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<meta property="og:description" content="The famous Spanish surrealist paint
er, Salvador Dali had artistic repertoire that included sculpture, painting, pho
tography, multimedia work, and collaborations with other artists, most notably i
ndependent surrealist films. Dali was born in a quasi-surreal existence. His bro
ther, also named Salvador, died as a toddler, nine months before Dalis birth. His
parents told him he was the reincarnation of his older brother, which he also c
ame to believe. As a child, Dali attended drawing school, and by the age of thir
teen, Dalis father was arranging exhibitions of his charcoal drawings. In 1922, D
ali went to study at the School of Fine Arts in San Fernando, where he was known
as a bit of a dandy, wearing long hair and sideburns, and stockings with knee b
reeches in the style of 19th century aesthetes.
During his stay at the academy, Dali tried his hand in cubism and dada. But his
stay was short lived, after he was expelled a few weeks before final exams, for
stating that no one in the school was qualified enough to examine him. After his
expulsion, he traveled to Paris, where he met Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro, who
heavily influenced his painting styles. Dali continually borrowed from many pain
ting styles. From impressionism to renaissance works, he combined all elements i
nto single compositions, raising interesting critiques from art critics, who wer
e unsure as how to received his works. Always a dandy, Dali grew a large moustac
he, which was a trademark of his appearance for the rest of his life.
In 1929, Dali began a relationship with the woman who would later become his wif
e, Gala. His father disapproved, and saw his connection with surrealism as a dem
oralizing influence on his son. Upon hearing reports that Dali had created a wor

k with an inscription insulting his mother, who had died eight years earlier of
breast cancer, the elder Dali disowned and disinherited his son, telling him nev
er to return home. Dali then married Gala and moved into a house at Port Lligat.
Dali spent the middle and late years of his life between the United States and h
is beloved Catalonia, Spain, collaborating with other artists, canoodling with s
ocial elites, and creating many stories for the newspapers. After his wifes death
in 1982, Dali lost much of his will to live, and purposely dehydrated himself a
lmost to the point of death. There was also a mysterious fire in his apartment i
n 1984, from which he was saved, but many thought was a suicide attempt. He died
of heart failure five years later at the age of 84. ">
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="1038592866179110"/>
<meta name="twitter:site" content="https://www.wikiart.org/en/salvador-dali"
<meta name="twitter:description" content="The famous Spanish surrealist pain
ter, Salvador Dali had artistic repertoire that included sculpture, painting, ph
otography, multimedia work, and collaborations with other artists, most notably
independent surrealist films. Dali was born in a quasi-surreal existence. His br
other, also named Salvador, died as a toddler, nine months before Dalis birth. Hi
s parents told him he was the reincarnation of his older brother, which he also
came to believe. As a child, Dali attended drawing school, and by the age of thi
rteen, Dalis father was arranging exhibitions of his charcoal drawings. In 1922,
Dali went to study at the School of Fine Arts in San Fernando, where he was know
n as a bit of a dandy, wearing long hair and sideburns, and stockings with knee
breeches in the style of 19th century aesthetes.
During his stay at the academy, Dali tried his hand in cubism and dada. But his
stay was short lived, after he was expelled a few weeks before final exams, for
stating that no one in the school was qualified enough to examine him. After his
expulsion, he traveled to Paris, where he met Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro, who
heavily influenced his painting styles. Dali continually borrowed from many pain
ting styles. From impressionism to renaissance works, he combined all elements i
nto single compositions, raising interesting critiques from art critics, who wer
e unsure as how to received his works. Always a dandy, Dali grew a large moustac
he, which was a trademark of his appearance for the rest of his life.
In 1929, Dali began a relationship with the woman who would later become his wif
e, Gala. His father disapproved, and saw his connection with surrealism as a dem
oralizing influence on his son. Upon hearing reports that Dali had created a wor
k with an inscription insulting his mother, who had died eight years earlier of
breast cancer, the elder Dali disowned and disinherited his son, telling him nev
er to return home. Dali then married Gala and moved into a house at Port Lligat.
Dali spent the middle and late years of his life between the United States and h
is beloved Catalonia, Spain, collaborating with other artists, canoodling with s
ocial elites, and creating many stories for the newspapers. After his wifes death
in 1982, Dali lost much of his will to live, and purposely dehydrated himself a
lmost to the point of death. There was also a mysterious fire in his apartment i
n 1984, from which he was saved, but many thought was a suicide attempt. He died
of heart failure five years later at the age of 84. ">
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<h1 id="h1Title">
<span itemprop="name">Salvador Dali</span>
<h2 class="disabled h1">
<span itemprop="additionalName">
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dal&#237; i Dom&#232;nec
h, Marquis de P&#250;bol
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<div class="artist-page artwork-info-block" itemscope itemtype="http://schem
<meta itemprop="sameAs" content="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvad
or_Dal%C3%AD" />
<meta itemprop="name" content="Salvador Dali" />
<span style="display:none;" itemprop="additionalName">
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dal&#237; i Dom&#232;nech, M
arquis de P&#250;bol
<div class="main-content">
<div class="image-wrapper">
<img itemprop="image" class="" alt="Salvador Dali" title="Salvad
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<div class="comment">
<p>Dali&#39;s Mustache - Photo by Philippe Halsman<p/>
<div class="info">
<div class="info-line">
<span class="title">Born:</span>
<span itemprop="birthDate" >11 May 1904</span>; <span itemprop="birthPlace" >Fig
ueres, Spain</span>
<div class="info-line">
<span class="title">Died:</span>
<span itemprop="deathDate" >23 January 1989</span>; <span itemprop="deathPlace"
>Figueres, Spain</span>
<div class="info-line">
<span class="title">Active Years:</span>
1910 - 1988
<div class="info-line">
<span class="title">Nationality:</span>
<a href="/en/artists-by-nation/spanish"><span itemprop="
<div class="info-line">
<span class="title">Art Movement:</span>
<a href="/en/artists-by-art-movement/surrealism">Surreal

