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[[[Lugar resaltante en la portada al CAB por patrocinar la publicacin]]]
2. Message from the World President of the FISS
[[[Foto del President No necesita pie de foto]]]
The Fundacin FISS Central Cientfica (International Federation of Scientific Societies)
has again the opportunity to strengthen a space in the period, for the thoughtfulness and
dialogue about important subjects for the development of science and its tasks. In a
special approach, it will share the vision and the essential commitment to work in an
active and dynamic way for values and practices that will contribute for a social
development and a possible ecologically sustainable environment.
The World Central Bureau of the International Federation of Scientific Societies
(Fundacin FISS) will put their experience at the communitys service of the high ideals
of its founders, Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire and of Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares
through the World Congress of Scientific Youth.
The approaching of renowned Scientists with the Colombian and international youth
that will be coming, shall take place in the Fourth World Congress of Scientific Youth in
Bogot D.C. from October 10 to 14, 2005.
To construct a scientific leadership with voice and ability, it is required a change in the
education and vision of men and women of science. This is to influence over the use of
the discoveries without reducing the capacity to produce new knowledge; and be able to
do the necessary precautions to avoid the use of science and technology against the
humanitys service.
We would like to call the scientists, research centers and scientific and technological
applications, as well as the young researchers and investigators in general from the five
continents to share the experience of this great event. Without doubt, it will contribute
to share experiences, formulate new approaches and theories, open new lines of
investigation and promote the exposition and the knowledge of the latest scientific
advances and for an international cooperation orientated to the reconstruction of a new
sociological and human frame for the development of science and scientific knowledge.
We would like to invite you to share together in a united world for the KNOWLEDGE
that will stimulated the vocation and the social understanding of science men and
women to build the humans future under the full awareness of our actions that shall be
historic. We invite you to do future as well as history in the creation of a viable world
under the impetus of an active scientific movement of humanistic scope that should be
capable to be the support for the construction of a culture based in wisdom, tolerance,
truth and peace.
Ramn Seiffe
World President

3. FISS Foundation
In Paris, France, was born an eminent wise man called Dr. Serge Raynaud de la
Ferrire. He found the International Federation of Scientific Societies (FISS French
acronym for Federation Internationale des Societes Scientifiques) in the year 1947. In
the historic process, he transferred from Paris to Nice the administrative operations in
[[[Foto de la entrada del Club L'Artistique]]]
Pie: Entrance to the great building of Club L'Artistique which is FISS headquarters
located in Nice (France) in the sixties.
During nine years, European renowned Scientists were encouraged to develop the
Science for Good Knowledge. Besides, there was a proposal to the French Government
to perform an expedition for the investigation of ancient cultures of South America.
When Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire, died on December 27, 1962 FISS remained
virtually without any initiative and instead of advancing with their activities it went
backwards. After a quarter of century of activities, contacts and efforts performed by
Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares he concluded with the excellent creation of the World
Center Bureau in Caracas, Venezuela. Due to the well-nourished epistolary contact that
he had with Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire and his request for this creation in
America, he founded it on August 17, 1988.
Objectives of the Foundation:
To establish a scientific center meeting the different sciences fields.
To recommend the creation of methodology analysis in the research programs from the
different science fields; and to centralize the works of the expertise.
To promote in the scientific and para-science fields the use of synthesis methodologies
in order to adapt new research disciplines.
To cultivate union ties with the different scientific societies of the five continents.
To coordinate the permanent activities that shall be performed in favor of scientific
societies members.
To supervise the foundations of research, expression and transitions liberties and the
knowledge of the research work. To promote the main regulations to conserve, defend
and improve the environment.
To create files and data banks; and coordinate relationships between researchers,
students, experts or specialists from the different subjects.

