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Estrutura Curricular
Modalidade / Nvel
de Ensino
Ensino Mdio
Ensino Fundamental
Ensino Fundamental
Ensino Mdio
Ensino Fundamental
Ensino Mdio
Ensino Mdio
Ensino Mdio
Ensino Fundamental


Competncia comunicativa: componentes
lingusticos, sociolingusticos e pragmticos
Textos orais com marcas entonacionais e
Grau de formalidade na escrita e na fala
Competncia pluricultural: lngua como meio
de acesso s manifestaes culturais
Aspectos morfolgicos, sintticos e
Compreenso oral
Produo oral
Compreenso leitora
Organizao textual

Dados da Aula
O que o aluno poder aprender com esta aula

As caractersticas dos advrbios.

Fazer uso das caractersticas com situaes reais de comunicao.

Fazer exerccios de reading e listening e produo oral para internalizar o conhecimento

Durao das atividades

03 horas/aulas de 50 minutos aproximadamente.

Conhecimentos prvios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno

Os alunos devero conhecer mais sobre as classes gramaticais. Para isso, acesse:
Os alunos devero conhecer mais sobre o Simple Past.Para isso, visite:
Sites acessados em: 15/11/2010.
Estratgias e recursos da aula
Aula 1

Inicie esta sequncia distribuindo cpias para os alunos da seguinte histria:

"High Hopes"
I had a nightmare the other night. I dreamt I was bungee jumping, that's when you
throw yourself off a bridge and your feet are attached to an elasticated rope that pulls
you back again. I didn't do the jump properly, in fact, I did it extremely badly because I
fell only a few metres and was dangling dangerously just below the bridge for ages.
Then I woke up and thanked my lucky stars enthusiastically that it had been only a
dream. I lay quietly in bed the following morning and wondered how I had come to
have such a terrible dream. Never would I contemplate the idea of jumping off a bridge
with or without an elasticated cord. Then I remembered I had seen a film on the
television the night before showing some students bungee jumping. The funny thing
about this strange sport is that you often see people jumping off but you never see them
come back. As I said, in no circumstances could I be persuaded to do it for the simple
reason that I am terrified of heights. I remember once sitting petrified at my desk at
work listening to a colleague describing how he had jumped out of a plane by
parachute on one occasion in order to raise some money for charity, I can recall how I
almost fell off my chair in fear. No sooner had he finished telling his story than I had to
get up and go and lie down quietly in a darkened room. I can still remember one
incident that illustrates my fear of heights I haven't got over it yet and it's still very
vivid in my mind.
I never have to find an excuse to go the seaside. I always agree to it when someone
suggests going to the coast. I never can resist the sight and smell of the sea. A trip had
been planned for the weekend. I always used to pack the night before one of these trips

and invariably I rarely slept in anticipation of the event. That's what comes of working
in a large city day in day out. We set off early and reached our destination quite
quickly at about 11 a.m. Hardly had we finished our morning coffee in a small cafe
when it started to rain really heavily. Then we decided to drive around to the front and
watch the sea as it pounded violently against the beach. We were just going to abandon
the whole idea of staying there any longer when the sun made an appearance suddenly.
As quickly as the rain had started equally as speedily it stopped. We all got out of the
car and walked slowly up the cliff at the end of the town. Usually you get a magnificent
view of the bay at the top but on this particular afternoon rarely had I seen
so much mist. And that, in a manner of speaking, was my down fall. Although I knew
this particular piece of land quite well, the fog had obscured the edge of the cliff and
although I was walking very slowly as I always do on high ground, I stepped on a piece
of grass which I thought was solid but soon discovered was anything but. I
slipped immediately and began to descend almost as if I was nearly doing a slow
motion bungee jump only this time I was the right way up. With a jolt I
stopped abruptly and realized I was going nowhere. Only then did I start to panic. I
could hear the sea but I didn't dare look down and I started to yell as loud as I could. I
waited patiently on my little edge for at least half an hour while I was being assured
that help would come soon.
Eventually a rope was dropped down to me and I gradually hoisted myself up to the top
of the cliff. By now the mist had cleared completely and I took a quick look down to
discover that I had only been about half a metre from the beach. But I thought I'd
conceal that information subtly.
After all, it would have spoilt the hero's welcome I received.
Fonte: http://www.english-test.net/lessons/11/index.html Acesso: 15/11/2010.
Sugesto: A histria tambm poder ser acessada
em: https://sites.google.com/site/centropedagogicoufmg/lingua-estrangeira-1/luanavieira/high-hopes-adverbs
Acesso 15/11/2010. Neste endereo, possvel acessar um
handout pronto para ser impresso e distribudo aos aprendizes.

Figura 1. Imagem do recurso oferecido.