<div class="info-line">
<span class="title">Field:</span>


<div class="info-line">
<span class="title">Influenced by:</span>
<a href="/en/giorgio-de-chirico">Giorgio de Chirico</a>

<div class="info-line">
<span class="title">Art institution:</span>
<a href="/en/artist-by-art-institution/real-academia-de">
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, Spain</a>

<div class="info-line references">

<span class="title">Wikipedia:</span>
<a class="truncate external" target="_blank" href="http:
//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador_Dal&#237;"> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvad
or_Dal&#237; </a>
<div class="text column-medium"><span itemprop="description">The
famous Spanish surrealist painter, Salvador Dali had artistic repertoire that i
ncluded sculpture, painting, photography, multimedia work, and collaborations wi
th other artists, most notably independent surrealist films. Dali was born in a
quasi-surreal existence. His brother, also named Salvador, died as a toddler, ni
ne months before Dalis birth. His parents told him he was the reincarnation of hi
s older brother, which he also came to believe. As a child, Dali attended drawin
g school, and by the age of thirteen, Dalis father was arranging exhibitions of h
is charcoal drawings. In 1922, Dali went to study at the School of Fine Arts in
San Fernando, where he was known as a bit of a dandy, wearing long hair and side
burns, and stockings with knee breeches in the style of 19th century aesthetes.
During his stay at the academy, Dali tried his hand in cubism and dada. But his
stay was short lived, after he was expelled a few weeks before final exams, for
stating that no one in the school was qualified enough to examine him. After his
expulsion, he traveled to Paris, where he met Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro, who
heavily influenced his painting styles. Dali continually borrowed from many pain
ting styles. From impressionism to renaissance works, he combined all elements i
nto single compositions, raising interesting critiques from art critics, who wer
e unsure as how to received his works. Always a dandy, Dali grew a large moustac
he, which was a trademark of his appearance for the rest of his life.
In 1929, Dali began a relationship with the woman who would later become his wif
e, Gala. His father disapproved, and saw his connection with surrealism as a dem
oralizing influence on his son. Upon hearing reports that Dali had created a wor
k with an inscription insulting his mother, who had died eight years earlier of
breast cancer, the elder Dali disowned and disinherited his son, telling him nev
er to return home. Dali then married Gala and moved into a house at Port Lligat.
Dali spent the middle and late years of his life between the United States and h
is beloved Catalonia, Spain, collaborating with other artists, canoodling with s
ocial elites, and creating many stories for the newspapers. After his wifes death
in 1982, Dali lost much of his will to live, and purposely dehydrated himself a
lmost to the point of death. There was also a mysterious fire in his apartment i
n 1984, from which he was saved, but many thought was a suicide attempt. He died