[[[Logosmbolo de la FISS]]]
[[[No necesita pie]]]
[[[Recuadro con la Junta Directiva del Bureau Centralizador Mundial]]]
Executive Committee of the World Centralizer Bureau of FISS Foundation
* President: Psychologist Ramn Hilario Seiffe Sencin
* Vice-President of the International Scientific Bureau: Dr. Physician Jos
Isabel Len Daz
* Vice-President: Licentiate Mara Nilda Cerf Arbul
* Vice-President: Brigadier-General (Army) Dr. Ramn Guillermo
Santeliz Ruiz
* Vice-President: Bach. Rodrigo Rodrguez Abad
* Secretary and Coordinator of the Literature: Licentiate Jos Miguel Esborronda
* Sub-secretary of Public Relationships: Psycho-pedagogy Ana Mara
Rodrguez Abad
* Sub-secretary of Minutes: Accounting Technician Luz Yanet Jaramillo Maya
* Treasurer: Licentiate Marks Vega Morales
* Vocal: Eng. ngela Mara lvarez Prez
International Delegations of FISS Foundations
ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires, Crdoba, Mendoza.
BOLIVIA: La Paz, Tarija, Santa Cruz, Sajama.
CANADA: Hamilton.
COSTA RICA: San Jos, Cartago.
COLOMBIA: Bogot, Medelln, Bucaramanga, Pereira, Cali.
CHILE: Santiago, Temuco, San Carlos, Iquique.
ECUADOR: Quito, Cuenca.
USA.: Chicago, Los ngeles, Miami, Phoenix.
EL SALVADOR: San Salvador, Sonsonate, Ahuachapn.
ITALY: Trieste.
MEXICO: Ciudad de Mxico, Tulancingo, Puebla.
PERU Lima, Cusco, Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Tarapoto.
PUERTO RICO: San Juan, Bayamn, Guaynabo.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Santo Domingo, San Cristbal.
VENEZUELA: Caracas, Maracaibo
[[[Foto de la oficina de la FISS en Cuenca]]]
Pie: Business Office of FISS in Cuenca (Ecuador)
4.- Founders
[[[Fundadores: La foto de cada uno de los Maestres tal y como se usan en
la Agenda del Tercer Congreso Mundial para el Talento de la Niez en el
Tercer Milenio. No necesitan pie]]]

Doctor Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire

Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire was born in Paris, France on January 18, 1916. At the
age of 12, he won the prize "Ernest Rousille" as the best student in Europe. At the age
of 14, he begins his university studies and was absorbed by the concrete form of these.
In the year 1935, he obtained his degree as Mining Engineer in Brussels. Later he
obtained different Doctorates in different fields such as in Medicine, Sciences,
Psychology and Theology, Philosophy and Biology.
On February 18, 1947, he founds the World Association of Cosmobiology.
Besides his works, he also stands out in Art as a painter, which shows in his works a
simultaneous set of different meanings united among them, for a period in which values
implies a synthesis and a syntagm. He has being declared by the art criticism as a
unique painter.
He tireless covers the five continents visiting 43 countries exposing his advance theories
of Science, Art, Philosophy and Didactic for the conception of a new humanity giving
2500 conferences and talks.
He establishes FISS headquarters in the Club l'Artistique, an art center very famous in
the fifties in Nice in agreement with his transcendental position and advance in its time
linking Science and Art in an epistemology of life and comprehension.
During his living time, he raised his concepts of the World Institution founded by him.
After his deceased on December 27, 1962, his favorite disciple, Dr. David Juan Ferriz
Olivares continued his work for the Science for Good Knowledge in the Foundations
inspired by his thoughts and theories (science and humanism). It was founded the FISS
Scientific Central Foundation, INVESCIENCIAS Foundation and ELIC Foundation, as
an Association to preserve the Work of Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire in Europe (with
Headquarters in Nice, France).
Through the above-mentioned foundations, for thousands of people in America, Europe
and other continents it has represented an essential change in their life. Like in their
disciplines practices such in the way of eating, the Psychophysical Culture, his advance
concepts through four pillars of Knowledge for the family, children, the men of
Thought, artists and in general, for the humanity. His thoughts have been explained
thanks to the training, high scientific education, and spiritual concepts received by his
disciple Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares.
"Anyway, in the industry, in the agriculture, in the biological investigations the
perspectives of a new science clearly is outlined and in a near future we could wait to
see a new form of general education.
"This returns us to think again about the philosophy reflection, since all new scientific
information suggest a new problem, mainly about essential considerations. "

