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Money and consumerism

Daily Life: Money and consummerism

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1. Pay by credit card or cash?

En este tema nos centraremos en la formacin de las oraciones pasivas en ingls en los diferentes
tiempos. Adems, trabajaremos la voz pasiva de los verbos modales, la impersonal y la estructura
" have/get + something done ".
En el vocabulario, nos centraremos en palabras y expresiones relacionadas con el consumo y las
compras .

Imagen en Flickr de Tomas Fano bajo


Actividad de lectura

Escucha el texto y lelo.


Walter Cavanagh owns 1,497 active credit cards valued at $1.7 million. Aside from
holding the world record for the most number of credit cards, he also owns the world's
longest wallet, measuring 250 feet in length and 38 pounds in weight, with a capacity to
hold 800 cards. Dubbed "Mr. Plastic Fantastic" by the Guinness Book of World Records,
Walter has been listed in the book annually since 1971. Cavanagh has been tracking
directories of US businesses to send as many credit card applications as he can.
His fascination with credit cards all started in the later 1960s when he and his
pharmacist colleague in California vied to collect the most credit cards to win a bet, the
price of which was a fancy dinner. Cavanagh, who was fresh from Peace Corps at that
time, was able to collect 143 cards by year end, defeating his friend who just collected
138. This feat earned him his first Guinness Book title.
He used to apply for one or two cards a week. There was even a time when he applied
for 300 cards in just one month. He sometimes unknowingly applied for a card he
already owned. When his application was declined, he would send a letter to the issuer

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except one for J.J. Newberry. His application was

denied in the early 1970s by the company when
a large number of cards had been already
amassed by Cavanagh. Four decades later,
Cavanagh still doesn't own a Newberry credit
The retired financial planner used to take his
collection with him wherever he traveled. One
Imagen en Wikimedia Commons
got him into trouble when it set off a metal
de Lotus Jefe bajo CC
detector in a Texan airport. His briefcase was
inspected by the guards and hundreds more
were found. The culprit was the sterling silver credit card issued by the defunct Mapes
Hotel, the first casino hotel in Reno. The card, a collector's item, grants unlimited credit
privileges, said Cavanagh.
His credit cards were issued by various
establishments such as ice cream stores,
airlines, bars and gas stations. His cheapest
credit card has a maximum credit of $50.
From green cards to gold cards, Cavanagh
has the most diverse collection of credit
cards. His cards come from every state in
the Union and some even come from
foreign countries like Canada, the UK,
Germany, Norway and Mexico.
All of his 1,497 cards are valid. But
Cavanagh only uses one of them and keeps
Imagen en Flickr de v i p e z bajo CC
the rest in a safe-deposit box. The majority
of his cards have never been used or signed by him. He pays his due on time, which
gives him an almost perfect credit score.
"Never use a card to buy anything you can't pay off in a couple of months", he says. " If
you don't have the discipline, you shouldn't have the cards".

Adapted from

6 Star Living The Man who owns the most credit cards

Comprueba abajo las palabras que no conozcas.

Actividad de rellenar huecos

Lee las frases de abajo y completa los huecos con las palabras del texto sobre Walter
1. Walter was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the first time

1. Walter won the bet because only

his colleague.

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credit cards were collected by

1. Cavanagh hasn't got a

credit card yet.

1. Mapes Hotel's card granted

credit privileges.

1. He has an almost perfect credit score as he always pays his

on time.


Actividad de lectura

Traduce el texto anterior. Comprueba el resultado ms abajo.

Imagen en Flickr de The.Comedian bajo



Las oraciones pueden ser activas o pasivas. Por tanto, los tiempos verbales tambin
tienen "formas activas" y "formas pasivas". Debes aprender a reconocer las diferencia

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En las oraciones activas, la cosa o persona que hace la accin es el sujeto de la frase y
la cosa o persona que recibe la accin es el objeto. La mayor parte de oraciones son
Ejemplo: This feat earned him his first Guinness Book title
En las oraciones pasivas, la cosa o persona que recibe la accin es el sujeto y la cosa o
persona que realiza la accin se incluye opcionalmente al final de la oracin. Se usa la
pasiva si se piensa que la cosa o persona que recibe la accin es ms importante o
debera destacarse. Tambin si se desconoce el agente o no se quiere mencionar.
Ejemplo: Walter has been listed in the book annually since 1971

En este video podrs ver las diferencias entre los verbos en activa y pasiva.

