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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program


Halee Sytsema
November 8, 2016

Subject/ Topic/ Theme ___Spanish/ Chapter 2, Esperanza La Espera

Grade __Spanish 2____

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This lesson is the first of five lessons. Throughout this unit, students will read, analyze, and respond to chapters two and three of the book Esperanzawritten entirely
in Spanishby Carol Gaab. This lesson deals with the first half of Chapter two, La Espera.
cognitiveR U Ap An E C*

Learners will be able to:

Answer seven (7) multiple choice review questions about chapter one in the Campanada (warm-up activity).

Answer personal questions (in Spanish, in full sentences) that directly correlate to what they have read in chapter onegive answers aloud in front of the class.
Read chapter two on their own, using the vocabulary they have already learned for chapter 2
Read a Spanish 2 level informational article (with vocabulary help, if needed) about the houses of Guatemala &
Complete a series of T/F questions using the info. they have read-100% accuracy
Compare/Contrast Guatemalan homes to US homes.

R, Ap, U,
Ap, R, U,
R, U, Ap,
U, Ap, E




Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed: (Michigan World Language Standards)
Communication: 1.1, 1.2 (Interpersonal Communication: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions. Interpretive Communication: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of
topics.) / Culture: 2.1 (Practices and Perspectives: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and
perspectives of the culture studied) / Connections: 3.1 (Knowledge: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the
world language) Comparisons: 4.2 (Comparing Cultures: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the
cultures studied and their own)
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite
knowledge and skills.

Students have an understanding of basic level two sentence structures, both present and past tenses
as a result of their integration-style learning (similar to immersion, but for older learners).
Students know how to discern changes in time/speaker by using context clues and known
vocabulary as well as their experience reading other stories earlier in the semester.
Pre-assessment (for learning):

La Campanada (the bell ringer warmup)

Have students answer seven multiple choice questions to informally assess their knowledge of
chapter one. Takes place before lesson begins.
Formative (for learning):

Outline assessment
(applicable to this lesson)

Have chapter 2 vocabulary posted on the overhead as students read chapter two-this will allow them
to look back at previously introduced vocabulary as they read.
Allow students to post new/unknown words
Formative (as learning):

Preguntas de conexin (personal response questions). Learners will demonstrate their ability to
verbally make connections between the reading and their personal lives.
Worksheet: Las casas de Guatemala. Learners will read an article and answer a series of T/F
questions to demonstrate that they have understood the Reading: not graded. We will go over
Summative (of learning): -------------------------------------------What barriers might this
lesson present?
What will it take
experientially, emotionally,
etc., for your students to do


Provide Multiple Means of

Provide options for perceptionmaking information perceptible
-Print out worksheets for students.
-Keep vocab on projector as
students read so they can look back
on it.

Provide Multiple Means of

Action and Expression
Provide options for physical
action- increase options for
-BRAIN BREAK (koosh ball
activity b/c this class is 1.5 hour

Provide Multiple Means of

Provide options for recruiting
interest- choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats

Provide options for language,

mathematical expressions, and
symbols- clarify & connect
-WL (World Language) learning:
Allow students to communicate in
their native tongue when necessary
but encourage use of the target
language in the classroom.

this lesson?

Provide options for

comprehension- activate, apply &

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson and
are they ready to use?

Provide options for expression and

communication- increase medium
of expression
-Students have the option to write
their responses to the warm-up and
the personal response questions.
They may also share verbally for
puntos (participation points)

Provide options for executive

functions- coordinate short & long
term goals, monitor progress, and
modify strategies

Provide options for sustaining

effort and persistence- optimize
challenge, collaboration, masteryoriented feedback
-PUNTOS! Students are
challenged to share their answers
with the class-exceptional
vocabulary use/sentemce
formation/detailed answers receive
super queso puntos.
Provide options for selfregulation- expectations, personal
skills and strategies, selfassessment & reflection

-Collection of puntos: Students

-Worksheet: cultural
must receive 30/ month. Way
information that connects to the
to gauge personal contribution
in class.
-Personal connection to the
story (compare/contrast)
1. Chromebooks. Each student has his/her own and is expected to bring them to class daily.
2. Desktop with internet access-google drive (google presentation)
3. Overhead projector
4. Pens/pencils
5. Worksheets (50 copies for Corry, 30 for Susie)Las casas de Guatemala(I will provide
6. Esperanza Hard copy (one/student)
7. Puntos
The classroom will be set up as normal: Five table clusters. There are 4-6 students at each cluster.
All students face the projector at the front of the room.

