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Name of the team which is assessing: STARKS

Peer-Assessment Portfolio Block III

III-1 Learn to teach
Grade: 20/25
Is there a justification of the chosen teaching method? Theres a good
reason why the reason have been chosen.
Is the teaching method appropriate according to the problem? Recording a
video acting as a role model could be a good way to teach this problem to our
Are the strategies clear, well-exemplified and realistic? The strategies and
differents questions are clearly divided in different videos.
Does it show metacognition? Even the video is clear enough and well
structured, it could not be said that fosters metacognition for children because
they are not reflecting on the processes they are following to learn.

III-2 Do we assess what we want?

Grade: 20/25
Is the assessment test sample available? Yes, it is available at the III-4
Is GAPpisa guide used to analyse this exam? Yes, and it analyses
exhaustivily using all the aspects that can be found at the guidelines.
Are all the dimensions of GAPpisa analyzed? The ten dimensions of the
GAPpisa guides appear at the analysis. However, not all of the different
questions that are proposed at the GAPpisa guides are answered. This is very
clear when they have to develop the ninth competence (communication of
Is the analysis well-developed? All the different aspects of the GAPpisa guide
are well-developed and explained, by doing a good and exhaustive explanation
on all the different aspects that can be found at the guidelines.

III-3 An authentic assessment (Voluntary)

Grade: 13/15
Is it a competency-based test assessment? Why? The test designed by this
group is really adequate in terms of competencies to the subject learning and
development, because it includes most part of the essential contents of the
subject using different kind of questions (true/false activities, ordering different
statements, test questions, definitions, opened questions In addition, the
opened questions are really functional and contextualized, because are
situations that we will found in the future as teachers, so are relevant for us.
Otherwise, we think that it is also important to give information and activities with
different resources (for example using images or videos, apart from the written
Would you like to do this assessment test? Yes, we think that this exam test
is really interesting and useful for our future as teachers.

III-5 Movie Forum

Grade 18/20
Are the answers coherent with the questions? All the answers are coherent in
relation to the questions asked.
Are the answers well-substantiated, well-developed and concise or is there
a lack of information/argumentation or exemplification? Mostly, they are well
argumented, structured and exemplified. However, some aspects could be more
developed such as in the second one. We believe there are more types of
learning and resources used (eg. not only emotional and social learning but
others as for example personal learning). The examples used are clear and well

III-6 Glossary (Assessment class)

Grade: 22/25

Are they key concepts included in the Glossary? There are the most
important key concepts that are being developed during this block. However, I
believe that some of them are missing (for example, competences)
Does each definition include an example to clarify the concept? Mostly of
the definitions are including an example. However, some of them may need to be
clarified (for example, attitudes, values, strategy...)
Are the definitions clear and well-developed? All of them are very clear and

III-7 Self-Assessment
Grade: 5/5
Is the self-assessment accurate? This section is well completed with
self-reflection and fulfilling all the aspects asked by the portfolios guidelines.
Moreover, they make reference to previous aspects to improve which
demonstrates a great level of responsibility and commitment with their work.
Other comments or assessment criteria you consider important
Even all the formats were allowed, we would prefer to use one more intuitive and
ordered so that everyone can grasp better the contents. Using this kind of digital
format (PDF), they are also doing a great job, but maybe it is not as motivating
and encouraging for those who are reading, and it neither allow to add visual
material as videos, links to external articles, . Apart from this observation, it
could be said they have done a great job. Their activities were well and clearly
divided and all the explanations and arguments were based on good justifications
and theoretical background.

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