Actividad de rellenar huecos

Mira estas oraciones del texto y marca A si son activas y P si son pasivas.
1- Walter has been listed in the book annually since 1971
23- All of his credit card applications were accepted except one for J.J. Newberry
4- His application was denied in the early 1970s by the company
5- when a large number of cards had been already amassed by Cavanagh

1- Walter has been listed in the book annually since 1971

2. His fascination with credit cards all started in the 1960s

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4. All of his credit card applications were accepted except for one
5. The retired financial planner used to take his credit cards with
him wherever he traveled
6. His briefcase was inspected by the guards.
7. All of his 1,497 cards are valid.
8. The majority of his cards have never been used


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1.1. Consumption and Consumerism

It is preoccupation with possessions,

more than anything else, that prevents
us from living freely and nobly.
" Es la preocupacin con lo que
poseemos, ms que ninguna otra cosa,
lo que nos impide vivir con libertad y de
forma noble."
Henry David Thoreau
Imagen en globalissues.org

Actividad de lectura

En este texto, el trmino "consumo" se estudia de

forma positiva y negativa.
Escucha el texto atentamente y lelo.

Imagen en Flickr de coffe core bajo


Consumerism is a social and
economic order that encourages
the purchase of goods and
services in ever-greater amounts.
The term is often associated with
criticisms of consumption starting
with Thorstein Veblen . Veblen's
subject of examination, the newly
emergent middle class arising at
the turn of the twentieth century,
comes to full fruition by the end
of the twentieth century through
the process of globalization.
Imagen en Flickr de Roberto Vezo

bajo CC


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safety standards. In this sense it is a movement or a set of policies aimed at

regulating the products, services, methods, and standards of manufacturers, sellers,
and advertisers in the interests of the buyer .
In economics, consumerism refers to economic policies placing emphasis on
consumption. In an abstract sense, it is the belief that the economic structure of a
society should be dictated by the free choice of consumers (cf. Producerism , especially
in the British sense of the term).
The term "consumerism" was first used in 1915 to refer to " advocacy of the rights
and interests of consumers" (Oxford English Dictionary) but in this article the term
"consumerism" refers to the sense first used in 1960, "emphasis on or preoccupation
with the acquisition of consumer goods" (Oxford English Dictionary).
Consumerism has weak links with the Western world, but is in fact an international
phenomenon. People purchasing goods and consuming materials in excess of their basic
needs is as old as the first civilizations (e.g. Ancient Egypt, Babylon and Ancient Rome).

A great change in consumerism

appeared just before the Industrial
Revolution. In the nineteenth century,
capitalist development and the industrial
revolution were primarily focused on the
capital goods sector and industrial
infrastructure (i.e., mining, steel, oil,
communications networks, industrial
cities, financial centers, etc.).
commodities ,
Imagen en Flickr de Kaspar Roelle bajo CC
goods , and commercial activities had
been developed to an extent, but not to
the same extent as other sectors. long
hours were worked by members of the working classes for low wages as much as 16
hours per day, 6 days per week. Little time or money was left for consumer activities.
While previously the norm had been the scarcity of resources, the Industrial Revolution
created an unusual economic situation. For the first time in history products were
available in outstanding quantities, at outstandingly low prices, being thus available to
virtually everyone. So began the era of mass consumption, the only era where the
concept of consumerism is applicable.
Consumerism has long had intentional underpinnings , rather than just developing out
of capitalism. As an example, Earnest Elmo Calkins noted to fellow advertising
executives in 1932 that "consumer engineering must see to it that we use up the kind
of goods we now merely use", while the domestic theorist Christine Frederick observed
in 1929 that "the way to break the vicious deadlock of a low standard of living is to
spend freely, and even waste creatively".
Businesses have realized that wealthy consumers are the most attractive targets of
marketing. The upper class's tastes, lifestyles, and preferences trickle down to become
the standard for all consumers. The not so wealthy consumers can purchase something
new that will speak of their place in the tradition of affluence . A consumer can have
the instant gratification of purchasing an expensive item to improve social status.
Emulation is also a core component of 21st century consumerism. As a general trend,
regular consumers seek to emulate those who are above them in the social hierarchy.
The poor strive to imitate the wealthy and the wealthy imitate celebrities and other
icons. The celebrity endorsement of products can be seen as evidence of the desire of