(Psychology Purposes, Volume I, Volumes I to VI, page. 151, Towards a new Age of
Doctor David Juan Ferriz Olivares.
Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares was born on June 12, 1921 in the Mexican Embassy in
the city of Kobe (Japan). His parents were Mexican diplomats.
His inclination toward the scientific research started when he was still studying in
Primary School. In the afternoons, his father used to take him to his classes in the
University introducing him to thinkers like Antonio Caso, Jos Vasconcelos and Alfonso
He studied Philosophy and Economics and received his degree as Doctor of Philosophy
and Arts. Besides, he was very interested in applied sciences. In the Free Tribune of
Mexico, he started other of his aspects as orator, where he gave more than 7000
conferences and courses through his livelihood.
On December 3, 1953, he learns about Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire works to which
he devoted the rest of his life and became his favorite disciple.
On 1970, he inaugurated the UNINT, the University Area of Dr.
Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire Foundation in Lima, Peru. In 1975, he founded
INVESCIENCIAS Foundation an Investigations Institute of Scientific and Technology
Applications. In 1977, he founded ELIC Foundation, Free Schools of Scientific
Investigation for Children, together with his disciple the Accountant Ms. Mara Nilda
Cerf Arbul.
On August 17, 1988, he founded in Caracas the World Centralizer Bureau of the
Scientific Central FISS Foundation, / International Federation of Scientific Societies.
As Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire did, he also linked Science with Art. On October
14th, 1990 he performed for the first time his Symphony West and East in the Great
Theater Teresa Carreo in Caracas (Venezuela). Between 1991 and 1992, he promoted
events such as the First World Congress of Scientific Youth (in Puerto Rico) and the
Latin American Congress of Writers (in the Dominican Republic).
He stands out for his translations and editions to the Spanish language of the 100 works
written by Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire in his mother language, French, in an
epistolary communication of seven consecutive years among them. Through his
training works, he wrote numerous works and more than 10000 hours of conferences
and talks that were recorded. The most important ones were: "Scientific Theory of
Cosmobiology"; "Serge Raynaud de la Ferrire, His Essential Thought: God through
Mathematics"; "Genesis and Humanism of the American Cultures"; "Come Patient, eat
life and health " besides a great number of articles and unpublished works which shall

He linked Science with Art, Philosophy and Teaching to establish a world united by
"The reappearance of the mathematics presents a new factor that motivates our society
to the science. This involves the closure that exists between men devoted to science and
his/her specialty and the public that due to lack of explanations lives ignorant and looks
science full of superstitious fear. Besides, they wish that scientists produce miracle
subjects and solutions, which certain type of writing and important press have taught
them to wait for it. And the most important issue is not only waiting for it but to
consider as inevitable results their investigations ".
(I fulfilled God through Mathematic. Work presented by UNESCO for his bibliography.
Page 99)
5. Events
International Seminar of Epistemology of the Andean Cultures.
participating: Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador, from December 4 to 7, 1989, in
Bogot, Colombia.
[[[Foto Seminario Internacional Epistemologa de las Culturas Andinas]]]
Pie: From left to right: Architecture. Edwin Rodrguez and Dr. Mario Pineda, members
of the FISS Foundation, Anthropologist Esteban Monsonyi, Venezuela, Anthropology
Dr. Barbara Hess, Ecuador and Dr. Juan Pablo Gaitan, Colombia, exposures.
Regional Seminar of Native Cultures from the Caribbean, November 12 to 13, 1998,
in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
[[[Foto Seminario Regional de Culturas Aborgenes del Caribe]]]
Pie: Regional Seminar of Native Cultures from the Caribbean
World Congress of Scientific Youth
First Congress in San Juan, Puerto Rico from August 2 to 7, 1992.
[[[Foto 1er. Congreso Mundial de Juventudes Cientficas]]]
Pie: First World Congress of Scientific Youth
Second Congress in San Juan, Puerto Rico from August 4 to 9, 1996
Third Congress in Cusco, Per from December 13 to 19, 1998.
[[[En esta rea se pueden incluir tambin la Garita y Macchupicchu en
referencia a los afiches de los congresos anteriores en forma parecida a
como se hizo para el primer folleto de presentacin]]]