How will your classroom be

set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan







(the largest
component or
main body of
the lesson)

Describe teacher activities

student activities
for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
-Open Google slides to Campanada (SLIDES)
-Take out ChromeBooks/ Answer Campanada
multiple choice questions.
-Go over answers, hand out PUNTOS
-Read answers out loud to receive puntos.
-Tell students to put away ChromeBooks
-Put away ChromeBooks
-Ask students if they had trouble answering any
questions: Ask if they have questions about what
happened in chapter one.
Preguntas de conexion (SLIDES)
-Answer personal questions on board. Do NOT
-Ask students to turn their attention to the
use computers. Answer ONLY in Spanish.
projector. Have preguntas de conexion slide on
-Students are not expected to answer in perfect
the projector.
Spanish. They must, however, use the correct
-Read each question to students. Do NOT resort to verbs and subjects in their responses. (i.e. I ranusing English, rather, re-word questions using
yo corro/ he swims- el nada).
simpler language if students are having a hard
-Raise hands, give responses to earn puntos.
time understanding the given questions.
-Give puntos for participation
-Read chapter two silently. Post new/unknown
words on the white board at the front of classroom
Leer Ch. 2
-Open Vocab. 2 slide on google slides. Keep
so Srta. Sytsema can define them.

vocab on board (students have already memorized

this vocab as a part of an earlier lesson).
-Ask students to read chapter two silently. Allow
them to write new/unknown words on the white
board in the front of the room. Write definitions
(in a different color) for the words they do not

*Do not hold back on posting unknown words!

Chances are, other students have the same words
in mind!
-Stand in a circle. Have yo form verbs in mind!
Listen to the rues Srta. Sytsema will outline. Have

Brain Break Activity

-fun activity to break up the long block class.
Assemble students in a circle. There is one ball
(koosh or other). Students will toss ball to one
another. Once a student receives the ball, he/she
must say a verb, conjugated in the yo form.
Students have 4 seconds to give a correctlyconjugated answer. If they are incorrect, they sit
down. The last person standing is the winner.
Check for Understanding:
-Give me a 30-second overview, in English, of
what happened in chapter 2.


-Students will be asked to give an overview (in

English) of chapter 2-verbally.

-Students will be asked to volunteer to read aloud

Hoja: Las Clases de Guatemala (See below)
-End class by distributing article on Las casas de
about las casas de Guatemala.
-Read article as a class. Ask for volunteers to read -Students will work alone or with a partner to
paragraphs aloud.
complete the comprehension questions in google
-Assign questions(google slides).
slides about the homes in Guatemala.
-Students may work together to answer questions.
-If students do not finish all questions, assign
-Complete Wks. For homework if not finished in
worksheet as homework to be collected the next
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
-I think this lesson went very well for being the first lesson I have ever taught completely on my own. The students seemed very
engaged and were always attentive. To begin, I got a lot of positive feedback on the short video I showeda cheesy film acting as a
review of chapter one. Afterward, was the Campanada- the students were a bit chatty and there was a lot of English being spoken, so
I planned for smoother transitions in lesson 2 to keep the students reined in.
-When the students were reading chapter 2, I had them read first in Spanish, then translate the text into English in their table groupsit was great to see them using the vocabulary they had just learned.
-I ad-libbed some questions as we were reading the article about Guatemalan houses and called on random students. The questions
directly related to what we had just read and I think this really helped the students stay focused.


Las Casas de Guatemala Article


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