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It is critical that we see the difference between the following.

Data Products The purpose of Data Products (BI) is to enable users to do whateve
r they want to do with data. This includes Big Data (storage, data processing in
frastructure), ETL (wrangling, algorithms, cleaning), Visualisation and Insight
Generation (machine learning, AI, data science, prediction). Data Products deliv
er data. Todays BI more or less falls in this domain.
Data Interfaces / Apps Data Apps are less about data and more about what you wan
t to achieve with the data. This includes Zomato, Google, BetterWorks, etc. Data
Apps deliver results based on data.
GarageBand and iTunes are Data Products. iPod is an Data App / Interface.
Business Intelligence is a Data Product. DOMOs Business Cloud or BetterWorks is a
Data App.
Data Products are a cost or effort centres. No one wakes up in the morning and s
ays that today I will organise my iTunes songs, associate right Art Work, etc. T
he goal of data products is primarily to reduce pain. And in worst case scenario
s, provide pro tools that allow you to achieve complex change. This is why:
The first version of iTunes allowed you to copy your music and then organise it
The next version of iTunes came with algorithm that helped you clean your data b
ehind music lists.
The next version of iTunes came with a market place of clean music.
Also, iTunes comes with GarageBand or iMovie (same family of products) which is
about mixing and cleaning music. (Pro Tools).
Once the data has been cleaned and prepared, next come the Data Apps. Data Apps
are profit or ROI centres for which people will pay a premium. People genuinely
feel like listening to music or improving their business. Your goal here is to m
aximise returns.
The most important feature of Data Products is getting the shitty work done reli
ably and within budget and time.
To achieve this, products rely on:
Simple user interface that enables the average Joe to do things himself e.g. Tab
leau, LookML and Data Wrangler.
Market place of pre-built entities e.g. recipes, algorithms, etc. that one can i
mport and start using.
Market place of people who can help you get the job done.
Algorithms that automatically do the job or at least get you half way there.
We need 4 inter-connected products in the market. These 4 can be inside one app
but they need to have clear handoffs across each other. No intermingling of feat
ures between them.
Pykih Store (previously Rumi)
Like DataGram and Rumi, Pykih Store is the Information Backbone of your organisa
It allows users to
Model their organisation i.e. invite users, give permissions, etc.

Publish Data Streams to See and Compute

Connect their data stores i.e. databases, files, oAuth to APIs, etc.
Define data catalog i.e. which are the entities in these data stores and what ar
e the JOIN relationships across them.
Any data pulling from APIs leverage Pykih Compute to actually pull and store the
Define data governance i.e. who can access what.
Pykih Store can also easily integrate with Open Data Sources.
Like in Rumi, it can also access as an SpreadSheet on top of your data.
Pykih See
See can import any data stream from Store and then visualise it in creative ways
Rumi Maps
Standard Charts
Topological Data Analysis
Analytical Knives
Ask questions on data (like in PowerBI)

It can also hold a market place for ready-made path discovery, insights, views, da
shboards on top of pre-defined data sets.
Can automated algorithms run through the program and suggest insights?
Pykih Compute (previously DataGram)
A major component of Data Products is ETL, Data Wrangling, Cleaning, Algorithms,
Data Science computation, etc. This typically involves writing the algorithms f
or the same and then data processing infrastructure like Map Reduce (Hadoop) or
Stream Processing (Spark) or a mixture of the two (Googles Data Flow). Pykih Comp
ute has two very clear jobs.
Algorithm It allows developers to write programs in any language they like and t
hen GIT commit it to Compute along with a frequency with which one wants to run
it. Compute installs the prerequisites, runs the program, stores the output as a
file or in database and then reschedules to run the program again. It also supp
orts a market place of pre-built programs that developers and business users can
import and use.
Compute It allows sysadmins to define available compute power across devices i.e
. my laptop, my phone, our laptops in office, some servers on digital ocean, som
e servers on AWS, etc. Compute then smartly distributes the processing across th
ese servers.
Pykih Present / Insight (previously G2S3, Data Story, DataWrapper, Dashboards, R
2D3, DataPPT, 500 startups PPT, etc.)
One of the key aspects of decision making is insight articulation, presentation
and finally decision taking. For this, we have Present that allows you to packag
e pre-built views into:
Web Embeds DataWrapper
Data PPTs Tableau like Data Story
Data Stories Europeana like Web Page
Timeline Dashboards

R2D3 like Stories

For all this, we need a deep community to pull it off. We are simply driving its
core open platform.
Our first data app could be a Business Interface to run a SaaS B2B business. We
ourselves would need to use this.
Decisions - What to do
Actions - Connections to DO apps
Learning A/B Tests, Hypothesis Tests, Business Actions, SOR, etc.
Outcome Business Interface / Business Cloud
Data-Driven Business KPIs and OKRs
Everyone understands company metrics and how their work fits into the measuremen
t framework
Measure impact of decisions and acknowledge their success or failure
Reports / Dashboards
Connection with Slack
After setting up Periscope, a new channel of communication opened up inside the
company a data communication layer.

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