of heart failure five years later at the age of 84. </span></div>

<div class="artist-menu fit-width">

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<hgroup class="artist-title">
<h2 id="h2Title"><span class="artist-name">Salvador Dali:</span>&nbsp;&n
bsp;Artworks by date</h2>
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<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
e( William Shakespeare \u0027Romeo and Juliet\u0027 , event);">William Shakespea
re &#39;Romeo and Juliet&#39; (4)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
e( Cervantes Don Quixote , event);">Cervantes Don Quixote (1)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
e( Memories of Surrealism , event);">Memories of Surrealism (2)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
e( Cafe De Chinitas , event);">Cafe De Chinitas (2)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
e( Los Sacos Del Molinero , event);">Los Sacos Del Molinero (4)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
e( Mad Tristan , event);">Mad Tristan (2)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
e( The Biblia Sacra , event);">The Biblia Sacra (90)</a>















<a href="javascript:;">GENRES</a>
<span class="switch">
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
abstract , event);">abstract (8)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
allegorical painting , event);">allegorical painting (23)</a>
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animal painting , event);">animal painting (12)</a>
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battle painting , event);">battle painting (7)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
cityscape , event);">cityscape (12)</a>
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cloudscape , event);">cloudscape (5)</a>
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design , event);">design (28)</a>
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figurative , event);">figurative (50)</a>
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flower painting , event);">flower painting (7)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
genre painting , event);">genre painting (64)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
history painting , event);">history painting (1)</a>
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illustration , event);">illustration (9)</a>
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installation , event);">installation (1)</a>
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interior , event);">interior (14)</a>
















<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
landscape , event);">landscape (208)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
literary painting , event);">literary painting (5)</a>
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marina , event);">marina (8)</a>
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mythological painting , event);">mythological painting (31)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
nude painting (nu) , event);">nude painting (nu) (27)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
photo , event);">photo (2)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
portrait , event);">portrait (143)</a>
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poster , event);">poster (4)</a>
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religious painting , event);">religious painting (154)</a>
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sculpture , event);">sculpture (8)</a>
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self-portrait , event);">self-portrait (19)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
sketch and study , event);">sketch and study (33)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
still life , event);">still life (44)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
symbolic painting , event);">symbolic painting (174)</a>
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="changePaintingsByJsonNam
vanitas , event);">vanitas (1)</a>

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<div class="artist-menu-mobile">
<div class="artist-name">
<span>Salvador Dali</span>
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<option value="featured">Featured artworks (12)</option
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Date 110 (1102)</option>
<option value="latest-first">All Artworks by Date 101 (1
<option value="alphabetically">All Artworks by Name (11
<optgroup label="STYLES"></optgroup>
<option value="Abstract Art">Abstract Art (16)</option>
<option value="Abstract Expressionism">Abstract Express
ionism (76)</option>
<option value="Cloisonnism">Cloisonnism (6)</option>
<option value="Cubism">Cubism (41)</option>
<option value="Dada">Dada (7)</option>
<option value="Expressionism">Expressionism (184)</opti
<option value="Impressionism">Impressionism (30)</optio
<option value="Japonism">Japonism (1)</option>
<option value="Metaphysical art">Metaphysical art (2)</
<option value="Na&#239;ve Art (Primitivism)">Na&#239;ve
Art (Primitivism) (7)</option>
<option value="Neo-baroque">Neo-baroque (4)</option>
<option value="Neoclassicism">Neoclassicism (21)</optio
<option value="Op Art">Op Art (13)</option>
<option value="Pointillism">Pointillism (8)</option>
<option value="Post-Impressionism">Post-Impressionism (
<option value="Realism">Realism (78)</option>
<option value="Surrealism">Surrealism (717)</option>
<option value="Symbolism">Symbolism (117)</option>
<optgroup label="SERIES"></optgroup>
<option value="Desert Trilogy">Desert Trilogy (3)</opti
<option value="Jos&#233; Zorrilla y Moral &#39;Don Juan
Tenorio&#39;">Jos&#233; Zorrilla y Moral &#39;Don Juan Tenorio&#39; (2)</option
<option value="Isidore Ducasse &#39;Songs of Maldoror&#
39;">Isidore Ducasse &#39;Songs of Maldoror&#39; (2)</option>
<option value="&#39;Minotaure&#39; Magazine">&#39;Minot
aure&#39; Magazine (1)</option>