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Adapted from Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia

Pulsa en las palabras para poder entender el texto en su totalidad.

Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

De acuerdo con el texto di si estas afirmaciones son verdaderas o falsas:

1. The term "consumerism" is only used to refer to the consumerist movement.


2. Consumerism has nothing to do with the Western world.



3. The Industrial Revolution was the starting point of mass consumption.



4. The upper class's tastes and lifestyles have a great influence on celebrities.


Actividad de lectura
Traduce el texto al espaol. Haz clic abajo para comprobar la traduccin.

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Imagen en Flickr de austinevan bajo


Aqu tienes una presentacin sobre la oracin pasiva:

Estas oraciones en pasiva estn tomadas del texto de arriba. Lelas y completa la regla.

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"commercial activities had been developed to an extent"

Cmo hacer una oracin pasiva :

se pone el ______ de la frase activa en la posicin del sujeto ,
luego se pone el verbo _____ en el mismo tiempo verbal que el verbo de la frase activa
se aade el ________ del verbo activo

Podemos formar la oracin pasiva en cualquier tiempo. De hecho, la conjugacin de los

verbos en pasiva es bastante fcil, ya que el verbo principal est siempre en participio y
el verbo auxliar es siempre be . Para obtener el tiempo deseado, conjugamos el verbo
to be .
Haz clic en el siguiente enlace para ver ms ejemplos:


Actividad de rellenar huecos

Aqu tienes algunas oraciones en pasiva con diferentes tiempos verbales. Completa los
huecos con la forma correcta de los verbos entre parntesis:
1. Many electrical devices

by Asian workers.

(Manufacture)-(present tense)

2. We

by a loud noise during the night. (Wake

up)-(past tense)

3. Have you heard the news? The President

(Shoot)-(present perfect)

4. The vegetables didnt taste very good. They

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5. Theres somebody walking behind us. I think we

. (Follow)-(present continuous)

6. There was somebody watching us. We

(Watch)-(past continuous)

7. The new shopping centre

by thousands of

people. (Visit)-(future tense)


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1.2. Buy, Buy Baby

Annual income twenty pounds, annual

expenditure nineteen and six, result
happiness. Annual income twenty
pounds, annual expenditure twenty
pounds ought and six, result misery.
" Con un ingreso anual de 20 libras, y
un gasto anual de 19.6, el resultado es
la felicidad . Con un ingreso anual de 20
libras, y un gasto de 20.06, el resultado
es la miseria "
Charles Dickens, David

Imagen en globalissues.org

Actividad de lectura

En este texto, conocers la historia de

Harrods, probablemente el centro
comercial ms famoso del mundo.
Escucha el texto y lelo.

Imagen en Wikimedia Commons de KlickingKarl bajo


Harrods is an upmarket department store located in Brompton Road in Knightsbridge,
in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London.The store occupies a 5-acre
(20,000 m 2 ) site and has over one million square feet ( 90,000 m 2 ) of selling space
in over 330 departments. The UK's second-biggest shop, Oxford Street's Selfridges, is a
little over half the size with 540,000 square feet (50,000 m 2 ) of selling space.
The Harrods motto is
Omnia Omnibus Ubique All Things for All People,
Everywhere. Several of its departments, including the seasonal Christmas department
and the Food Hall, are world famous. More extravagant items for sale than any other
store under the sun can be bought in its departments . It is rumoured you can buy
almost any animal you want from Harrods; however this is not true. Harrods only sells

