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Origin, history and branches of psychology


The main background of psychology, focus on philosophy. The first philosophical

background, left by philosophers. They tried many of the issues that were later subject matter of
scientific psychology.

Historically actions, feelings and desires of man are analyzed, even when in the
nineteenth century, psychology as a science born. It is an exciting time where philosophers of
knowledge and mind converge with eminent physiologists, trying to strip the study of mental
speculation and metaphysics in order to place it next to the other objective sciences.

Then in 1879, Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig,
Germany, and names and "birth certificate" to the new scientific discipline. Since then, advances
in empirical knowledge of our mental processes and behavior were

Origin, history and branches of psychology


Psychology begins in the fourth century. C. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.). However, Plato
undertook a study of the soul (psyche), which he divided into three parts (rational, irascible and
appetitive) related to three classes of the Republic:
Ideal: philosopher-rulers, soldiers and producer or working class.
For Plato the soul is immortal, separable from the body, which Aristotle refused. For him,
this is not something other than the operation and functionality of a body and, therefore, could
not survive separately.
One of the first descriptions that appeared was the faculty psychology advocated by Wolf
(seventh century), who said that the soul (mental life) was divided into faculties or abilities:
memory, imagination, reasoning, etc .; which were independent of each other and that can be
developed or modified, but different from the process of physical nature.
But it is in the s. XVIII where you study psychology departs increasingly Metaphysics,
where rationalism, it postulates a base that tries to be more scientific: to not accept anything that
does not come from sensory experience. Empiricism no longer so interested in the essence of the
soul, but its manifestations and these centered on knowledge through experience (Bacon) and
sensible experience (Hobbes). Locke makes the distinction between inner experience (reflection)
and external experience (sensation).
Subsequently, Berkeley used the concept of "sensory qualities" and became one of the
founders of the theory of association. But David Hume clarifies better the terms: sensation,
representation and idea; sensations are primary experiences able to leave a mark in the memory

Origin, history and branches of psychology

and re-present itself as representations; these representations are parallel to the sensations, except
the part that the fantasy or intelligence alters by relation to other sensations; these changes can be
of four types, according to Hume: by similarity, contrast, neighborhood and causality.
JF Herbart (1776-1841) built a scientific rational psychology based on a "mechanics of
consciousness" as unique support of the psychic phenomena, which will operate the partnership.
FE Beneke (1798-1854) proclaimed openly that psychology should be "natural science of the
human soul" and RH Lotze (1817-1881) tried to reach a psychological conception that satisfies
the natural sciences. Darwin and his conception of continuity between man and animals
(evolution) the study of animals and subsequent application of the results in man is accepted.
In the nineteenth century there are discoveries that drive the physiology to psychology, as
the discovery of the speed of the nerve impulse by Helmotz (physiologist) who studied mainly
visual sensations. In later years Fechher (physical), returns to the philosophical concept of
monism, that is, no two different realities but one made up of physical and psychic way; the latter
resulting in bodily phenomena and therefore can be studied through them. He also studied the
psychophysical sensation applying laws (Fechher).
With these two authors the foundation is laid for the emergence of experimental
psychology, which definitely born with Wundt (Psychologist), who in 1879 founded the first
laboratory of psychology and gives a big boost to the rigorous observation and objective testing
Wilhelm Wundt (considered as the father of psychology 1879) Germany, was a
physiologist and became interested in the study of the mind. He is studying the mind with the
method of introspection. Your current called structuralism.

Origin, history and branches of psychology

The twentieth century will be characterized by the proliferation of different psychological
schools that differ in their object of study both in psychology and by the method used.

Origin, history and branches of psychology


Theoretical psychology or Pure and Applied Psychology

Pure Psychology: helps develop psychological theory developed concepts, principles,
laws and theories; example: investigates how perception is all the sensations which constitute
only a part. Applied psychology: psychic life studying to use this knowledge in various fields of
human action; Example: experimentally investigate the best methods to measure intelligence and
various mental functions.
Some branches of applied psychology are:
Educational Psychology: Research mental life in terms of education; eg role of attention
in learning.
Work Psychology: It studies the psychological factors and work-related phenomena.
Investigates the preferences and abilities of individuals to guide them unfavorable to the most
suitable occupations work, relationships between employers and workers, generating conflict
elimination, and favorable psychological conditions.
Legal psychology investigates the psychological aspects of the law. Studies the
psychology of offenders, the motives of the criminal acts, the veracity of witnesses. etc.
Advertising Psychology: studying the psychological conditions for advertising produce
the greatest effect on the public.
Medical psychology applies principles and knowledge of psychology to the problem of
treating the sick.

Origin, history and branches of psychology

Clinical psychology is concerned with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of various
problems at the level of mental processes and their behavioral manifestations; Example: A
neurosis can be cured by psychotherapy.
Normal and Abnormal psychology Psychology:
Normal psychology studies the psychological experience that is lived without alteration;
example: normal personality, normal memory, normal intelligence, etc.
Abnormal psychology studies the alterations of the mind, that is what is called
psychopathology. Abnormal psychology is devoted to the study of mental, emotional and
behavioral disorders, disorders such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, psychosis, autism,
eating disorders and drug addiction.
Psychopathology: studies and investigates the causes (etiology) and symptoms
(semiology) of mental illness and personality disorders; example: paranoia is caused by the nonachievement and fulfillment of certain goals set, and a characteristic symptom is delusions of
persecution, stress, alertness and extreme distrust.
General Psychology and Differential Psychology.
General Psychology: normal adult man studies to formulate laws governing the
psychological processes without taking into account individual differences in developmental,
cultural or rump character. Example: The normal intelligence lies within an IQ of 90 to 100. The
short-term memory has a holding capacity of 5-9 units.
Differential psychology investigates the nature of individual differences due to different
factors such as age, sex, temperament, social class, etc. Example: Sexual behavior is different
between male and female adolescents.

Origin, history and branches of psychology

Evolutionary Psychology: it sets the laws, stages and characteristics of the ontogenetic
development of the individual, and also describes and explains the evolution of psychological
processes during the life cycle of the individual; example: the manifestations of sexuality are
changing as the individual goes through the different stages.
Psychophysiology: study the biological basis of psychological activity, consciousness and
personality, for it elsistema nervous and endocrine research regarding psychological processes;
example: the biological basis of personality is in the cerebral cortex. The temporal lobe records
and stores data in memory. In the medulla unconditioned reflexes, suction, sneezing, vomiting,
etc. are presented The hypothalamus regulates the temperature, respiration, etc.
Social psychology studies the psychic phenomena that occur in the life of relationship:
imitation, suggestion, mental contagion, etc. Man is a social being, born, lives, develops and dies
within society. Studies the characteristics of the crowd and how social mentality produces
language, art, religion, law, etc.
Animal psychology studies the mental life of animals through their bodily manifestations
and their actions.

Origin, history and branches of psychology

Historia de la psicologa y sus ramas. Consultado el 02 de septiembre de 2015.
Disponible en http://www.monografias.com/trabajos88/historia-psicologia-y-sus-ramas/historiapsicologia-y-sus-ramas.shtml

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