<option value="The Seven Arts">The Seven Arts (8)</opti

<option value="&#39;Destino&#39;">&#39;Destino&#39; (3)
<option value="Spellbound&#39;">Spellbound&#39; (3)</op
<option value="William Shakespeare &#39;Romeo and Julie
t&#39;">William Shakespeare &#39;Romeo and Juliet&#39; (4)</option>
<option value="Cervantes Don Quixote">Cervantes Don Quixot
e (1)</option>
<option value="Memories of Surrealism">Memories of Surr
ealism (2)</option>
<option value="Cafe De Chinitas">Cafe De Chinitas (2)</
<option value="Los Sacos Del Molinero">Los Sacos Del Mo
linero (4)</option>
<option value="Mad Tristan">Mad Tristan (2)</option>
<option value="The Biblia Sacra">The Biblia Sacra (90)<
<optgroup label="GENRES"></optgroup>
<option value="abstract">abstract (8)</option>
<option value="allegorical painting">allegorical painti
ng (23)</option>
<option value="animal painting">animal painting (12)</o
<option value="battle painting">battle painting (7)</op
<option value="cityscape">cityscape (12)</option>
<option value="cloudscape">cloudscape (5)</option>
<option value="design">design (28)</option>
<option value="figurative">figurative (50)</option>
<option value="flower painting">flower painting (7)</op
<option value="genre painting">genre painting (64)</opt
<option value="history painting">history painting (1)</
<option value="illustration">illustration (9)</option>
<option value="installation">installation (1)</option>
<option value="interior">interior (14)</option>
<option value="landscape">landscape (208)</option>
<option value="literary painting">literary painting (5)
<option value="marina">marina (8)</option>
<option value="mythological painting">mythological pain
ting (31)</option>
<option value="nude painting (nu)">nude painting (nu) (
<option value="photo">photo (2)</option>
<option value="portrait">portrait (143)</option>
<option value="poster">poster (4)</option>
<option value="religious painting">religious painting (
<option value="sculpture">sculpture (8)</option>
<option value="self-portrait">self-portrait (19)</optio
<option value="sketch and study">sketch and study (33)<
<option value="still life">still life (44)</option>
<option value="symbolic painting">symbolic painting (17

<option value="vanitas">vanitas (1)</option>
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lse }, { "Name" : "Metaphysical art", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Style/metaph
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tivism)", "ListTitle" : "STYLES", "Quantity" : 7, "Selected" : false }, { "Name"
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e" : "Neo-baroque", "ListTitle" : "STYLES", "Quantity" : 4, "Selected" : false }
, { "Name" : "Neoclassicism", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Style/neoclassicism?
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lected" : false }, { "Name" : "Op Art", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Style/op-a
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ed" : false }, { "Name" : "Pointillism", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Style/poi
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8, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "Post-Impressionism", "Url" : "/en/salvadordali/by-Style/post-impressionism?json=2", "Title" : "Post-Impressionism", "ListT
itle" : "STYLES", "Quantity" : 63, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "Realism", "
Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Style/realism?json=2", "Title" : "Realism", "ListTi
tle" : "STYLES", "Quantity" : 78, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "Surrealism",
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"ListTitle" : "STYLES", "Quantity" : 717, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "Sym