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fish, birds,
cats, dogs,
etc. - and
possible to
about 60
2000 for
Imagen en Wikimedia Commons de TreyRadcliff bajo CC
established his business in 1824, aged 25. The business was located south of the River
Thames in Southwark. The store's booming fortunes were reversed in early December
1883, when it burnt to the ground. Remarkably, in view of this calamity, Charles Harrod
fulfilled all of his commitments to his customers to make Christmas deliveries that
yearand a record profit was made in the process. In short order, a new building was
built on the same site, and soon Harrods extended credit for the first time to its best
customers, among them Oscar Wilde, Lillie Langtry, Charlie Chaplin, Nol Coward,
Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh, Sigmund Freud, and many members of the British
Royal Family .
On Wednesday, 16 November 1898, England's first "moving staircase" (escalator) was
debuted by Harrods in their Brompton Road stores; the device was actually a woven
belt-like unit with a
and "silver plate-glass"
balustrade .
Nervous customers were offered brandy at the top to revive them after
their ' ordeal '. The department store was purchased by the Fayed brothers in 1985.
The shop's 330 departments offer a wide range of products and services. Products on
offer include clothing for women, men, children and infants, electronics, jewellery,
sporting gear, bridal trousseau , pets and pet accessories, toys, food and drink,
health and beauty items, packaged gifts, stationery, housewares, home appliances,
furniture, and much more.
A representative sample of shop services includes 32 restaurants, serving everything
from high tea to tapas to pub food to haute cuisine; a personal shopping-assistance
programme known as "By Appointment"; a watch repair service; a tailor; a dispensing
pharmacy; a beauty spa and salon; a barbersshop; Harrods Financial Services; Harrods
Bank; Ella Jade Bathroom Planning and Design Service; private events planning and
catering; food delivery; a wine steward ; bespoke "picnic" hampers and gift boxes;
bespoke cakes; and bespoke fragrance formulations.
The shop is visited by up to 300,000 customers on peak days, comprising the highest
proportion of customers from non-English speaking countries of any department store
in London. More than five thousand staff from over fifty different countries work at

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Bank has started selling gold bars and

coins that customers can buy " off the
shelf ". The gold products range from 1
g to 12.5 kg , and can be purchased
within Harrods Bank. Storage services,
as well as the ability to sell back gold to
Harrods in the future are also offered.
Harrods and Al-Fayed have been
criticised for selling real animal fur with
regular protests organised outside
department store in Britain that has
continued to sell fur.
Harrods was
sharply criticised in 2004 by the Hindu
Imagen en Flickr de megoizzy bajo CC
community for marketing a line of
Roberto Cavalli) which featured the images of South-Asian goddesses. The line was
eventually withdrawn and formal apologies were made. Harrods has been criticised
as "deeply sexist" for making female employees wear six kinds of makeup at all times
without requiring this of male employees.
Asma al-Assad, the wife of the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, used an alias to
shop at Harrods despite economic sanctions imposed by the European Union that froze
funds belonging to her and her husband.
Adaptado de Wikipedia

Pregunta de Eleccin Mltiple

Lee el texto de nuevo y escoge la opcin correcta para completar las frases:
1. Selfridges is .......... than Harrods.



2. Henry Edward Harrod first established his business when he was ..........

Thirty five years old.

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Twenty five years old.

3. Harrods has been in .......... place despite the fire that destroyed the original
building in 1883.

The same.

A different.

4. Regular protests have been organised outside Harrods because they sell ..........

Real animals and pets.

Real animal fur.

Actividad de lectura
Traduce el texto y haz clic abajo para comprobar el resultado.

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Imagen en Flickr de Mat from London bajo CC

Actividad de lectura

Revisa lo que has aprendido de la pasiva y los tiempos verbales. Subraya los verbos
identificando los tiempos y transforma el texto en pasiva:
King Wally IV built Ballyhoo castle in the 8th century. It has had a long and turbulent
history since then. An earthquake destroyed it in 1138. The Duke of Westhumberland
rebuilt it over the next century. Both the French and the Scots have conquered it. The
Germans bombed it two years in a row in the Second World War. Firstly, in 1940, its
occupants were fortunate - the British army had evacuated them shortly before the
bombs fell. The following year they were not so lucky - the local fire brigade was
evacuating them when the first planes arrived and the bombs killed 30 people. In 1999
the World Heritage Organisation bought it. They now use one wing as their European
headquarters. Experts are currently restoring the other wing. The Queen opened it to
the public in the summer of 2002. They will promote it as a historical museum.

