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Analysis Ia an ideal vapor-compression reftigeration cycle, the compression process is isentropic, the refrigerant enters the ‘compressor as a saturated vapor at the evaporator pressure, and leaves the condenser as saturated liquid at the condenser pressure. From the refrigerant tables (Tables A-11E, A-12E, and A-13E), aaa Jy = he @ 20 ~ 105.98 Bta/tom sat vapor J 5, =5¢ 9297 =0.22341Btwlbm-R 2 a jy =125.68 Btw/ibm oe Py =300psia | Ay = Hy @ s00psin = 66.339 Broilo satliquid — J 55 = 5, soopxa = 0.12715 Btwtbm-R, Ay =h, = 66.339 Brim (throttling) 7, =20°F | hy, =5980Btvibm ae } x4, =0.4723 (Grentropic expension) ‘The COP of the refrigerator for the throttling case is dt _farhy _105.98- 66.339 CORR rag yrhy ~ 125.68-105.98 ‘The COP of the refrigerator for the isentropic expansion case is cop, = 22. = Aas _ 105.98-59.80 _ RW Jay 125.68-10598 The increase in the COP by isentropic expansion is 16.5%. 2.012 Analysis In an ideal vapor-compression reftigeration cycle, the compression process is isentropic, the reftigerant enters the ‘compressor as a saturated vapor at the evaporator pressure, and leaves the condenser as saturated liquid at the condenser ‘pressure. From the refrigerant tables (Tables A-11, A-12, and A-13), T=4C | hy = hg que = 252.77 kiikg, sat vapor J 51 =5_@ ec = 0.92927 kitkg-K P, =1MPa 455 Py =1MPa aos . } Jy = hy @ na = 10732 ig yg = hy =10732KIeg, (throttling) ‘The mass flow sate of the refrigerants } fy = 275.29 Sieg, x =i — 4) — nm wy t= Smeg 2a ‘The power requirement is Wi, = ti, —h,) = (2.750 keg/3)(275.29-252.77) kg = 61.93 KW 400kW cop, - 21. 00K" _ “W, 93 646 Analysis (a) In an ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle, the compression process is isentropic, the refrigerant enters the compressor as a saturated vapor at the evaporator pressure, and leaves the condenser as saturated liquid at the condenser pressure. From the refiigerant tables (Tables A-12 and A-13), P,=120 kPa] hy hi, @ nouns = 23697 kkg sat. vapor 5, =5; @ 120um = 0.94779 ki/kg-K. P, =0.7MPa 5°54 P= 0.7 MPa sat liquid Aig % hy = 88.82 ki/kg (throttling) “Then the rate of heat removal from the refrigerated space and the power input to the compressor are determined from. Oy = rid, — hy) = (0.05 kea/s 236.97 — 88.82) ki/kg = 7.41 KW } =273.50 kiikg (7, =34.95°C) yu = hyqor nm = 88.82 kitkg, and We = rH hy —y) = (0.05 ke/s\(273.50-236.97) ki/kg = 1.83 kW © The rate of heat rejection to the environment is determined from Guy Op + Vig = 74141.83~9.23 kW © The COP of the refrigerator is determined from its definition, O _7aLEw OP = “TE EW Analysis (@) In an ideal vapor-compression reftigeration cycle, the compression process is isentropic, the refrigerant enters the compressor as a saturated vapor at the evaporator pressure, and leaves the condenser as saturated liquid at the condenser ‘pressure. From the refrigerant tables (Tables A-12 and A-13), B=120 kPa] h = he g nom = 236.97 Khe sat vapor J si =5,@ 10», = 0.94779 Kitkg-K P, =09MPa =H Py =09MPa yee Jahre none =I01 king yg & hry = 101.61 beg (throttling) ‘Then the rate of heat removal from the reftigerated space and the ‘power input to the compressor are determined from Gy =ri( hy, Hy) = (0.05 g/sX236.97 101.61) keg, = 6.77 KW \n = 