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Washington Park High School

Instructional Educator Effectiveness Coach

Meg Perron


September 7, 2016


All Staff


Meg Perron



Whether you believe you can or believe you cant, you

will be right! Henry Ford
I am still working on developing a schedule for myself. I have started a Google Calendar
titled IEE Coachs Calendar that I am hoping to keep up-to-date with my schedule once I
have it solidified. I have also started a Google Classroom which is where I will be sharing
out information. Ultimately, I will have a website but I wanted to do a classroom as well
because then I could use it to push out information to you. If I find that these tools
become redundant or more complicated for all of you then I will re-evaluate.
Regardless of a schedule, it is my plan to always remain flexible to better serve each of
you. If you ever need me to meet with you to discuss your SLO, PPG, instructional
practices, classroom management, assessment strategies, curriculum or anything else that
falls under being an effective educator, please know that I am here to serve you. I cant
promise to know everything but I can promise an attitude of continuous improvement and
being a life-long learner which means I will work diligently to find
answers/solutions/resources. My office is on the second floor of the library and my phone
extension is 8743 or you can call direct from an outside line at 262-664-8743. Here are
some things to think about:
1. The new platform for EE is My Learning Plan. I used this in my previous district

so I should be able to help with the transition. There will be training after an
orientation to EE is given by administration.
2. September 16th is the date we are supposed to receive the Quick Guide for EE.
Once that is available, you will want to save a copy to your desktop or create a
bookmark for easy access. It will provide all of the due dates etc., for your EEP
(Educator Effectiveness Plan which includes your self-review, SLO, and PPG I
will be sending out the planning sheets soon). In the meantime, it doesnt hurt to
start thinking about your SMART goal or to schedule appointments with me to
brainstorm ideas. I know some of you are new to education it is my plan to meet
with you individually sometime next week.
3. As a reminder, your SLO is a student learning outcome/objective. This is a goal
you will set that identifies an area of student achievement you would like to work
on for the year. The PPG is a professional practice goal which is a personal goal
1901 12th Street, RACINE, WI 53403
262.619.4400 Park Office | 262.664.8743 My Office
meg.perron@rusd.org | www.rusd.org/park






for you in relationship to your teaching practices (i.e. improve classroom

management, gender equity, higher level thinking questioning, etc.)
Begin keeping track of your professional practices. If you attend a workshop,
make a note of the date, names of presenters, and what you learned. Use your
Danielson Smart Card and Framework for Teaching (let me know if you are
unsure what these items are) to link your learning to components within the
domains while fresh in your mind. If you attend community events, participate in
school programs/projects, take a class, etc. keep track of these professional
activities for Domain 4. If you have fliers, notes, program brochures, etc. make
copies of them so you can upload as artifacts. Keeping an EE file on your desktop
is a great way to keep things easily accessible and in one location. This year you
will be required to have 8 evidence statements per component (there are 22
components). You will learn more about this in the training but these statements
could be used from your observations in Domains 2 and 3. Remember, an artifact
can be applicable to more than one domain, which makes it a high leverage
artifact. You are no longer required to provide four artifacts per domain but it is
always a good practice to have some artifacts, especially for domains 1 and 4.
Your Professional Practice Goal (PPG) can be the same as last year; however, you
may wish to grow in a different area of teaching this year. For example: if you
chose to work on 4a Reflecting on Teaching, last year and you kept a log of
what worked and what didnt in order to better design coherent instruction and set
instructional outcomes for your students; this year, you may wish to wok on
communicating with families and begin a log of contacts containing dates, with
whom, what student, and for what purpose. Completing your Self-Review
typically will help guide you to your PPG choice. Your PPG may be tied to your
SLO or Park SIP, but it is not mandatory.
It is time to assess the needs of your students in order to create your Student
Learning Objective (SLO). You can use a year-long or semester-long course but
you will only need one SLO this year. Remember, your SLO requires data
reflecting student performance at the beginning, data showing formative
assessments throughout the year/semester, and then data at the end to show
I am still working on a schedule for myself. For now, please refer to the calendar I
shared titled IEE Coachs Calendar. If you are having trouble accessing this
calendar let me know. You can not make changes to the calendar it is set up
for you to view only so you are able to see my availability. I will add meetings,
coaching session as they get scheduled with me.
Part of the requirement for my job is to visit classrooms. I mentioned earlier I will
be starting with new teachers. Once I have a schedule of when I am able to do
these visits, I will be working my way to other classrooms to do walk-throughs
and provide feedback. Remember these are NON-EVALUATIVE walkthroughs with the sole intent on provide professional feedback on teaching
practices. I am excited to be a part of a team that embraces a growth mindset and
believes that learning is growing something we all can strive for!!!

Phew!!! That is it for now. I will keep a copy of this in the Google Classroom as well.
That will continue to be a central location of communication for me.

1901 12th Street, RACINE, WI 53403

262.619.4400 Park Office | 262.664.8743 My Office
meg.perron@rusd.org | www.rusd.org/park

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