La voz pasiva con la presencia de verbos modales no es comn en conversaciones

por regla general, pero es bastante comn en los escritos acadmicos.
Haz click


para descargar una presentacin sobre los modales en oraciones

17 de 34

Actividad de rellenar huecos

Completa cada afirmacin o pregunta con el verbo modal can en la voz pasiva. El
verbo principal est entre parntesis.
1. Some interesting animals

at the zoo. (find)

very quickly. (make)

2. This recipe
3. The building

from the side. (enter)

safely anymore. (drive--negative)

4. This old car


this computer

? (fix)

6. A new house

at this location. (build--negative)

from here on a clear day. (see)

7. Downtown Minneapolis
8. Why



another chance? (give--negative)

that heavy chair

by just one person? (move)

for up to one week. (refrigerate)

10. This food


Actividad de rellenar huecos

Completa cada afirmacin o pregunta con el verbo modal should en la voz pasiva. El
verbo principal est entre parntesis.
1. The cat

twice a day. (feed)

2. By what time

this work

3. The pizza

? (finish)
by now. (do)

4. This medication

on an empty stomach.



the truth about their father? (tell)

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7. A hamburger

with your hands--not a fork! (eat)

in a safe place. (put)

8. This glass vase

9. She
10. How often

anymore candy. (give--negative)

the students


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? (test)

2. 'e-commerce'
La tecnologa ha cambiado completamente la forma en la que vivimos actualmente, adems ahora
sirve para la venta. Productos de todo el mundo son accesibles y se reparten a casa. Internet permite
registrarse y comprar desde el hogar.

Imagen en Flickr de jasonbrummels bajo CC

Imagen en Flickr de photosteve101 bajo CC

Actividad de lectura

Escucha y lee el siguiente texto.

Saving time by Shopping Online

With the rise of the internet is it unsurprising that retailers have jumped on the
opportunity to offer goods online whenever they can. Reaching a far wider group of
people, clever online campaigns can be used by retailers to advertise their goods as
much as possible. While retailers benefit, shopping online also offers you and me, the
consumers on the street a huge range of benefits as well.
One of the best reasons to shop online is the ability to save time. Modern lives are
considered to have become very busy, with work and leisure activities quickly taking
over all the hours of the day. While some lucky guys may love nothing more than to hit
the high street and shop, others simply don't have the time as they are too busy with
their families or with work. This is where online shopping is becoming increasingly
important as valuable time which can be put to better use elsewhere may be saved.
A major benefit is that no travel time is needed if you want to shop online. While an
entire morning may need to be set aside for grocery shopping, browsing the internet
before buying goods can be done in an instant. It can be done within the comfort of
your own home, meaning that it can be done at any time of day whenever you get a
spare moment. Search options are also assumed to reduce shopping time significantly.
Whereas in a shop you have to browse through items, in an online store you can
instantly look for what you need and want. Prices are often cheaper too, with online
retailers not having to pay large overhead expenses for brick-and-mortar shops and

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pricing ranges, sizes, or quantities, life

can be made much quicker and easier
Over the past few years food shopping
online has become particularly popular,
with a range of both high street and
online retailers offering delivery services.
This is expected to be a brilliant way of
saving time as not only can you get your
items delivered, but many websites
remember the foods bought previously. A
weekly shop can then be done by simply
reordering a standard basket, taking only
a few minutes of your valuable time.
Online clothes' shopping can also save a
huge amount of time, and while you may
believe that the returns procedure is
complicated, many stores have taken
steps to make it as easy as possible.
Valuable time can be saved by utilising
search facilities available on websites,
allowing you to search for garments by
Imagen en Flickr de net_efekt bajo CC
size, colour, prices, or even brand. A
number of websites style guides are also
offered, a great benefit if you find a top you like but are not sure of a suitable pair of
trousers for example. Meanwhile, by shopping at online outlets such as M and M, direct
discount codes can be found and the returns process is often free and as easy as simply
filling out a small coded sheet and popping items into the post. And for anyone who is
pushed for time and would rather spend valuable moments enjoying their family and
hobbies, online shopping is considered to be a fantastic time saving opportunity.
Adaptado de Ah OK Lah

Haz clic para conocer el significado de algunas palabras importantes del texto.

Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

Lee el texto de nuevo y decide si las afirmaciones son verdaderas o falsas:

1. The e-commerce offers just a few advantages for consumers.


2. Consumers' lack of time is one of the main reasons for the rising of online


3. Online shopping increases prices significantly.



4. Shopping websites can remember your previous deliveries.

21 de 34

Actividad de lectura

Traduce el texto y comprueba el resultado pulsando el botn.

Imagen en International Business Management

En el texto que has ledo sobre las compras online, hay una serie de oraciones en
pasiva. Fjate en las siguientes.
1. Modern lives are considered to have become very busy.

2. Search options are also assumed to reduce shopping time significantly.

3. This is expected to be a brilliant way of saving time.

4. ...online shopping is considered to be a fantastic time saving opportunity.

Pertenecen a un tipo especial de pasiva llamada "impersonal".

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La pasiva impersonal no es tan comn en ingls como en otros idiomas. En ingls, esta
estructura se usa bsicamente con verbos de percepcin ( e. g. say, think, know ).
Aqu tienes una presentacin sobre la pasiva impersonal:


Actividad de rellenar huecos

Cambia estas frases en las distintas formas posibles de pasiva:

1. People believe that English is the most widely spoken language.

It is believed

the most widely spoken

language .

English is believed

the most widely spoken language .

2. Police have reported that Peter caused the accident.


has been reported


3. A journalist reports that they are leaving Las Vegas tomorrow night.



Vegas tomorrow night.


Las Vegas

tomorrow night.
4. Many people think that Columbus never realized that he had discovered America.

23 de 34

that he had discovered America.
5. Many people thought that the teenagers were dancing at the disco.
the teenagers were dancing at the


The teenagers

at the

6. Everybody thinks that she sings beautifully.




7. The children reported that their friends were swimming when they disappeared.

their friends were swimming when

they disappeared.


when they disappeared.

8. People believed that they had killed the animals during the night.
that they had killed the animals during
the night .


the animals

during the night .

9. Most people say that Bill Gates is the richest man in the world.
Bill Gates is the richest man in the world

the richest man in the world

10. They believe that the horse was a present.
the horse was a present .

The horse

a present .


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3. Take the bait!

El ltimo objetivo de la publicidad es hacer que los consumidores reaccionen.

Advertising exists only to

purvey what people dont need.
Whatever people do need
they will find without
advertising if it is available. This
is so obvious and simple that it
continues to stagger my mind
that the ad industry has
succeeded in muddying the
La publicidad existe solo para
proveer a la gente con lo que no
necesita. Todo lo que la gente
necesita se encuentra sin
publicidad si est disponible.
Esto es tan obvio y simple que
contina asombrndome que la
industria publicitaria haya
conseguido enturbiar este

Imagen en Flickr de mariabowskill bajo CC

Jerry Mander

Actividad de lectura

Escucha y lee el siguiente texto sobre la publicidad.

As the economy expanded during the 19th century, advertising grew alongside. In the
United States, the success of this advertising format eventually led to the growth of
mail-order advertising. In 2010, spending on advertising was estimated at $142.5
billion in the United States and $467 billion worldwide.
In June 1836, the French newspaper
La Presse was the first to include paid
advertising in its pages, allowing it to lower its price and extend its readership.The
formula was soon copied by all titles. Around 1840, Volney B. Palmer established the
roots of the modern day advertising agency in Philadelphia. In 1842 Palmer had large
amounts of space traded in various newspapers at a discounted rate then resold the
space at higher rates to advertisers. The actual ad - the copy, layout, and artwork - was
still prepared by the company wishing to advertise; in effect, Palmer was a space