278.93 kitkg (T, = 44.45°C) and Wig = tiling —y) (0.05 kp/e (278.93 236.97) LIke = 2.101 (b) The rate of heat rejection to the environment is determined from Oy =O, +% (©) The COP of the refrigerator is determined from its definition, 6.774 2.10= 8.87 KW Analysis If the throttling valve in the previous problem is replaced ‘by an isentropic turbine, we would have 544 = 53> 57qo7 Mn = 0.33230 kItke K and the enthalpy at the turbine exit would be of zs 033230 0.09275 Me ( Se | Joo un 0.85503 2802 as bay + 54ah pe My sanamy ~ 2249+ (0.2802)214.48) = 82.58 ties, s ‘Then, Gr = Hedy hy, )= (0.05 kp/s)(236.97 -82.58) kTkg = 7.72KW and — 8 TT2EW OOF =F Tes ew 7? ‘Then the percentage increase in and COP becomes ACOP, _ 4.23-4.06 _ Increase in COP = COR, 405 2% 11.17 A refrigerator with reftigerant-134a as the working fluid is considered. The sate of heat removal from the reftigerated space, the power input to the compressor, the isentropic efficiency of the compressor, and the COP of the reftigerator sre 10 bbe determined. Asrumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. Analysis (a) From the roftigerant tables (Tables A-12 and A-13). A, -0.20MPa | iy =248.80 Ig asec * Jy 0.95407 erke-K By hy eg avec ~ 114.28 beg, deg 2 y= 114.28 eg (eacotting) “Then the rate of heat removal from the reffigerated space nnd the power input to the compresior are determined from Gx = 1(, — 4) = (0.07 eis X248.80 — 114.28) kIrkg = 9.42 KW Wig ~ 7a — In) ~(0.07 Keg/sX300.61 248.80) krikg ~ 3.63 KW (© The isentropic efficiency of the compretcor is determined from _ Jas, _ 28721-24880 thy 30061-24880 44% ne © The COP of the refrigerator is determined from its definition, 942 Kw -22" 260 seseWw Analysis Tn an ideal vapor-compression reftigeration cycle, the compression process is isentropic, the reftigerant enters the compressor as a saturated vapor at the evaporator pressure, and leaves the condenser as saturated liquid at the condenser pressure, From the refrigerant tables (Tables A-L1E, A-12E, and A-13E), h=5F } fy =h que =103.82Btwlbm sat vapor | 5 =5y qyp ~0.22485 Btullba-R fred fy =121.99 Bewtbm 73, a sat liquid "7 @ 180psia fy =hy=51.50Bilbm (throttling) =51.50Btw/lbm ‘The mass flow rate of the reftigerant is o 45,000 Btw Ay—hy (103.82—51.50) Bralom D = thy — J —9 = The power requirement is 4.582 kW Wy = tay — iy) = (860.1 Ibmv/h)(121.9 — 103.82) Btu/tbm| ————_— in = (hg — fy) = (Bt ve ) oat 1kw ) Artes, «as0.00 rns aa Brie Ly aan zs eas Dizm 211139 same Bema TLE course Je ~205.n6 nr “Using saturated Liquid enthalpy at the given temperature, rae wears Cravie aay Ines = rearing ~ 79-47 seis, dear = Pepa: — 108-24 eke (2) The maaas Mow xate Of te reftigemnnt may be determined from an energy balance On the compressor ; st (Png ~ In) ~ Pg gs ~ Par? Pex 295.16— 111 23) = (O23 ke/=X1OE 94 — 75.47% sng — 0.0455 eye “The waste heat tramafurred from the refrigerant, the compressor power input, and the refrigeration load sre Dan — tag Gn, — fs) ~ 0.0455 ka 2XB95- AGI 23\KIiks — 8.367 KW Wig = rg — 4) Din = 0.0495 kx/ay(29S 10 — 250.05) 4H/ieg— 0.430 EW = 2.5151 01 = On — Win Gu = 8.367 —2.513-0.450 = 5-404 RW () The COP of te reftigerntor is determined from io dafaition cor ~ 22 ~ 3404 gas (@) The sever sible COP of the settigerntor for the same {Syporaters