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Toddler Strategy Sheet


Child 1


Child 2

Child 1 will follow one step direction three

times during the lab.
Teachers will give Child 1 one direction at a
Teachers will reinforce Child 1s actions when
she follows one step direction by parallel talk.
You put the toys away!
Teachers will repeat the direction up to three
times when Child 1 doesnt follow the direction.
Teachers will be firm and consistent when they
repeat the direction.

Child 2 will be able to play next to a peer for

a period of at least 5 min during each lab.
The teacher s will take Child 2 next to other
peers and encourage him to play in that area.
The teachers will model how to play in prepared
area so that Child 2 will not be bored and be
able to engage in playing next to the peer more
than 5 min.
The teacher will introduce other peers to Child
2 so that Child 2 can feel comfortable with other
peers, which will help him to play next to the

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