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Values & Vision University of Calgary Leadership

Activity 1:
Please take five minutes to start writing about Values & Vision. This is a free writing exercise.
Please write whatever comes to your mind.

Activity 2:
What is a value?

Where do values come from?

Terminal Values

Instrumental Values

A comfortable life (and prosperous)

An exciting life (stimulation)
A sense of accomplishment (lasting contribution)
A world of peace (free of war and conflict)
A world of beauty (beauty of nature and the arts)
Equality (brotherhood, equal opportunity)
Family security (taking care of loved ones)
Freedom (independence, free choice)
Happiness (contentedness)
Inner harmony (freedom from inner conflict)
Mature love (sexual and spiritual intimacy)
National security (attack protection)
Pleasure (leisurely, enjoyable life)
Salvation (saved, eternal life)
Self-respect (self-esteem)
Social recognition (admiration, respect)
True friendship (close companionship)
Wisdom (mature understanding of life)

Ambitious (hardworking)
Broad-minded (open-minded)
Capable (competent, effective)
Cheerful (lighthearted, joyful)
Clean (neat, tidy)
Courageous (standing up for beliefs)
Forgiving (willing to pardon)
Helpful (working for others welfare)
Honest (sincere, truthful)
Imaginative (creative, daring)
Independent (self-sufficient, self-reliant)
Intellectual (intelligent, reflective)
Logical (rational, consistent)
Loving (affectionate, tender)
Obedient (dutiful, respectful)
Polite (courteous, well-mannered)
Responsible (reliable, dependable)
Self-controlled (self-disciplined)

UCL Personal Leadership Values and Vision

lead@ucalgary.ca ucalgary.ca/leadership

Activity 3:

UCL Personal Leadership Values and Vision

lead@ucalgary.ca ucalgary.ca/leadership

Activity 4:
There are seven questions below that were developed by Raths, Simon and Harmin to identify
full values. Looking at your values above and the questions below, you can determine if they are
a full value.
1) Was the value chosen feely (without force or coercion)?

2) Was the value chosen from alternatives (or was it the only choice)?

3) Was the value chosen after considerations of the consequences of this value?

4) Do you cherish the value? In other words, does the value make you happy?

5) Are you willing to publicly affirm that this is a value to hold?

6) Are you acting on the value (or is it just something that is said)?

7) Do you display this value repeatedly and consistently

UCL Personal Leadership Values and Vision

lead@ucalgary.ca ucalgary.ca/leadership

Activity 5: Storytelling time.

Please pick out key words or value-laden words from your partners stories. Switch sheets with
your partner so they take home the key words that you picked out.
Something you do really well and
why you are successful at it.

Key words

A moment that you had that

inspired or impressed you.
How do you describe the secret of
life to future generations?
If you could have any question
answered, what would it be? In
other words, what do you wonder
Describe a success in your life.

UCL Personal Leadership Values and Vision

lead@ucalgary.ca ucalgary.ca/leadership

Activity 6:
Developing your Personal Vision Statement
A personal vision statement is a picture of your true self in the future a compass that guides
you in the process of creating your life. It is a reflection of what you want to be, what you want to
do, how you want to feel, what you want to own, and who you want to associate with.
It is a statement of who you are becoming and a powerful tool to help you realize the life you
want to live.
Your personal vision statement should answer these three questions:
1. What is my life about (purpose)?
2. What do I stand for (values)?
3. What actions do I take to manifest my purpose and values?
Questions for Exploration
What are the ten things you most enjoy doing? These are ten things without which your weeks,
months, and years would feel incomplete.

What cant you live without? Name five things you would like to have.

UCL Personal Leadership Values and Vision

lead@ucalgary.ca ucalgary.ca/leadership

Identify five people who have been most influential in your life. What qualities have you gained
or would you like to gain from these people?

Name five roles you play or hope to play in your life (ex. mother, friend, volunteer, writer). Write
down one or two important goals for each of them.

UCL Personal Leadership Values and Vision

lead@ucalgary.ca ucalgary.ca/leadership

What are your five most important values? Write down actions or strategies that would
represent living out these values.

UCL Personal Leadership Values and Vision

lead@ucalgary.ca ucalgary.ca/leadership

Begin crafting your personal vision statement. Come back to this draft frequently to evaluate and
revise it, until you have a statement that reflects your unique vision.
Your personal vision statement might change over time depending on your life circumstances,
but key components will remain consistent. Ensure that your vision statement inspires the best
in you!

UCL Personal Leadership Values and Vision

lead@ucalgary.ca ucalgary.ca/leadership

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