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established as a profession.
At the turn of the century, there were few
career choices for women in business;
however, advertising was one of the few
available. Since women were responsible
for most of the purchasing done in their
recognized the value of women's insight
during the creative process. In fact, the
first American advertising to use a sexual
sell was created by a woman - for a soap
product. Although tame by today's
standards the advertisement featured a
couple with the message "The skin you
love to touch".
Modern advertising was created with the
innovative techniques used in tobacco
advertising beginning in the 1920s, most
significantly with the campaigns of Edward
Bernays, who is often considered as the
founder of modern Madison Avenue
Advertising has gone through five major
stages of development: domestic, export,
international, multi-national, and global.
For global advertisers, there are four,
potentially competing, business objectives
that must be balanced when developing
worldwide advertising: building a brand
while speaking with one voice, developing
Imagen en Wikimedia Commons
economies of scale in the creative process,
de Durova bajo Dominio Pblico
maximising local effectiveness of ads, and
increasing the company's speed of
implementation. Commercial advertisers often seek to increase consumption of their
products or services through "branding", which involves the repetition of an image or
product name in an effort to associate certain qualities with the brand in the minds of
global consumers.If they have their image broadcast on TV, the radio, in the press, it
helps it to stick in consumers' minds.
While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without
social costs. Unsolicited commercial e-mail and other forms of spam have become so
prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these services. Advertising is
increasingly invading public spaces, such as schools, which some critics argue is a form
of exploiting children . In addition, advertising frequently uses psychological pressure
(for example, appealing to feelings of inadequacy) on the intended consumer, which
may be harmful. Many even feel that, often, advertisements exploit the desires of a
consumer, by making a particular product more appealing, or by manipulating the
consumers' needs and wants.
Adaptado de Wikipedia

Haz clic aqu para conocer el significado de algunas palabras del texto.

Pregunta de Eleccin Mltiple

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1. Palmer was the first who...

traded newspapers' space for advertising.

established advertising as a profession.

2.-Women's insight was needed when devising ads because...

they were in charge of most of the shopping.

They could feature ads for soap products .

3.- Edward Bernays was...

a heavy smoker.

used new techniques in tobacco advertising.

4.- "Branding" .....

tries to make consumers associate certain qualities and advantages to a brand.

increasingly invades public spaces.

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Actividad de lectura

Traduce el texto y comprueba el resultado ms abajo.

Imagen en Flickr de osde8info



En el texto hay una serie de frases especiales. Presta atencin a las de abajo: .


Palmer had large amounts of space traded in various newspapers.

2. If they have their image broadcast on TV, the radio and the press, ....

Pertenecen a una clase especial de oraciones pasivas llamada

/ Forma causativa .

The Causative form

Mira esta presentacin donde encontars una serie de ejemplos de pasiva causativa:

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Have something done



Ordena las partes de este tipo de estructura:

past participle / subject / appropriate form of "have" or "get" / object

Con esta presentacin tendrs ms explicaciones sobre The Causative form :

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Ahora es hora de practicar lo que has aprendido con este ejercicio.

Reescribe estas frases con


get :

1. The mechanic changed the oil in my car.

2. The hairdresser cut my hair in a completely different style.
3. A decorator has repainted our house.
4. A friend of mine, whos an electrician, is going to repair my DVD player next week.
5. My jacket is being cleaned at a specialist cleaners.
6. The town hall has just been rebuilt for the council.
Adaptado de www.eoioviedo.org

Une los oficios o los lugares de trabajo con lo que hace cada uno. Despus forma
frases usando la informacin entre parntesis, segn el tiempo verbal apropiado. ojo:
si dices el lugar, usa la preposicin at . Si dices la persona, usa la preposicin by
(igual que en la pasiva)

1. hairdressers
2. opticians
3. dentists
4. doctors
5. vets
6. garage
7. architect
8. accountant

a. vaccinate my dog (have)

b. do annual accounts (have)
c. service cars (get)
d. test eyes (have)
e. design new houses (have)
f. cut hair (get)
g. take out teeth (have)
h. take blood pressure


1. Tomorrow Im going to get my hair cut at the hairdressers .

2. Yesterday
3. This afternoon
4. Last week
5. Next Saturday
6. The day before yesterday
7. Last year
8. Next week
Adaptado de www.eoioviedo.org

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4. Apndice
En esta seccin trataremos temas de tipo cultural y curiosidades. Ser tambin una seccin para
ampliar conocimientos que seguro te sern de utilidad.

