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Executive Summary

In this report, you will see the leadership Hierarchy of the technology
center that is the Liberty County School District. Within the report
there is several key artifacts. There is a Flow chart made from Bubbl.us
that shows the actual flow of leadership and power from the
superintendent to the technology specialist. Second, I have a summary
of how I conducted interviews, and otherwise compiled my data. This
summary lists my encounters with Mrs. Mary Ryan the school
curriculum coordinator, and Mrs. Flemming the main person I
shadowed through the duration of my practicum experience. I also
listed several other people that helped me along the way by and
answering questions, and giving me insight when ever I needed. I have
also included a description of the technology center. The technology
center I choose was the Liberty County Performing Arts Center or PAC.
It is an older remodeled satellite campus for nearby colleges, that the
district has turned into a rather remarkable site for professional
developments and technology based learning. Lastly, I included my
evaluation of the technology site. I gave small critiques, and how I felt
about the technology site could grow.

Methods used for compiling the data:

I had the opportunity to work on my practicum experience in the
school district where I work. I had several contacts and exasperated
them to complete my practicum experience. I conducted two forms of
research, with those two being Interviews and observations.
The primary way of obtaining the information was from simply
interviewing and asking questions. I have listed below several people
that were crucial to my success in the program.
-The first person that I talked with was my supervisor Mrs. Ryan. She is
our curriculum coordinator for my school, Liberty County High.
Because we do not have a instructional technology specialist that
works in our school everyday, she has become over time the go to
person for technology support in the classroom. In different interview, I
asked her some of the following questions: Why do we have so many
PLC (Professional Learning Communities) days? How do you know what
types of tranings that we need? How do you get this information? She
answered those questions the best that she could, but led me to speak
with Mrs. Rosie Flemming.
-Mrs. Flemming is an instructional technology specialists who works
throughout the county. There are several who work in the county, but
not enough to be committed to each school in the district. It is because
of this, that Mrs. Flemming does not have a home school, but several
that she spends each and every day at. I had the great opportunity to
spend some quality time with Mrs. Flemming, and she is whom I
shadowed for much of my practicum experience. She performed flash
courses ranging from Google Classroom, to prezi, to Recordex board,
etc. several times a week. Like Mrs. Ryan I asked her questions quite
regularly, and Mrs. FLemming said that they get the data to perform
the different trainings and flash courses from a needs assessment
survey that is conducted at the end of each year. The results from this
survey are attached on my portfolio. This survey is inly conducted once

a year, but the data is used create flash course trainings, and other
whole day trainings throughout the year. One huge question that I had
was, How do you become an expert on tools that are so new?. She
always replied with the same answer, Go to training just like you.
This have me the opportunity to see that as an Instructional
Technology Specialist, half the battle is getting trained to be an expert
on whichever tool you are to give instruction on. It is because of this
process and answer that is has become apparent to me that an
Instructional Technology Specialists is nothing more then a technology
teacher for adults.
I also conducted interviews with:
Title 1 director of the district, where I obtained the needs assessment
Instructional Technology Specialist: Melissa Roberts
Administrative Technology Support Personnel: Judd Maxwell
Media Specialist: Kate Gukeisen, Jeff Staggs
Technology Director: Dr. Patti Crane
As stated before, Liberty County is my home district. So I have had
several years worth of observation of how things are done on a district
basis. But as far as school to school, there is not very much to report.
Like I mentioned earlier, we do not have a technology specialist at
our school everyday, but one that comes a few times a week in Mrs.
Fleming. We did though have several trainings at our school that were
performed by instructional technology specialists on several new
learning tools. It was here that I was able to observe the different types
instructional design, and instructional procedure. All of these are listed
in detail in my blog, along with pictures.

Performing Arts Center

As stated before, the Liberty County school district does not have an
Instructional Technology Specialist assigned to each individual school.
Instead the Liberty County school district has centralized locations
where trainings, technology workshops, and other technology based
sessions take place. The place where I attended most was the Liberty
County Board of Education building, but the most interesting site was
the Performing Arts Center or PAC. This site is a former college building
that has been bought and renovated for trainings and school functions.
It has only five rooms, with one being an auditorium, and the three
others being multi-purpose, and the last one being a computer lab.
This place was interesting to me, not because it is always full, or that
there is a teacher workshop or professional development there two to
three times a week, it is interesting to me because every room
becomes a technology based learning environment, at each training,
no matter the room. Because our school has a one-to-one of MacBook
to teacher ratio, every teacher brings their iPad or MacBook
everywhere they go. I have attended many sessions at the PAC, and
every time we have a different instructor. While attending these
sessions I have seen my supervisor, Mrs. Rosie Flemming. Normally she
does not perform the instruction, but supplements the instruction by
acting as an assistant. These roles have become apparent during these
trainings. I have also seen other instructional technology specialists at
these trainings, but they always seem to be there for assistance. Dr.
Patti Crane, District Technology Director, usually attends the traiinngs
as well. She comes to assist as well, but to mostly make sure things
run smooth, and the district is getting the training we so desperately
need. The Performing Arts Centers mission and goal is the same as
the other sites in the district, but with a twist. Though it is not written,
it is known that this building is here for the development and
progression of the teachers. The Perfoming Arts Center is the site in
the district that has become a teacher school. Where as students
learn in the schools around the district, the teachers come to the PAC.

Evaluation of the use of the Performing Arts Center.

After usage, observations, and interviews from some key personell. I
have came to the assumption that yes, this is a very high functioning
technology site. It is not your run of the mill technology site, but one
in which its functionality rets on developing teachers to take
technology they learn and use it in the classroom. This site does that. It
is never empty, and there is always trainings taking place. The one
thing that I would say that needs to be done is make it an actual site. I
know that the Performing Arts Center is used for so much more then
just trainings and professional developments, like banquets and plays,
but I think that the site could be used for all of the aforementioned,
and become a quality technology site. The building was built several
years ago, to be a satellite campus of some of the surrounding colleges
in the area. Recently, within in the last five years, the building was
bought and remodeled to house the learning of teachers and the
performances of the students in the district. I think that in order to
make the this a technology site, the district should move all of the
Instructional Technology Specialists into the PAC and allow them to use
it as their own. Make it their home base, and allow them to schedule
flash courses there on their own time, instead of sporadic trainings
across the county. This site is being very efficiently ran, but I think that
this is one way to put the PAC over the top.

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