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1. You mentioned that you have to go through "a ticket issuing company," why is that?

Is that
somewhere in the policy?

Several years ago, the district changed from charging out of district air fares to the districts
American Express Card to a central MasterCard in the districts ProCard program used by
the district. This change enabled the district to earn a rebate under it MasterCard contract
with J. P. Morgan Chase. These funds enabled the district to add a second travel clerk. A
second position was critical if the district was going to start purchasing tickets via the
internet. At the same time, the district made the decision to have tickets purchased directly
through the internet and to start reducing the services the district uses with Advantage
Travel. This current fiscal year, over 60% of tickets have been purchased on line. In 2010-
2011, the district will continue to reduce the need to use the travel agency firm. There are
times when a travel agent needs to be used; those being large group travel, especially
student group travel, international travel and travel involving complicated commutes.

2. Claudette Vernon is one person who works in your office as a "travel specialist," who does she
report to?

Claudette Vernon, Travel Services Representative reports to Chalita Cyprian,Procurement


3. Through e-mails we have obtained, Vernon searches for flights sends them to the person who
has requested travel arrangements and then goes to the travel agency "Advantage Travel" to
actually buy the tickets. Why not just buy them from the airline directly? Could Vernon in her
position do that? I know you said you do that through Southwest already, why not do it through all
other airlines as well?

There are times when the use of a travel agency is needed. The on-line system is not user
friendly for group travel. The agency can better manage group travel, especially when name
changes are required (often times employees/students are not able to take the trip as
previously scheduled). Agencies can also place a hold on group travel, while
schools/departments are finalizing travel arrangements and/or funding and to avoid price
increases versus purchasing tickets on line which requires immediate payment. Agencies
also have access to various travel systems (GDS systems) that show multiple destinations,
various airlines and the best pricing for the most expedient routes. HISD currently does not
have any type of GDS system in place. Travel staff will continue to purchase as many
tickets on line as possible.

4. Can you send me a copy of the official travel policy as it stands today?

See attached

5. You mentioned your employees have complained about last minute trips-are you or is the district
working to create a policy that prohibits people from scheduling last minute flights that have more
expensive ticket prices?

As a result of the new organizational change and elimination of the regional offices, many
policies and administrative regulations are being reviewed. This includes travel. The
district will have updated travel guidelines ready for schools and departments prior to the
start of school.

6. You mentioned that there are not HISD vehicles that employees can drive to and from places-
BUT, why not have them carpool and drive their own cars and be reimbursed for mileage? Would
you do this if it could save the district money?

The district currently has no plans to purchase a fleet of automobiles for this purpose. We
do have employees who would prefer not to use their own vehicle for district business. In
some instances, we have rented cars for the day which is an economical way to travel for
trips of short mileage durations. In other instances, we have employees who opt to carpool
when traveling for the same purpose.

7. I know travel by a teacher or other employee at a given school is approved for by the principal at
the school or a regional superintendent-soon to be SIO. If a school wanted to spend a majority of
their money on travel they could, right? You mentioned that there is accountability though-What
sort of accountability? Within the district by you or the Superintendent or community

School budgets are under the decision making control of the campus principal with
oversight from the School Improvement Officers. Schools make decisions on travel needs.
The role of the Finance Office is not to second guess the plans made by schools but to
oversee trends and look for potential items that do not seem justified. In those cases, either
the CFO or the Controller discuss a particular situation with the Chief Academic Officer and
a decision is made and communicate back to the school or department involved.

8. If Superintendent Grier traveled by plane for a conference would that show up on the credit card
issued to you or is it controlled in his departmental travel budget?

For the most part, travel for the Superintendent is reimbursed to Dr. Grier. He makes his
own travel arrangements and then files for reimbursement.

9. Could you tell me the departmental travel budgets for each Chief office in 2007-present day?
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011
Name of Cost Center Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
INSPECTOR GENERAL $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000
GENERAL COUNSEL $ 8,500 $ 8,500 $ 10,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000
COMMUNICATIONS $ 17,500 $ 17,500 $ 17,500 $ 20,000 $ 15,000
CHIEF OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS $ 37,500 $ 32,500 $ 32,500 $ 24,000 $ 24,000
TECHNOLOGY $ - $ 45,000 $ 30,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000
CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER $ 53,000 $ 53,000 $ 53,000 $ 60,000 $ 60,000
GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS $ 20,000 $ 12,500 $ 17,500 $ 18,000 $ 18,000
RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000
CHIEF OF STAFF $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 6,000 $ 5,000
HUMAN RESOURCES $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 12,000 $ 10,000
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER $ 20,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000
E-RATE COMPLIANCE OFFICER $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,000
CHIEF OF MAJOR PROJECTS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000
$ 191,500 $ 234,000 $ 225,500 $ 290,000 $ 291,000
10. Can you tell me how much HISD has spent each year from 2007-present day on air-travel?

July 2007 thru June 2008 $671,934.68

July 2008 thru June 2009 $635,641.33

July 2009 thru 06.15.2010 $666,936.68

11. You mentioned a fund that HISD has available for "unbudgeted travel;" how much is currently
in the fund? How much is normally sustained in the fund each year?

Currently there is $135,000 in the district-wide account. Currently less than $10,000 has
been spent.

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