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Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian

Church of Orlando this morning! We worship
together as a church family in four services
on Sundays: Traditional worship in the
Sanctuary at 8:15am and 11am, and Genesis
worship in the Sanctuary at 9:45am and in
Lee Fellowship Hall at 11:00am. Check
in and let us know youre here: visit
our Legacy Room for a cup of coffee
and say hello, or text FPCO to the
number 313131.

save the date

TODAY: 7th Annual FaithServes Giving Tree. Meet

specific needs for our neighbors. Stop by the Edington
Ministry Center Lobby to pick up an Ornament Card.

TODAY: First Step, a 30-minute overview of life at

First Pres, for guests and visitors, after 11am worship.
Join Dr. Case Thorp in the Legacy Room, between the
Sanctuary and Welcome Center.

November 27: Advent begins. Subscribe to Advent

Daily Devotions from Dr. Dan Sharp, fpco.org/advent.

December 2: Young At Heart Lunch, with special

performance by The Christ School Choir. $8. RSVP to
Maddy Vilar at 407.423.3441 x1159 before Nov. 28.

December 3: A Cup of Christmas Joy, hosted by

Women Engaged. 9am-11am in Lee Fellowship Hall.
RSVP at fpco.org/we.

December 4: SHINE Children's Live Nativity.

December 8: Flower dedications are due in honor or

in memory of loved ones in our Christmas Eve worship
bulletin. $10. fpco.org/flowers.

December 18: Christmas Concert. Before the After at

4pm in the Sanctuary. This free concert features our
Genesis band, Chancel Choir, our new Youth Chorale,
and orchestra.

December 24: Be a greeter Christmas Eve and

welcome guests before worship, fpco.org/elves.

December 25: Christmas Day. Worship service will be

11:00am only, in the Sanctuary.

December 25 & 26. Church offices will be closed.

January 17: Stephen Ministry training class begins.

Serve in this one-to-one caregiving ministry: call
Tammas Smith at 407.423.3441 x1455.

NOVEMBER 20, 2016

congregational care
As a caring body of believers, please remember in your
prayers those who have recently been hospitalized or are
recuperating at home: Don Barnhart and Charles Summer.
Sympathy to Barb and John Whitehouse on the death of
her mother, Marybelle Snyder, October 24.
Also, Margaret Foster on the death of her son, James
Foster, November 3. Mr. Foster was the brother of Sue
Louise and Bob Walsh on the death of her step-mother,
Evelyn Claiborne, November 9.
To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office
at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at

Stewardship Report as of November 13, 2016.
Tithes & Offerings

This Week

Fiscal YTD

ARISE AND BUILD Capital Campaign Update

Funds Given
$4.7 Million
Remaining to Give
$3.0 Million
Tithed to Mission
Give easily and securely online from your smartphone at



106 East Church St., Orlando Florida 32801

fpco.org /firstpresorlando /fpcorlando

genesis worship
Ministry Focus

ARISE AND BUILD Church Planting

Prayer for Illumination

*Scripture Reading

Dr. David Swanson

Haggai 1:1-9
pew bible p. 667

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will

say, This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is
invited to respond, Thanks be to God.


Give Careful Thought

* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Rev. Jack Peebles and Wil Brown.

(Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)


traditional worship
The anthem setting this morning incorporates
the congregation along with the choir! Join us in
singing the setting of this hymn, sung traditionally
at Thanksgiving. There are few hymns where the
predominant theme is that of thanks to God. Martin
Rinkarts (1586-1649) is one such hymn. It was
originally written to be a short grace before meals.
Rinkart was a Lutheran pastor who lived and served in
Eilenberg, Germany during the Thirty Years war (16181648). Since it was a walled city, many people came
to seek refuge and safety. A plague broke out, and
Rinkart conducted nearly 4,500 funerals, sometimes
40-50 a day, including that of his own wife. Stanza one
and two of the hymn were inspired by the Apocryphal
book of Ecclesiasticus (50:22-24) and the final verse
was a setting of the Gloria Patri. When you think of
the circumstances of Rinkarts own life and stress in
ministry (at the end, he was the only minister left in
the city), the hymn is all the more glorious. Truly, he
forgot what was behind and looked forward to the glory
of being with his Savior. He finally succumbed to death
at the age of sixty-two, leaving us one of the greatest
hymns of the Christian faith.
- Dr. Dan Sharp

(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

Chorale and Variations on Veni Creator


Call to Worship (11:00)
Now Thank We All Our God

arr. bird

*Processional Hymn of Praise

no. 721
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come st. georges windsor
*Ascription of Praise
Pastoral Report
*Passing of the Peace

adapted from Psalm 66

Ministry Focus

ARISE AND BUILD Church Planting

Call to Prayer (11:00)

I Need Thee

arr. sharp

Pastoral Prayer
Confession of Faith (11:00)

The Apostles Creed

4th century

The Sacrament of Baptism (8:15)

Parker Ellen Cleeveley, born March 25, 2016
daughter of Leigh and Peter Cleeveley.
Charge to Congregation
Song of Commitment

no. 466


Take Her Life and Let It Be

Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings
*Great Is thy Faithfulness
*Prayer of Commitment

no. 72 refrain

(Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)

Anthem of Gratitude
Thanks and Blessings Flow
arr. fettke

Chancel Choir & congregation


Prayer for Illumination
*Scripture Reading

Dr. David Swanson

Haggai 1:1-9
pew bible p. 667

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say,

This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is invited to
respond, Thanks be to God.


Give Careful Thought

no. 81

*Hymn of Response
We Gather Together

*Invitation and Charge

*Choral Response
Now Thank We All Our God

arr. sharp

Gigue Fugue in G major


* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Dr. Case Thorp, Dr. Dan Sharp, and
guest organist Andrew Savery.
The flowers on the Communion table are given to the glory
of God in loving memory of Grady M. Cooksey, Sr., by his
wife, Evelyn.

ways to give
What are your giving preferences?
Choose yours below:
Automatic Deduction
(ACH) The easiest and
most consistent way to
manage your giving, you
can set up an electronic
withdrawal directly from
your financial institution to
the church on a recurring
basis. Not only is it
paperless, it doesnt cost
us processing time, credit
card fees or staff time.
Offering Envelopes
Each family, or individual,
can elect to receive a
free set of pre-printed
envelopes from the church.
Kids can get their own
envelopes, helpful for
teaching children about
generosity and including
them in your familys giving
Giving through our website
at fpco.org/give is fast
and available 24/7 on
any device. Simply fill
out the online form and
you can schedule single
or recurring gifts to the
church through a debit or
credit card. You can give
as a guest or create an

By texting
Give securely on your
phone via text message.
Just text an amount to
407-449-1077. (You can
designate for the operating
In the Mail
You can mail a check
directly to the church,
in care of the Finance
Office. Make sure to add
your envelope number to
the check to ensure the
contribution is credited
to your end-of-year
Cash in the offering plate
Gifts made on Sunday
morning during worship
can be given as part
of your regular tithe, or
additional gifts. Make sure
to use a giving envelope
if you want the contribtion
noted on your year-end
Employer matching
Many corporations
match employee
donations to eligible
non-profit organizations
requirements. Check
to see if your employer
matches at fpco.org/match.

Non-cash gifts
Gifts of stock, estate gifts
or other non-cash gifts
are accepted through our
Finance Office.

Learn more at fpco.org/give

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