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Writing assignment - Production

Presentado a
Lika Gobronidze

Entregado por:
Berenitse Remolina Psicologa CEAD Valledupar
Mildreth Castillo Ortega Ingeniera Industrial - CEAD Valledupar

Grupo: 50


Noviembre de 2016

Topic of discussion
Opinin Mildreth Castillo Ortega
I think there a point between both points of view because if we dont have God this world
would be lost, it is true that there are so many religions that we not even know which one
believe in and its also true that religions are taking money from people who believe in it and
thats not that bad if we compare these people from ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
they kill people in the worst tragic way just if others people beliefs are different than theirs,
they believe in Ala they think that everybody that doesnt believe in the same god they do
that people must be killed no matter what way they use to murder them.
In this point theres no way anybody can possibly think about having religion is good because
it is not, in this case we dont need that kind of beliefs I consider every single person is free
to choose their own religion, so people from ISIS kill so many people in the name of god
when they not even know if that god wants it
Likewise we can see that some unscrupulous people use religion to get rich with other peopl
es beliefs.
I'm evangelical and I think should study the Bible and what is written there in order to know
that religion is good and what serves God in the right way.

Opinin Berenitse Remolina

Religions are beliefs and standards that each individual acquires through their parents or
according to the culture in which it relates, there are different behaviors or qualities that
govern a religion of the other, in the world there are many religions that promise eternal life
, happiness, inner peace, and some want to take away the suffering, every one of them is
because a supreme being or entity that is what gives them the ability to humans to overcome
the obstacles of life; but there are also religions that go against good and truth, respect for
life and himself.
the human being in his eagerness to find a horizon to cling to someone superior to him, led
him to believe doctrines that have led him to do evil and the worst is that they do so with the
conviction that a divine mandate, and they do not realize they do much harm to innocent and
themselves, rather than grow love and respect among mankind.

comments and observations by Mildreth Castillo

Hello Berenitse
That's right, many seek to find what the world has not offers fully, is that peace, tranquility
and rest from many distresses, worries and problems, therefore we seek God and we began
to abide by the scriptures (the Bible ), that way many arrive to religion.
You're right when talk about religions that go against good and truth, Regrettably there are
many evangelical churches that are not created by God's call, but by men looking to make
money with faith, teaching a false gospel that latter leads people to not believe in God. That
is why we must ask God that same understanding and wisdom to know the truth and not be

comments and observations by Berenitse Remolina

Thank you for your appreciation Mildreth.
Your personal opinion on the subject seems successful, the Islamic groups are people that
are based on false ideologies and leading to terrorize people and their ghoulish acts motivate
others to join their plans.
On the other hand there are religions that do not have the same thoughts as the above, but
instill fear in people, to proclaim that God punished if they do what the pastor wants, I believe
that God is to obey and fear for his omnipotence and kindness, but many use this instilled
fear for personal gain.

Religion will always be part of the life of the human being, whether atheist or not, believe in
something that guides, whether the cosmos, nature, or whatever, this is because every
individual is body and spirit and want to find the happiness that is enduring.

comments and observations by Mildreth Castillo

If Berenitse
The important and we should not forget is to acknowledge God as Creator and above all
obey, to live in love that our actions are pleasing to him, to love our neighbor to live in peace.

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