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Michelle Gelrud Presentation Lesson Plan

• Lesson topic – conjugating –ar verbs
• Length of Lesson – 50 minutes
• VA Standards of Learning – there are no SOLs in Spanish classes

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
• recall, cite and successfully use the steps for regular –ar verb conjugation without referencing notes

Teaching and Learning Sequence

• Introduction/Anticipatory Set : total time for activity = approximately 10 minutes

Para Empezar (bell ringer activity/anticipatory set): students will be asked to make a list of the –ar verbs that they have
used or encountered in class. They will also be asked to write the conjugated forms of those verbs, if they recall them
*Students will be given 5 minutes to do this while teacher takes attendance and checks for homework
completion from the previous class
*After 5 minutes, 5 student volunteers and write their list of –ar verbs on the board (if no volunteers, teacher
will randomly select names using popsicle sticks with student names on each)
*remaining students will go to the board (in rows, or 5 at a time) and put a check next to the verbs that they
also have on their list and add the verbs that they do not see already written on the board
*through this activity, students will be introduced to the material for the lesson and see that they already have some
prior knowledge (positive effect on participation, confidence)

• Lesson Development :
1. (2 minutes) After the Para Empezar activity, the teacher will distribute a verb conjugation worksheet (see
attached); during distribution, teacher will explain the use of this worksheet (students will be given additional
copies throughout the year to use as a study resource or exercise – it is a blank format to work on verb
conjugation, verb definition, sentences for reference and additional notes space for students to use for students
to note mnemonics or other notes to self)
2. Teacher will instruct students that this worksheet will be used after the students have been taught –ar verb
conjugation (students put worksheets aside)
3. (6 minutes) Teacher reviews subject pronouns with students
a. this is done by asking 9 students to come forward
b. teacher uses self as example for ‘I’ subject pronoun and reviews remaining pronouns using students
for visual reference for class
c. teacher then writes the subject pronoun chart on the board
yo nosotros
tú vosotros
Ud. Uds.
él, ella ellos, ellas
4. (12-15 minutes) Teacher delivers lesson on –ar verb conjugation
a. teacher asks students for the definition of a verb (in English)
b. teacher defines ‘infinitive’ both English and Spanish verbs
c. teacher reviews what conjugation is and why it is necessary
i. emphasis on demonstration of appropriate conjugations (you wouldn’t say ‘I eats’, right?
You say ‘HE eats’; can you say ‘THEY eat?’, etc.
d. teacher begins the steps for conjugating verbs:
i. drop the infinitive ending
ii. rewrite the stem
iii. add the appropriate ending
e. using the verb ‘hablar’ (to speak), teacher demonstrates conjugation using the steps
f. teacher asks students for another –ar verb and demonstrates conjugation using that verb (again
showing on the board each step, while explaining each step orally)
g. students provide another –ar verb example and teacher again demonstrates step-by-step conjugation
but asks students to direct her through the steps

5. (3-4 minutes total) Teacher asks students to conjugate 1 –ar verb (‘estudiar’) on their own, using the verb
conjugation worksheet that they were given earlier.
a. 1 volunteer (or randomly selected student via popsicle sticks) writes his/her answers on board
6. (8-10 minutes) Students are then put into groups of 4
a. using 2 dice (each a different color) per group, they do an activity for conjugation practice
i. on the board, teacher will write two (2) lists of numbers 1-6, each representing a die
ii. list one: 6 different subjects/subject pronouns
iii. list two: 6 different –ar verb infinitives
b. groups roll the dice and look at the list for the subject and verb represented by the numbers rolled (2
students at a time roll and students in group take turns completing the conjugations)
**as students complete exercise, teacher pulls up YouTube video for closing activity and then walks around and listens to
groups, commenting, helping, etc. (monitoring, assessing)

• Closure : (6 minutes total) Students are asked to cite (as a group) the steps for conjugating verbs
a. teacher then reminds them to write down the hw assignment (written on board in area marked homework
each day) and tells them to pack up
b. teacher then tells students that they are about to see a video created by a Spanish student that explains how
to conjugate –ar verbs
a. teacher explains that it, as well as many other similar videos, can be found on YouTube and
encourages students to research some of them and share their favorites with the class via
Discussion Board on class site
b. teacher plays video for students

Students are given a blank verb conjugation chart worksheet and are told to find 5 –ar verbs and conjugate them on the
worksheet using steps; in addition, write 4 sentences using different subjects/subject pronouns for use in an activity in the
next class. Sentences are to be fill-in-the blank using conjugated –ar verb as the answer needed (the infinitive of the –ar verb
is given) example (given on board with assignment): Maria ___________________ (hablar) para el examen. *this portion of
the hw will be used as the bell ringer (Para Empezar) activity in the next class.

• Formative – student comprehension will be assessed via participation, correct answers to questions (steps for
conjugation, correct conjugation of verbs during group lesson, individual worksheet conjugation, and dice game);
Comprehension will also be assessed during the dice game via teacher walking around and listening to the students as
they answer
• Summative – teacher will assess individual student comprehension via visual assessment of individual verb
conjugation exercises, as well as oral assessment during group activity as each student is required to answer
individually. Further individual assessment will be provided via homework (are the original fill-in-the-blank sentences
formatted correctly and then are they answered correctly by another students in Para Empezar (bell ringer) in next class
(this provides the teacher with an assessment of 2 students per assignment)

*YouTube – “Conjugations Back” video (url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ex3k3yKjYk) Video created by a student
in a Spanish 1 class and then posted on the web.
*There are no other references for this lesson – teacher has created both the verb conjugation chart worksheet, the dice game
and the homework

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