Scientific Federations and similar Institutions
Give services related to copyright.
World Office of Scientific Youth: Projects for humanistic education in Science,
Technology, Communication to preserve the environment and the link of the youth with
tolerance and peace, together with the Investigations Institute of Scientific and
Technology Applications (INVESCIENCIAS) and the Foundation, Free Schools of
Scientific Investigation for Children (ELIC).
Data Banks
Education and spreading of science towards the society.
6. Presentation of the Fourth World Congress of Scientific Youth
[[[Fotos de los dos auditorios del evento]]]
Pie: 1. Salitre Hall" Chamber of Commerce of Bogot 2. Convention Center "Alfonso
Lpez Pumarejo" Universidad Nacional de Colombia
The FISS Scientific Center Foundation (International Federation of Scientific Societies)
calls to the Fourth World Congress of Scientific Youth. This will be held in the city of
Bogot D.C., Colombia, on October 10 to 1, 2005, in the Convention Center Alfonso
Lpez Pumarejo, of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and after it shall continue
the days 12, 13 and 14 in the Salitre Hall of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogot.
The Congress is a call and opportunity to youngsters who are motivated to search for a
better world and an absolute hope that it is possible. Expertise professionals and new
researchers that develop new, unexplored and unknown approaches will meet to
concrete ideals of science for humanitys service through: analysis, interrelation,
synthesis of life connected themes, environment, peace, education, philosophy and
scientific management. In addition, they shall foresee the actual developments,
perspectives and future needs. The Foundations interest is to have an exchange of
experiences between young researchers and experienced scientists. The first shall learn
from the experience of the expertise and the last could learn about new visions, the
young spirit and the ideals of who start their scientific and research activity.
The term Youth refers to the young spirit that has the capability and creation, to
produce or search new developments, for which age is not a limit.
The synthesis approach of the event, calls besides the young scientists, to professionals
in the areas of Science, Art, Philosophy and Education since at the FISS Foundation we
understand Science in the same unlimited sense of Knowledge proposed by Dr. Serge
Raynaud de la Ferrire and Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares. You can participate in
different ways: with papers, round tables conferences, stands, etc.

Student, professionals and institutions can show their development and contributions for
Science to the service of the Environment, Life and Peace.
On October, the city of Bogot shall be the epicenter of the science and the culture.
Different areas interested in the development of humanity through the spreading of the
science will meet. Besides the Fourth World Congress of Scientific Youth, there will be
events of great importance such as Exposcience.
[[[Recuadro de Expociencia enviado por la ACAC]]]
The initiative has allowed exceptional and integral encounters of the most known and
prestigious scientists of Colombia, different other countries and continents. In the
Congress organized by the FISS Foundation, students, executives and organizations can
be in contact with the scientists well known in Colombia, Latin American and the
world. We hope that through synergy the science can be directed to the service of the
environment, life and peace.
This fourth version of the abovementioned Congress it is sponsored and has
organizations auspices such as the Convenio Andrs Bello (CAB) and the UNESCO
both devoted to the cultural and scientific development and integration of the nations,
and both have participated in previous events. We also count with the special support of
the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, an institution that is compromised with the
education and vocational training of the Colombian. At the same time the Chamber of
Commerce of Bogot support the event proving that the business world is committed
with the developments and progress of the human beings..
[[[Foto del Comit de Honor]]]
Pie: From left to right: Dr. Teresa Len, university professor and adviser of the
Colombian Association for the Development of Science (ACAC acronym in Spanish);
Dr. Eduardo Posada F., President of A.C.A.C.; Dr. Nohora Elizabeth Hoyos, Executive
Director of the Interactive Center of Science and Technology - Maloka; Dr. David
Gmez, coordinator of the science and technology area of the Convenio Andrs Bello.
Also as Honor Committee members are: Dr. Carmen Helena Carvajal L., Executive
Director of A.C.A.C. and Dr. Jaime Bernal Villegas, scientific and Principal of the
School Gimnasio Campestre de Bogot.
It is outstanding the support given by the Districts Institute of Culture and Tourism
(Instituto Distrital de Cultura y Turismo) through the Culture Observatory of Bogot.
And the Colombian Association for Science Development (ACAC) sending notable
lecturers. The Interactive Museum of Science and Technology Maloka, besides, their
wonderful support in the event they will expound the paper "Experience Project
According to UNESCOs sources, [...] 94% of the current scientists live in a developed
world. Therefore, even that, 77% of the population lives in a world in development,

only we can find 6% of the world scientists here. Among them, only 1% lives in Latin
American and the Caribbean Area (Memories of the Third World Congress for the
Childrens Talent organized by Free Schools of Scientific Investigation for Children,
Orlando Hall Rose, World Representative of UNESCO presented this paper named The
Dislike of the Youngsters for Science and Technology: A Dangerous Trend). The
disaffection of the youngsters for science is a dangerous world trend that concerns
UNESCO since we are living in a world so dependent of Science and Technology. A
key to revert this trend is to train teachers from primary, secondary and university. The
interest from several and important organizations in the Fourth World Congress of
Scientific Youth gives an idea about the important commitment they have with science
focused for humanitys service and development
7.- Objectives, Activities and Themes
The Fourth World Congress of Scientific Youth has nine themes related to science and
investigation where it will be shown the developments performed by young students
researchers and by specialists and well-known professional in different areas, which is
of great importance for the present time like the rights and duties of the scientist, the
ethics and the intellectual property.
Science that has been the base of many technological developments for the humanity
service, this is the International Year of Physics. Physics not only has help in the health
areas but as well as the daily life understanding the environment in which we live. The
Congress will present vanguard themes in the Physics field with the support and
consultancy of the International Center of Physics of the Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, through their Rector Dr. Eduardo Posada Florez.
[[[Logo del Ao Internacional de la Fsica
No necesita pie]]]
As well, the FISS Foundation is open to receive suggestions and contributions from
Physics Investigation Centers from other continents and countries, like the International
in Trieste (Italia) and from other specialties.
It will be exposed the advances and developments of science and technology for
children, youngsters, well-known scientists in a dialogue of Tolerance, Truth and Peace
focused towards its future perspectives and current scientific frontiers. The need to put
in practice multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches of
science so an integral knowledge makes progress towards a better comprehension of the
universe within a good knowledge.
Another important theme of the congress is the communication in the scientific activity,
specially analyzing the means to make known the results and the investigations
processes. From the above, we cannot forge the legal aspect that shall ruled not only the

