balance disorders and poor grip strength
or extrinsic; prescription medications, and environmental factors such
as loose carpets, poor lighting and clutter (American Geriatric Society,
There are many risk factors associated with falling but these risks are
often overlooked, and become evident only after the fall has already

Please come prepared with some falls

specific questions
WE Will discuss the following:

1. General prevention
2. Exercise as a specific
prevention strategy
Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Worksite Project

American Geriatrics Society, 2001. Guideline for the prevention of
falls in older
persons. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society, 49(5). 664-672. DOI: 10.1046/j.1532-5415.2001.49115.x

Slide 2)
Fall: A sudden, uncontrolled, unintentional downward displacement of
the body to the ground or other object

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Work Report

Intent: Sit on the floor
Result: Able to do so in a safe and controlled manner

Intent: Sit down on a chair

Result: Missed chair and fell to floor


Intent: Transfer
Intent: Go for a walk
Result: Knees buckled an
Result: Tripped and fell to floor

Slide 3)
General Facts
Falls are seen among all ages but a huge concern for older populations
Incidence and severity of falls increases at and onward of the age of
Falls account for more than half of all injuries among Canadians 65
years and over
Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Worksite Project

20% of deaths related to injury can be traced back to a fall among

40% of seniors falls result in hip fractures and half of those who
break their hips will never walk unassisted again
Slide 4)All Schlegal villages related facts
In the first seven months of 2014, there was approximately 1800 falls
across all 6 of our retirement homes
Approximately 38% resulted in some form of injury or pain
Approximately 33 residents sustained a fracture (>2%)
Half of the falls resulted in the residents bedroom, when combined
with falls in the bathroom make up 2/3 of all falls
In more recent years (August 2015- September 2016) falls totaled at 325
79% of these falls (257 falls) happened to those residents who were
assumed to be not active
This means that approximately 21% of the falls happened to those
who were involved in some form of exercise program.
If that small of a percent of the total falls resulted in active people,
increasing the number of people involved in an exercise program
could decrease the total incidence of falls within our village
Slide 6) General Fall Related Strategies
1 Reducing clutter within common areas (hallways and lounges) as
well as within the resident rooms. This includes arrangement of furniture
such as the bed in residents room.
2 Ensuring personal belongings are within reach falls can be avoided
if those items, which a resident needs to access, are readily accessible. They
are less likely to fall from reaching.
3 Ensure residents call bell is within reach and that the resident knows
how to use it. Also, ensuring that the cord is accessible to the resident
before you leave the room.
4 Ensure that assistive devices such as hearing aides/ glasses/
wheelchairs and walkers are being used and are clean and in good
working order.
5 Ensure that the brakes are applied. It is easy to forget about locking a
brake before moving from assistive chair to bed or walker. This can be a
huge factor in causing unbalanced transitions for residents.
Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Work Report

7-Proper footwear
8-Safe bed/ rails for good transfer
9-Hearing and glasses
sip throughout the day even without feelings of thirst
Slide 8) Fear of Falling

When someone falls, they have a fear of falling again; this fear causes them
to limit their activities.
Limiting activities causes strength, flexibility and muscle mass loses
that can lead to an increased risk to fall again
Therefore, maintaining a regular physical activity program is essential in
falls prevention
Slide 9)
** How many people partake in regular physical activity?

A study by the Canadian Centre for Activity and aging has proven that those
people who are regularly physically active:
Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Worksite Project

have better balance

are less likely to fall
have a better chance at avoiding injury that accompanies a fall
have a better chance of recovering from a fall related injury
Older adults have increased their strength from 10 to over 100 % after
partaking in a program for only eight weeks
Strength gains among the older adult population can improve daily
physical functioning (walking speed, reaction time, grabbing
something from the ground or a shelf and getting in and out of a
chair), all of which are essential in maximizing your personal falls
Porter, M., N.D. The Power of Strength Training for Older Adults. Active Living
Coalition for Older Adults. Retrieved from
Active Living Tips & Research Updates

