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STLS3 Help to keep children safe

3.2 Deal with accidents, emergencies and


Performance criteria

P1 Remain calm and follow your organisations procedures for

accidents and emergencies, according to your role and
I can confirm that I was on playground duty with xxxxx when one of
the children fell a short distance from the trim trial onto the
protective surface underneath. I can further confirm that
throughout the incident, she remained calm and followed the
school's accident procedures, in accordance to her role and
responsibility, as detailed below.

P2 Call for qualified assistance as appropriate to the incident

xxxxx called me over to ask for my assistance, which I provided by
going to get a first aider to assist the injured child, as xxxx is not
first aid qualified, and I was still on playground duty.

P3 Maintain the safety of the people involved

xxxx ensured the safety of the other children by advising them not
to play in the immediate area around the injured child, so that they
would not fall over the child and hurt themselves in the process, or
cause further injury to the child involved. xxxx did not try to move
the injured child in case this caused any further damage to them.
P4 Provide reassurance and comfort to the people involved
Throughout the incident, xxxx was very sympathetic and supportive,
both to the injured child and to the surrounding children. She bent
down to the injured child's level and asked the relevant questions to
find out where the child was hurt and how they were feeling. She
reassured the child that they would be fine, that help was on its
way, and gave the child praise for being so brave. The surrounding
children, who were worried about the welfare of their friend, were
comforted by xxxx's ressurances that their friend was fine and
that they should not be worried.
P5 Recognise when children are ill and follow procedures
Whenever xxxx works in my classroom and she is concerned that a
child is ill because of certain symptoms they are displaying eg
flushed skin or feeling hot, she reports this to a member of staff
immediately, outlining her concerns and describing the symptoms
she has observed.
On one occasion when a child was still feeling ill after all possibilites
were tried eg a cold drink, something to eat, going to the toilet, or
quiet time, I asked xxxx to go to the office so that the parents of
the child could be contacted to take them home. xxxx did this, and
then returned to help the child collect their going home things.
xxxx accompianied the child down to the office and stayed with
them until they were collected by their parent.
P6 Follow reporting and recording procedures
As previously mentioned, xxxx is not a qualified first aider, but she
is aware of the reporting and recording procedures in place within
the school. She knows that all children who visit the first aid
station have their name, their class, their symptoms and the
treatment they received recorded in the first aid log book. xxxx is
also aware that any child who has a visable injury or a head injury is
given a "bump note" to take home to their parents which outlines the
details of how the injury happened and the treatment they received
from the first aider on duty at the time.

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