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"MenuSection", "Name" : null, "Url" : null, "Title" : "SERIES", "ListTitle" : nu
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ListTitle" : "SERIES", "Quantity" : 3, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "Jos Zorr
illa y Moral Don Juan Tenorio ", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-serie/jos-zorril
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norio ", "ListTitle" : "SERIES", "Quantity" : 2, "Selected" : false }, { "Name"
: "Isidore Ducasse Songs of Maldoror ", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-serie/isi
dore-ducasse-songs-of-maldoror?json=2", "Title" : "Isidore Ducasse Songs of Mal
doror ", "ListTitle" : "SERIES", "Quantity" : 2, "Selected" : false }, { "Name"
: " Minotaure Magazine", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-serie/minotaure-magazine
?json=2", "Title" : " Minotaure Magazine", "ListTitle" : "SERIES", "Quantity" :
1, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "The Seven Arts", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dal
i/by-serie/the-seven-arts?json=2", "Title" : "The Seven Arts", "ListTitle" : "SE
RIES", "Quantity" : 8, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : " Destino ", "Url" : "/e
n/salvador-dali/by-serie/destino?json=2", "Title" : " Destino ", "ListTitle" : "
SERIES", "Quantity" : 3, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "Spellbound ", "Url" :
"/en/salvador-dali/by-serie/spellbound?json=2", "Title" : "Spellbound ", "ListT
itle" : "SERIES", "Quantity" : 3, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "William Shak
espeare Romeo and Juliet ", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-serie/william-shakesp
eare-romeo-and-juliet?json=2", "Title" : "William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
", "ListTitle" : "SERIES", "Quantity" : 4, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "Cer
vantes Don Quixote", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-serie/cervantes-don-quixote?jso
n=2", "Title" : "Cervantes Don Quixote", "ListTitle" : "SERIES", "Quantity" : 1, "
Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "Memories of Surrealism", "Url" : "/en/salvadordali/by-serie/memories-of-surrealism?json=2", "Title" : "Memories of Surrealism"
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De Chinitas", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-serie/cafe-de-chinitas?json=2", "Ti
tle" : "Cafe De Chinitas", "ListTitle" : "SERIES", "Quantity" : 2, "Selected" :
false }, { "Name" : "Los Sacos Del Molinero", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-seri
e/los-sacos-del-molinero?json=2", "Title" : "Los Sacos Del Molinero", "ListTitle
" : "SERIES", "Quantity" : 4, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "Mad Tristan", "U
rl" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-serie/mad-tristan?json=2", "Title" : "Mad Tristan",
"ListTitle" : "SERIES", "Quantity" : 2, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "The Bi
blia Sacra", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-serie/the-biblia-sacra?json=2", "Titl
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ected" : false }, { "Name" : "animal painting", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Ge
nre/animal-painting?json=2", "Title" : "animal painting", "ListTitle" : "GENRES"
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Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "genre painting", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-

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"/en/salvador-dali/by-Genre/history-painting?json=2", "Title" : "history paintin
g", "ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quantity" : 1, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "il
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d" : false }, { "Name" : "landscape", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Genre/landsc
ape?json=2", "Title" : "landscape", "ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quantity" : 208, "S
elected" : false }, { "Name" : "literary painting", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/b
y-Genre/literary-painting?json=2", "Title" : "literary painting", "ListTitle" :
"GENRES", "Quantity" : 5, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "marina", "Url" : "/e
n/salvador-dali/by-Genre/marina?json=2", "Title" : "marina", "ListTitle" : "GENR
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Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Genre/mythological-painting?json=2", "Title" : "myt
hological painting", "ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quantity" : 31, "Selected" : false
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inting-nu?json=2", "Title" : "nude painting (nu)", "ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quan
tity" : 27, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "photo", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali
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2, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "portrait", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-G
enre/portrait?json=2", "Title" : "portrait", "ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quantity"
: 143, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "poster", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/byGenre/poster?json=2", "Title" : "poster", "ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quantity" : 4
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ali/by-Genre/religious-painting?json=2", "Title" : "religious painting", "ListTi
tle" : "GENRES", "Quantity" : 154, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "sculpture",
"Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Genre/sculpture?json=2", "Title" : "sculpture", "
ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quantity" : 8, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "self-po
rtrait", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Genre/self-portrait?json=2", "Title" : "s
elf-portrait", "ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quantity" : 19, "Selected" : false }, {
"Name" : "sketch and study", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Genre/sketch-and-stud
y?json=2", "Title" : "sketch and study", "ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quantity" : 33
, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "still life", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-G
enre/still-life?json=2", "Title" : "still life", "ListTitle" : "GENRES", "Quanti
ty" : 44, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "symbolic painting", "Url" : "/en/sal
vador-dali/by-Genre/symbolic-painting?json=2", "Title" : "symbolic painting", "L
istTitle" : "GENRES", "Quantity" : 174, "Selected" : false }, { "Name" : "vanita
s", "Url" : "/en/salvador-dali/by-Genre/vanitas?json=2", "Title" : "vanitas", "L
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