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Technology Integration Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Title: Its a Frogs Life

Concept / Topic: Science: Life Cycles
Grade Level: Second Grade
2.L.1.1 Summarize the life cycle of animals:
Developing into an adult
Aging and death
2.L.1.2 Compare life cycles of different animals such as, but not limited to, mealworms,
ladybugs, crickets, guppies or frogs.
2.TT.1.3Use technology tools to present data and information (multimedia, audio and visual
recording, online collaboration tools, etc.).

General Goal(s):
Students will understand the life cycle of a frog and the different stages within the life cycle.
Given a specific organism, second grade students will be able to construct (Blooms Taxonomy:
Create) its life cycle with the correct steps and no errors.
Required Materials:
Whiteboard/whiteboard markers, frog life cycle poster, Frog Notes worksheet, SmartBoard,
white paper, green paper, clasp, and scissors.
Step-By-Step Procedures:
Step 1: Play the song, Its the Circle of Life from Lion King while students are walking
into class
Kids should be sitting on the colorful carpet in their correct rows (they know how to
do this).
Step 2: Focus and Review Section (Establish Prior Knowledge):
Lets talk about frogs. Raise your hands quietly and tell me what you know about
Make a list on the whiteboard of all the things that the kids know about frogs (ex.
green in color, they hop, they swim, ribbet noise, etc.)
If students get noisy, give them reminders to stay quiet and then stop the
lesson for a few seconds until they are quiet again.

Step 3: Statement (Inform) of Objectives:

So we know that frogs can survive in both water and land, but we want to know how
they came to do that. So, today we are going to be learning all about the life cycle of
a frog and how the frog is able to survive in both water and land.
Step 4: Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidelines)
We are going to have a quick lesson on a frogs life cycle where you will take notes
in your Science Journal. Then we will watch a video and complete a short activity.
After that, you are going to make a Frog Wheel that I will be grading.
Step 5: Guided Practice (Elicit performance)
Hang up the frog life cycle poster on the whiteboard. There should be Velcro parts
that attach onto the poster.
Pass out the Frog Notes sheet to every student and instruct students to take notes as
they listen to the lecture. Say that students must have at least 4 notes on their page.
The Note sheet will look like this below:

Begin lecture: The frogs life cycle is called metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is the
transformation from an egg into an adult. Frogs start off in water and then as they
grow, they can go onto land. Frogs go through four stages in their lifetime: egg,
tadpole, froglet, and adult. The first stage is egg. (place the Velcro eggs onto the
poster). Frog eggs are laid in water and thousands of them are laid at the same time. It
takes about 10 days for the frog eggs to hatch. Then the eggs hatch into tiny tadpoles.
(place the Velcro tadpoles onto the poster). The tadpole uses its tail to swim. As the
tadpole grows, its tail grows into back legs, and it is now called a froglet. (place the
Velcro froglet onto the poster). Then, the froglet eventually grows front legs and
lungs so that it can breathe outside of water. When the tail is finally gone, the froglet

is now a frog and can now live on land and water. (place the Velcro frog onto the
Make sure to pause in between the frog stages to give students time to write their
Show this fun video to explain the life cycle a little more:
Use the SmartBoard template, which will look like the image below. Draw 4 Popsicle
sticks from the names cup and read the 4 names out loud. Have those students come
up to the smart board and draw arrows that connect the correct image to the correct


Step 6: Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework
Then, pass out materials so students can make Life Cycle Frog Wheels. Place the
example on the whiteboard.
Each student will receive a white paper, green paper, clasp, and scissors.
Have students cut out both the white and green paper. Students will use their notes
sheet to describe what happens during each stage on the Frog Wheel. Students can
also color the images on the white paper if they please. At the end, students will cut a
hole in the middle and use a clasp to hold the green and white paper together. This
frog wheel will act as the assessment portion as I will be grading it for correctness.
The Frog Wheel will end up looking like the image below:

At the end of the lesson, the teacher will ask students to share 1 fact they have learned about
a frogs life cycle. The teacher will pull 5 Popsicle sticks from the names cup and have those
students share. Then say how next class time we are going to be looking at the life cycle of a
ladybug and we will compare the two life cycles we have learned.
Assessment Based On Objectives:
Students are graded on their Life Cycle Frog Wheels. I will grade them on whether they
correctly labeled the stages, as well as their sentences that describe the stages.
Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities)
For students with learning disabilities, my lecture will be printed so that they can review it
and go back to certain parts if they need. They can also type up their notes, instead of writing
Extensions (For Gifted Students)
If gifted students finish their craft early, they can begin a frog web quest:
Possible Connections To Other Subjects:
When the students take notes in their science journal, they are also improving their
English/writing skills. When students are listening to my lecture, they are improving their
listening skills.

Student Name: Meghan Clausing


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