Fonte: https://sites.google.com/site/centropedagogicoufmg/lingua-estrangeira-1/luanavieira/high-hopes-adverbs
Acesso: 15/11/2010.
Organize os alunos em um crculo e promova um momento de leitura entre os
aprendizes. Neste primeiro momento, eles devero ler a histria com foco apenas no
enredo da mesma. Depois que terminarem a leitura, questione-os:
What is it talking about?
Who are the people in the story?
What is the sport mentioned?
Why are there many words underlined?
Os alunos precisaro de algum tempo para responder s questes propostas. Determine
o tempo de acordo com o nmero de alunos que houver na sala, pois, eles devero
discutir entre si as respostas.
Corrija as questes e d ateno especial ltima pergunta. Se necessrio, pea a um
voluntrio que releia a frase em que estiver presente uma palavra sublinhada. Aps cada
leitura, pergunte aos alunos qual o sentido da palavra dentro daquele contexto.
"I waited pantiently..."
Neste caso, espera-se que os alunos notem que a palavra "patiently" completa o sentido
do verbo "waited", modificando-o. interessante aps esse exerccio, explicar a funo
comunicativa das palavras sublinhadas, ou seja, dos adverbs.
"Adverbs modify verbs. They tell you How something is done. Example: How does
he she sing? - She sings beautifully."
Para mais informaes sobre advrbios, veja os links mencionados em Recursos
Aula 2

Nesta aula, apresente detalhadamente as caractersticas dos diversos advrbios

existentes na Lngua Inglesa. Para isso, exiba o seguinte vdeo aos alunos:

Figura 2. Imagem do recurso oferecido.

Fonte: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MprAnTCIOr8
Acesso: 15/11/2010.
Este vdeo retrata as caractersticas, usos e formas de um advrbio na Lngua Inglesa de
maneira suscinta e clara. (Durao: 7:04 minutos.)
Apresente o vdeo uma vez para os alunos. Pea-os que tomem nota de todas as
informaes que acharem interessante, como por exemplo, os tipos de advrbios
existentes, os exemplos dados, etc.
Em seguida, eles devero pesquisar mais advrbios que se enquadrem nas cinco
categorias apresentadas no vdeo: manner, time or place, frequency, comment and
degree. Depois, que pesquisarem os alunos devero produzir sentenas e reproduz-las
em cartolinas ou papel ofcio.
Atividade Complementar

Utilize as sentenas produzidas pelos alunos nesta atividade. Promova uma competio
entre os dois grupos que devem ser formados na sala. Em cada rodada o grupo dever
desafiar o oponente a acrescentar na frase em questo qualquer tipo de advrbio.
Esclarea que a frase dever ter sentido. Se achar interessante, autorize o uso de
dicionrios bilngues. Observe o sugerido em Recursos Complementares. Perder o jogo
o grupo que por mais vezes no conseguir acrescentar os advrbios nas frases.
Observe como dever ocorrer a brincadeira:
Grupo 1: And the sentence is:
"She studied hard."
O Grupo 2 dever acrescentar, por exemplo:

"She studied very hard."

O Grupo 1, na sua vez, dever, por exemplo, dizer:
"Yesterday, she studied very hard"
Corrija os possveis erros que surgirem. Atente para a posio dos advrbios nas frases.
Conduza a brincadeira e oferea um prmio (bombons, balas, etc) para o grupo que
Aula 3

Nesta aula, visite o seguinte endereo e faa o game com os alunos.Divida-os em

pequenos grupos e acesse: http://www.ezschool.com/Games/Adverbs.html
Acesso em: 15/11/2010.

Figura 3. Imagem do recurso.

Fonte: http://www.ezschool.com/Games/Adverbs.html
Acesso: 15/11/2010.
Caso no tenha acesso a internet na sua instituio de ensino, considere a hiptese de
visitar uma lan house com os alunos ou reproduzir o jogo em cartolinas.
Determine um tempo para que todos possam concluir o game. Por exemplo, dentro de 7
minutos, todos devem parar de responder e sero contabilizadas quantas respostas certas
cada grupo obteve.
Atividade Complementar:

Pea a um integrante de cada grupo que tome nota dos advrbios que aparecerem no
jogo. Eles devero produzir um dilogo com os advrbios. Incentive-os a entregarem a
produo escrita para que haja uma correo prvia.

Recursos Complementares

Para ter acesso a um dicionrio bilngue, visite:

Para saber mais sobre advrbios, acesse:
Para ter acesso a mais atividades sobre advrbios, procure em:
Sites acessados em: 15/11/2010.

Avalie esta sequncia usando o dilogo escrito na aula 3. Pea aos alunos que
apresentem o mesmo oralmente para o restante da sala. No permita que haja leitura. A
avaliao tambm dever ocorrer no mbito da pronncia e uso correto dos advrbios
estudados. Atente-se tambm diversificao dos advrbios usados no dilogo.

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