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El primer nervio es visible en la primera sala pero est bloqueado por un

vidrio reforzado. As que debemos de tener en cuenta ciertos pasos.
Primero, el jugador 1 tiene que ir al vaporizador 1 y activarlo.
El segundo jugador toma el tnel ubicado a la derecha del vaporizador1 y
hackea la consola1 del final. Una vez la consola es hackeada pasa a travs
de la puerta a la otra mitad de la sala y hackea la otra consola2.
Rpidamente el jugador 1 toma el esophage1 ubicado afuera de la puerta
para transportarlo a una nueva rea(Esophage2), una vez dentro destruye el
barril explosivo para que el equipo venga.
En esta nueva sala, el jugador2 tiene que pasar a travs de un tnel que
esta atrs de la esophage2 y activa el vaporizador4 del final. Mientras tanto
el segundo jugador toma el esophage3 para transportarlo detrs del
vidrio(esophage4) y activar el vaporizador3 en ese lado.
El siguiente paso el jugador1 y jugador3(nuevo) hackean las 2 consolas
(consola 3 y consola 4) en la respectiva sala que desbloquearon y prense
en el botn que est adentro (Pad 1 y pad 2).
Esto desbloquear la puerta en la mitad de la sala permitiendo al jugador3
entrar a la sala final. Enva a los dems jugadores de regreso al principio y
que activen el vaporizador4. Una vez el nervio es expuesto destryelo y
evaca rpidamente.

Segunda etapa.
Once inside again have the team feed up the antiserum batteries and have
to feed this orange container. Have one player (Blue) into the orange
container and activate the vaporizer I, then take the nearby esophage I. This
will transport you to the esophage II behind the glass wall where you must
destroy the explosive barrel I to open up a hole in the glass, then stand in
the Floor Pad I.
Meanwhile have a second player (Red) hack the console (I) near the orange
container and then stand on the Pad II.
Then have a third player (green) jump up into the vertical hatch into the
room above where they should destroy the explosive barrel, activate the
vaporizer (II) and hack the nearby console (II). This will move the orange
container (Vaporizer I) along a track to a new location in the first room.
Once orange container has finished moving, feed up the vaporizer inside it,
climb up on top to the container and hack the console (III) to get in to the
room above.
In this new room have 1 player (Blue) travels the room and turns the left
and activate this console (Shortcut Button) to unlock the door for the
enemies to come up for easy access.

Next, activate the vaporizer in the middle room (Player2 - Red) (Vaporizer III
First Position) and hack the console (IV). It will move along a track to a new
location close to the forced field. Have someone (Player3 Green) with
antiserum batteries stand by to refuel this vaporizer (Vaporizer III Second
Position) to max stretch. Now have 2 players standing on the pads (Player2 Red) (Player1 - Blue) on the opposite side of the room which will release a
second vaporizer just to reach the esophage (III). Shoot this esophage so it
will transport the vaporizer behind the forced field. Once the vaporizer has
Quickly, have one of the nearby players on the initiate esophage and shoot
it again so they can also be transported. Once inside (Esophage IV), have
them activate the nearby console (whoever) to let the rest of the team catch
up and feed up the nearby vaporizer to max stretch.
Destroy golems second nerve and evacuate quickly.

Tercera fase:

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