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‘Subject or Content Centered Curriculum In subject curriculum each subject is taught as a separate unit. In this pattern of curriculum organization a student may take four or five different subjects each taught by a different teacher and at a separate period of the school day. ‘Any relationship which may exist between two or more subjects is left unnoticed by a teacher who always try to think about his own courses. The vast increase in Content of all areas of life has introduced the necessity of specialization in an educational programme. Thus we find it necessary to train teachers relatively in small areas of human knowledge but they remain ignorant in other areas. The subject curriculum has also led to the acceptance of subject matter as the main goal to be achieved in education. This has caused great emphasis to be given to such tasks as definition, classification and memorization. Application, analysis and problem solving have been largely neglected. Characteristics of Subject Centered Curriculum Characteristics of Subject Centered Curriculum Following are the characteristics of Subject Centered Curriculum 1. Leaming subject matter is an end in itself 2. There is a predetermined uniform standard of knowledge. 3. Practice in skils s emphasized, 4. Emphasis is placed upon acquiring information for future use. 5. Progress is measured by how much of the subject a pupil has learnt. 6. Each subject is distinct entity (unit) with a logical organization of its own. 7. Subject matter is selected by adults previous to the teaching, leaming situations, MERITS: 1. This type of curriculum is more appropriate for intellectual development. An individual learner to think as the physicist, botanist, and geologist and so on. If he cannot learn so to think, the fault is to be found in instruction and not in the Curriculum pattern, 2. It provides maximum security for both the teacher and the student. The teacher knows what is expected of him to teach. The students also know what is expected of 1, (Separation) Subject-centered curriculum prevents students from understanding the wider context of what they're learning, In the traditional method of learning, students learn math in one period, reading in another, science in another and social studies in yet another, separate class. Every subject is taught as though it exists in and of itself without regard for how one subject impacts another subject. 2. (Lack of Integration) A traditional subject-centered curriculum so focuses on teach subject in an individual context, students don’t understand how one subject impacts another subject or how each works together. Learning is fragmented into little boxes instead of flowing together toward deeper comprehension of subject matter as a whole. Students are not taught to use different aspects of their knowledge in an integrated fashion. 3, (Passivity) In the traditional or subject-centered curriculum, students are discouraged from entertaining a different point of view than what textbook or teacher presents. The subject matter has already been chosen by experts in the different subjects, by school boards and by teachers and deemed of value for students to learn, 4, (Authority) The traditional subject-centered curriculum depends upon a system authority Students. t-nart_of the authority hierarchy. Their_need!

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