limits se Fag Tea” GST ITD SOT BID AA “Then, the maximum reftigerntion toad beconins eine = COP nas Fig = (F.OGIH2 513 EWY 12.72 WO Analyt (g) Eom the efsigerana tables (Lables A-A2 an A135), my = 239-50 tues s = 0.97207 kI/kg -K 1 = 0.19841m kg Bo088}, seer kine fas = Su 0.75 Mra BIOTEMP ony ganc “#783 tim hig 2 hy =87.83 4S rag (theottling) 26°C | 7, =0.10173 MPa ih vapor |x; D234o8 tung ‘Then the mass flow rate of the refrigerant and the power input becomes 05/60 m3/s = 25160 m/e 0.0420 xe/s Gy O19sar mig Wiig = Fd, — iy)/ Ie = (0.0420 kg/t[(284.07 — 239.50) eineg]/(0.78) = 2.40100 (@) The rate of heat removal from the refrigerated space is Or = tidy — hy) = (0.0920 keg/s {234.68 87.83) KIkg ~ 6.AT KW (©) The preseure drop and the heat gain in the line between the evaporator and the comprestor are AP =P, — A, =101.73 -100=1.73 = Dyin — sib ~ tes) = (0.0420 Kp/5X239.50 ~ 234.68) kiicg ~ 0.203 kW Analysis (a) (6) From the reftigerant-134a tables (Tables A-11 through A-13) Py =120kPa x4 =0.30 ak, ry = 86.83 Leg x5 = O(sat lia) AaB Py =67124Pa eect Jn = 298.87 kIrkg AP ~1204Pa xy =I (eat. vap.) The mass flow rate of the refrigerant is determined from eM 0.45kW yy Q98.87-23697T)Ikg, Jou -s0s3:¢ } B= 671.8kPa Ja = 236.97 kiikg = 0.00727 kg/s (©) The refrigeration load and the COP are 21 = 7h ~ yy = (0.0727 kg/s)(236.97-96.83)icieg =Los1EWw 1m hy 248.1101 147 A, (© The COP oF me air conditioner te core -seen(saaswan)~(o "Ww" \ saison) “0°? =e ey, — AE a COP ee SOR aD Se pe in

Pn — In oe = 2A AS + 1A Beg = 279-5 Ha “The neat sejected from: the retrigeramt in the condenser i them Ga hy — m= 279.3101 478.5 IKE Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. Analysis (2) The expansion process through the expansion ‘valve is isenthalpic: fy = 5. Then, 4p =F, — hy = 402.49 243.19 = 159.3 klk py = hry — fy, = 454.00 — 243.19 = 210.8 Sik rg — Mey — iy — 454.00 — 402.49 — 51.51 cop = 22._ 1593 bikes Win SUS TEIieg, (©) Ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle solution: @r = hy — hy = 399.04 249 80-=149.2 klkg =3.093 i = bey — Jy = 440.71 — 249.20 =190.9 eIikeg Win = hy — fy = 440.71— 399.048 = 492 Eg 3 52 A167 kg 67 kJikg Discussion In the ideal operation, the refrigeration load decreases by 6.3% and the work input by 19.196 while the COP increases by 15.8%. Analysis (2) From the refrigerant-134a tables (Tables A-11 through A-13) Fingacoure =—10.1°C Fi -200uPa ny — 253.05 keg Fy=-10.1+10.1=0°C fs, =0.9698 kg -K _ 295.90 - 253.05 hey — 253.05 By =F, — hg) = (0.025 kg/a)(253.05— 120.39) = 3.317 KW Qry = Hel Ing — Fy) = (0.025 kep/s)301.74— 120.39) —4.534kW FF, = rie( Fg — Py) — (0.025 kee/2)(BO1.74 — 253.05) = 1.217 KW oss > fig = 301.74 ke (®) Ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle solution ‘From the reftigerant-134a tables (Tables A-11 through A-13) Fy =200KPa | hy = 244.46 kik 5) =0.9377 khikg-K fig — Fig 127.2 Teg, Qs = Tika — fy) = (0.025kg/s)(244.46— 127.22) =3.931KW Og = 2i( Fey — hy) = (0.025 kg/s(285.08 — 127.22) = 3.947 KW Wy = {Fg — hy) = (0.025 ko/s)(285.08— 244.46) =1.016 KW cop Ot 39318 _ Wa LO1GEW 2.886 Discussion The cooling load increases by 18.5% while the COP increases by 5.99% when the cycle operates on the ideal vapor-compression cycle.

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