protection of rights that comes up from the same investigation that is a liberty to do it,
but as well from the access of information and intellectual property. It will be analyzed
as well the duties that arise from the possible contradictions of the human rights and all
the responsibilities that imply the investigation, especially when we are talking about
contributing for peace. All these will be related with ethics, praising the human
approach in this important event. Other indispensable areas will be analyzed to bring
together science and culture. It is important the union between sciences through
cooperation and education in scientific management to used utmost the potentials and
mainly the training for a research attitude, mainly when science training has been united
with art.
[[[Foto relacionada con el genoma humano y unirla con una foto de la
primera pgina de la declaracin de la UNESCO sobre el genoma
Pie: The human genome has represented a fruitful encounter between Science
development and Ethics
All the above has the purpose to show the contribution that technology and science can
perform to the environment, life and peace.
The main objectives of the Fourth World Congress of Scientific Youth are:
To identify, to describe or to diagnose specific problems, as well as to formulate new
solutions, alternatives or to modify existing technologies.
To propose or to create synthesis methodologies that could allow the union of
different sciences in new disciplines or in particular applications.
To search for the solutions of regional or global strategies of common or interrelated
To promote in youth the scientific criteria for Conflict Resolution, procurement for
international peace, education and international cooperation.
To present works of scientific investigation whose results could contribute in concrete
solutions to humanitys problems.
In this sense, the activities of the event shall be orientated:
1. To promote international scientific exchange, between young researchers; among
themselves; and with well-known scientists.
2. To create conscious of scientific and technology planning need at worldwide.
3. To promote the exposition and the knowledge of latest scientific new advances, its
approached and capacity of answer to specific aspects of problems that have being

4. To encourage the interest for research and its technological application among
researchers, professors, professionals, university students and all those people who have
interest for studies.
5. Main issues of science be considered about them. To praise highly the scientific and
technological developments and its impact for lifes quality and preservation.
International Scientific Communication
Publications and congresses
Informatics, television information, networks and data banks
Investigation Equipment and technological resources in communications
Duties and Rights of the Scientist
Human Rights and intellectual property
Freedom in the investigation and access to the information
Leadership and social responsibility of the scientist
His/her contribution for peace
Perspectives of a world legislation to protect scientists and its discoveries
Humanism in Science and Science in Humanism.
Ethics, bio-ethics and values
Ethics in scientific dissemination towards the people: in food, communication media,
education, use of technology, towards the human being and animals
The scientific discoveries as human patrimony
Science and human development
Science for Peace
Science and Technology
Science and technology contributions for the environment, life, health and peace
Science, technology and quality of life
Future Perspectives of science and technology
Epistemology of Science
Evolution in the different cultures
The new paradigms in science
Epistemological Vision of science
The information society in the knowledge era
Globalization and identity
Education in the training of investigation attitudes
In children, youngsters and adults

Science, education and investigation

Education of science and scientific management
The contact of youth with scientists
Science at school: its development, dissemination and training
The University Training
Perspectives of linking Sciences
A jointed vision of Science
The contributions of the different disciplines
The multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches of science
The international scientific cooperation
The Scientific Management
The training of researchers in scientific management
Scientific Management and humanism
The scientific management in the local and international environments
Science and Art Union
Art in the comprehension of science training
Art and its functions of disseminating Technology Knowledge and Art
Art and its technological adaptation
*Note: The official language of the Congress shall be Spanish. The conferences in other
languages shall be translated only to this language.
[[[Logosmbolo del evento]]]
+ Pie: Logo symbol of the World Congress of Scientific Youth
Scientifics that summarize the ideas of the young science that wants to give live (hand
with a torch), the knowledge of all the times that links
Science and Art (olive branch), the exploration, communication and investigation of all
nature (aerial and waves) and the organized development (spiral).
8.- Participation and Contact Information
To participate in the Fourth World Congress of Scientific Youth in some modalities
(exponent, assistant, and sponsor) can contact with the organizing Committee in the
following addresses:
World Organizing Committee
Telephones (57 1) 2870713, telefax (57 1) 2836536
Bogot. Colombia.

