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Illyuwn is the 19th galaxy a Tri-Solar system having 3 suns Utu, Asfu and Shamas

h also recorded as Om, Sal, and On, also called ?The Great Galaxy?, known as ?Th
e Place On High? called Heaven or even Jannat. This is the original heaven (Kora
n 83:18-19) before the heavenly host and god took residence in Orion and Sirius
{Pleiadies, Arcturus , Aldebaran}, where god resides. As Matthew 6:9 recorded: o
ur farther which art in {Orion} Heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. This is the Great Galaxy in which
our great spiritual and physical ancestors, The Rizqiyians, Eloheem, Nefilim, N
eteru, also called Anunnagi reside and resided, in there presence of the most hi
gh ruler ANU. There, ANU resided with his wife and half sister ANTUM/ANTU, 6 con
cubines, 80 children, of which 14 were by Antum, 1 Prime Minister Tammuz, 3 comm
anders in charge of the MU ?Rocketships? Mataii, Ninshubar and Utu, 2 chief just
ices Murduk and Balaat. 2 chief scribes Tehuti and khonsu and 5 assistant scribe
s. The palace of ANU was an endless pavilion, there were countless gardens, on w
hat you call paradise, of every imaginable design displaying the exotic flowers,
plants, birds and butterflies from all corners of the galaxies.

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