Slide 10) Exercise programs offered within our villages

Schlegal Villages Community runs a Program for Active Living (PAL)
that includes an initial strength, mobility, flexibility and balance assessment.
Following these assessments, all residents are encouraged into a fitness
regimen that best suits their needs and maximizes their functional
independence. Here are some of the programs that many of you are
encouraged to attend:

Fitness with Dagmara, Randel, Albert or Katherine

Pole walking
Men's strength Training
Zumba Dance Fitness
Walking Programs
Nu step stationary biking programs
Ball Fitness

Slide 11) How to help our neighbors stay safe

Maybe your risk is low but you can help your neighbors stay safe and
fall free
Remind them to Keep canes, walkers and other aids with them at all
Remind them of safe brake use
Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Work Report

Remind them to tie their shoes and have shoes that fit them properly
Wear their glasses
Put there hearing aids in and turned up
Share any concerns with your charge nurse or with a neighborhood
*DO NOT take the burden of having to care for other residents, this
could put you at risk as well
Slide 12) Self Evaluation
The more questions you said no to, the greater your risk of falls. Turn
those nos into yes to maximize your falls prevention.

Falls Prevention Seminar Handout (template):

Falls Prevention

Falls Prevention
Fall: A sudden, uncontrolled,
unintentional downward
displacement of the body to the
ground or other object

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Worksite Project

General Fall Related Facts

there was approximately 1800

Incidence and severity of falls

falls across all 6 of our retirement

increases at and onward of the


Falls account for more than half

of all injuries among Canadians

20% of deaths related to injury

Approximately 38% resulted in

some form of injury or pain

65 years and over

In the first seven months of 2014,


age of 60

Related Facts

Falls are seen among all ages but

a huge concern for older

Schlegel Villages Specific Fall

Approximately 33 residents
sustained a fracture (>2%)

Half of the falls resulted in the

can be traced back to a fall

residents bedroom, when

among seniors

combined with falls in the

40% of seniors falls result in hip

bathroom make up 2/3 of all falls

fractures and half of those who

break their hips will never walk
unassisted again

Humber Heights Residents

Specific Falls Related Facts

In recent years (August 2015-

General Fall Related Strategies

1 Reducing clutter within

common areas (hallways and

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Work Report

September 2016) falls totaled

lounges) as well as within the

at 325

resident rooms.

79% of these falls (257 falls)

happened to those residents who

were assumed to be not active

2 Ensuring personal
belongings are within reach

3 Ensure residents call bell is

within reach and that the
resident knows how to use it.

4 Ensure that assistive

devices are being used and are
clean and in good working

5 Ensure that the brakes are


General Fall Related

Fear of Falling

7-Proper footwear
8-Safe bed/ rails for good transfer
9-Hearing and glasses
sip throughout the day even
without feelings of thirst

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Worksite Project


Are you aware of all of the

Older adults have increased their

exercise programs

strength from 10 to over 100 %

offered within

after partaking in a program for

Schlegel Villages?

only eight weeks

Strength gains among the

Fitness with Dagmara, Randel, Albert

or Katherine

older adult population can

improve daily physical
functioning (walking speed,
reaction time, grabbing
something from the ground or a
shelf and getting in and out of a
chair), all of which are essential

Pole walking

Men's strength Training

Zumba Dance Fitness

Walking Programs

Fitness room cardio equipment

Ball Fitness

in maximizing your personal falls


How can you help your

Falls Prevention Self Evaluation

neighbors stay safe?

Maybe your risk is low but you

can help your neighbours stay
s\afe and fall free
Remind them of safe brake use
remind them to tie their shoes,

wear their glasses and put there

hearing aids on and turned up
share any concerns with your
charge nurse or with a neighbourhood
*DO NOT take the burden of having to
care for other residents, this could put

Agnes Coutinho

KIN 3090 Work Report

you at risk as well

Agnes Coutinho

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