World Headquarters of FISS in Caracas, Venezuela: invescie@reacciun.ve

International Delegations:
Teacher in Natural Sciences Pedro Calella
Telephones (54 261) 4371724, 4412535/8
Lawyer Jos Luis Gutirrez Sardn
Telefax (591 2) 2442087
La Paz
Catedrtica Pamela Aspilcueta Gho
Telfono (1 905) 7928276
Brampton, Ontario
Antroplogo Jos del T. Saavedra Zapata
Telfono (56 45) 290424, Fax: 290427
Costa Rica
Licenciate Ana Gioconda Solera Conejo
Telephones (506) 2576390 ext. 210, 2797313
Electrical Engineer Fabin Arturo vila Lasso
Telephone (593 7) 2841409, telefax 2841409
El Salvador
M.A. Sc Luis Mariano Herrera Pacheco
Telephones (503) 2894547, 5050065
San Salvador

United States
Esteban Correa Rodrguez
Telephones (1 773) 5836613, 9684714
Chicago, IL
Electrical Engineer Jos Ral Moreno
Telephones (1 818) 9859373, 9855374
North Hollywood, CA
Iris Bolaos
Telephones (1 305) 8648557, 7258862, telefax 3754505
Miami Beach, FL
Historian Luz Piedad Gil
Telephone (1 732) 6785214, (1 201) 3880870
Brick, NJ
Doctor Stomatologist Salomn Shamosh Halabe
Telephones (52 55) 52540101, 52540006, Fax 52503579
Mxico D. F.
Physician Felipe Obeso Reyes
Telephones (51 1) 2423169, 4479757
Puerto Rico
Physics Luis Alberto Vargas
Telephone (1 787) 7900782, 2363630
Dominican Republic
Teacher in Gender and Development Cristina A. Snchez M.
Telephones (1 809) 5434618, 2272877, fax 5325828
Santo Domingo

Biologist Luis Orlando Marulanda Orozco Ph.D in Biology
Telephones (58 212) 2856334, 8603862, telefax 8644732
Lawyer Guido Marotta
Telephone (39 040) 390823
Trieste, Italia
[[[Recuadro con el agradecimiento a las instituciones que auspician
donde se insertan sus logos]]]
The FISS Foundation is very grateful to the following entities for their emphatic and
valuable support to perform this Fourth Version of the World Congress of Scientific
Convenio Andrs Bello
The Convenio Andrs Bello, is an international intergovernmental organization that
favors the strengthening of the integration processes, configuration and development of
a common cultural environment. The agreement seeks consensus and courses of actions
in culture, education, science and technology with the purpose to contributing an
equitable, sustainable, and democratic development of country members
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
As a University of the Nation it promotes the access with equitability to the Colombian
educational system, has the most number of academic programs, trains competent
professionals and socially responsible.
Contributes to the elaboration and the importance of new concepts for the Nations
project; studies and enriches the cultural, natural and environmental patrimony of the
country. These consultancies are given in the scientific, technological, cultural and
artistic areas with academic and research autonomy.
Chamber of Commerce of Bogot
Is an non profitable and private institution giving services to promote with national and
international projection the improvement of Bogots competitiveness and its regions;

and the development of the business management community to generate wealth and
quality of life.
Colombian Association for the Development of Science (A.C.A.C. acronym in
Promotes and coordinates scientific and technological activities as fundamentals for the
national development presenting proposals of public politics on behalf of the Colombian
Scientific community.
Maloka, Interactive Center of Science and Technology
Maloka is an interactive science and technology theme park with national coverage and
international projection. It contributes to the construction of a society based in
knowledge through the design of multiple strategies of social adaptation of Science and
Technology, which produces a critical spirit and conscience about its impact in the daily
life and the social, economical and cultural development of the Colombians.
From August 2005 to January 2006 in Maloka you can enjoy the Science Fiction season,
where visitors shall have an unforgettable experience traveling through the ideas that
converts in reality from science and technology.

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