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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Jessica Pagtulingan

Date: November 1, 2016

Class: Mathematics

Level: Grade 1

Purpose: In this lesson, students identify doubles and write number facts to match. The
mathematical practice Look for and make use of structure (SMP7) is embedded in this lesson.
Students will be able to use the strategy doubles to learn addition facts.
Common Core Standards:
1.OA.6 Use a strategy (doubles) for addition facts.
GLO #1: Self Directed Learner (The ability to be responsible for ones own learning)
GLO #3: Complex Thinker (The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving)
GLO #5: Effective Communicator (The ability to communicate effectively)
Hawaii State Teacher Standards:
Standard #4: Content Knowledge
Standard # 5: Application of Content
Standard #8: Instructional Strategies
Formative: Student journal 5.1 will be observed when students are doing deskwork. Teacher
will walk around with a checklist to check who understands the lesson and those that need
additional support.
Rubric: Checklist if student has met the goal or not. Teacher will mark comments on which
area needs re-teaching.

Not Met


Student Name
Summative: Check up 1 and 2 for module 5 will be given after lesson 12.

Student is able
to answer all

Student is able
to answer 4 out
of 5 questions

Student is able
to answer 3 out
of 5 questions

Student is
unable to
answer more

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 * www.chaminade.edu


placing in the
100 percentile.
Student is able
to answer all
placing in the
100 percentile.

placing in the 80
to 99 percentile.
Student is able
to answer 4 out
of 5 questions
placing in the 80
to 99 percentile.

placing in the 60
to 79 percentile.
Student is able
to answer 3 out
of 5 questions
placing in the 60
to 79 percentile.

than 2 out of 5
Student is
unable to
answer more
than 2 out of 5

ORIGO Big Book, Addtron
Connecting cubes
1 set of dominos from support 17
Student journal 5.1

a. Introduction
As the students rely on recognition of domino patterns in this and the next few lessons,
project the domino arrangement cards for 1 to 9 and have students quickly say the number
Display the cover of the book, Addtron and encourage students to predict what the story
might be about. Read the story without discussion. Read the story again, stopping on
pages 16-17. Discuss the words double and doubling with the students.
b. Developmental
Display pages 2-3 of the book, Addtron. Refer to the buildings and ask, What double
can you see in this picture? (Double 6 windows). Where else have you seen double
six? Elicit several responses such as a carton of eggs or the legs on two ants. Ask,
What would Addtron write to show how to double six? Encourage students to suggest
number sentences and write 6+6=
on he board. Invite volunteers to show the
numbers using two stacks of cubes and the matching domino. Encourage them to say
the answer as quickly as possible and without counting. Discuss each of the other
doubles examples in the same way.
c. Concluding
Discuss the students answers to Student Journal 5.1. Then discuss questions such as,
What numbers can you easily double in your head? What makes them easy for you?
Conclude the lesson by saying the doubles facts from 1+1 to 9+9 in random order and

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 * www.chaminade.edu

have students say the answers.

Adaptations and Extensions:
Extra help: In pairs, have students identify the dominos that show a double and then match
each of these dominos to a doubles addition card and the numeral card that shows the total.
Extra practice: The students can use the cards and the dominos that show doubles to play mixand-match games.
Extra challenge: The students can use the cards and the dominos that show doubles to play
mix-and-match games.
Students will continue to practice learning their doubles facts quickly and fluently
through domino fill in worksheets. (See attached)
Students will create a doubles watch to help make connections with patterns and to help
with memorization. (See attached)
Management Considerations:
Student 14- Behavior Support Plan (BSP): Chunking student work and time frame to improve
behavior during instructional time. Using happy, okay, and sad face as a form of behavior
management. Each instructional block will be monitored and assessed for behavior.
Observed that student 14 has a difficult time focusing, staying on task, and staying
seated in one place for a certain period of time.
Student 18- An ELL student is provided one-to-one support for whole and small group
instruction. Independent work will be chunked down into portions that meet the learners need.
Observed that student 18 has a difficult time staying on task, focusing, and staying
seated for a long perid of time, which causes disruptions.
What went well?
Students were able to quickly recognize the pattern that all our doubles fact is even numbers.
Using a lot of visuals help, I modeled using my fingers, then I also used dice, and last
transferred to pictures that help represent doubles fact, such as a carton of eggs, spider and its 8
legs, two sets of hands and so forth. Students were able to pick up on their doubles fact
What needs improvement?

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 * www.chaminade.edu

A few of my approaching and on level students could not see the pattern most students saw,
and I shouldve had additional resources to help cue them. I should have made visual cards
that help represent the doubles fact. Doubles may be easy said and done for some, and I
learned that the more visuals and abstracts I provide, the more my students could make
connections. I also should have pulled small groups after instruction to go further more into
the lesson of doubles.
Burnett,J., Irons, C. Stepping Stones. ORIGO Education. 2003.
< https://www.origoeducation.com>

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 * www.chaminade.edu

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