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Tee, Ryanna


November 20, 2016

Quiz #2

With this years Lasallian Mission Week, we were privileged to meet some people who
have answered to Gods call with their vocation. It wasnt the first time I got to hear personal
stories, but this was more diverse, with a priest, a nun, seminarians and lay missionary. Having
gone to a Catholic school, I became close with a Slovakian priest who was sent to our school for
his mission. It was a big change for him, but he was accepted the calling whole-heartedly, but not
without challenge.
The speakers from the vocation campaign reiterated how God calls to us in different
ways, and it is up to us to listen and answer, in the way God has planned for us. The calling may
come early in our life, just like the sister who heard hers since kindergarten, or a little later in
life. Gods call doesnt necessarily mean giving up the idea of family life. I, personally, have
seen myself choosing to have a family of my own, but not of the moment. There were times I
have been questioning why I havent met anyone right yet. The campaign has enlightened me to
be patient with God, and most importantly, not to confuse frustrations with emptiness; because
when we do, we might mistakenly enter bigger emptiness. I realized I am currently happy, and
just quick bursts of emotions of my sadder days, but then, Id be back on my feet the next day.
Aurora, the lay missionary, has even allowed me to see combining what we love, and
answering His call. She chose to travel, over spending her life angry with her would-have-been
husband, had she not timely see her vocation. Most importantly, she never dismissed the option
to get married one day. It would all happen in His time.
Currently, Gods call may be for me to finish school, as I explore ventures I would want
to take after graduation. I took up a course on corporate management, and sometimes I question
if I would really want to enter the corporate life, which some would consider soul-sucking and
into a lot of unethicality. Perhaps, God is sending me in to turn it around, and make corporate life
better for others.

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