Fotografa en Flickr de mdezemery bajo CC

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4.1. Curiosidades


Aqu tienes algunas curiosidades

sobre el mundo de la publicidad.
Lee el texto y tradcelo:
1. The most complained-about
ad in Australia in 2010 was an ad
dysfunction. To advertise the
effectiveness of the drug, the ad
husbands erection as a step
stool to reach something out of a
high cupboard.
2. Ice cubes in beverage
made of acrylic so they wont
Imagen en Flickr de X-ray delta one bajo CC
melt under hot photography
lights or move around. Bubbles
are made by adding detergent, and water is added so light will filter through better.
3. A York University study revealed that U.S. pharmaceutical companies spend twice as
much on advertising as they do on research.
4. The famous Marlboro Man ads began in 1955. The Marlboro Man actually included a
variety of masculine figures such as athletes, gunsmiths, and captains, but the rugged
cowboy image proved the most marketable. Three men who appeared in the
advertisements later died of lung cancer, earning the brand the nickname Cowboy
5. TV commercials during Super Bowl XLV in 2011 are estimated to have cost $3
million for a 30-second spot.
6. More than $500 billion a year is spent on advertising worldwide.
7. By the time a person in the United States is 65 years old, he will have seen an
estimated two million television commercials.
8. In fashion advertising, women are often pictured lying on bearskin rugs, wearing
furs and feathers, or dressed in tight-fitting leather clothing. Some researchers criticize
these kinds of ads because they feature women as prey".
9. Womens bodies are often dismembered in ads and shown only as body parts.
This type of representation has been criticized for objectifying women and contributing
to the underlying culture of violence toward women.
Texto de Randomhistory

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1. El mayor nmero de reclamaciones en Australia en 2010 fue un anuncio del Instituto

Avanzado mdica sobre la disfuncin erctil. Para anunciar la eficacia de la droga, el
anuncio mostraba a una mujer con la ereccin de su marido como un taburete para
alcanzar algo de un armario alto.
2. Los cubos de hielo en los anuncios de bebidas se hacen tpicamente de acrlico para
que no se derrita bajo los focos de fotografa o moverse. Las burbujas se hacen
aadiendo detergente, y se aade agua para filtrar la luz mejor.
3. Un estudio de la Universidad de York revel que las compaas farmacuticas
estadounidenses gastan dos veces ms en publicidad que en investigacin.
4. Los famosos anuncios del hombre de Marlboro comenzaron en 1955. El hombre
Marlboro en realidad inclua una variedad de figuras masculinas como atletas, armeros,
y capitanes, pero la imagen de vaquero result el ms comercializable. Tres de los
hombres que aparecan en los anuncios murieron ms tarde de cncer de pulmn,
ganando la marca el apodo de "Asesino de cowboys".
5. Se estima que los anuncios de televisin de 30 segundos de duracin durante el
Super Bowl XLV en el ao 2011 costaban 3 millones de dlares.
6. Ms de $ 500 mil millones se gasta en publicidad al ao en todo el mundo.
7. Para cuando una persona en los Estados Unidos cumpla 65 aos, habr visto unos
dos millones de anuncios de televisin.
8. En la publicidad de la moda, las mujeres suelen ser fotografiadas tumbadas sobre
alfombras de piel de oso, vestidas con pieles y plumas, o con ropa ajustada de cuero .
Algunos investigadores critican este tipo de anuncios, ya que muestran a la mujeres
como "presa".
9. Los cuerpos de las mujeres son a menudo "desmembrados" en los anuncios y slo
aparecen como "partes del cuerpo". Se ha criticado este tipo de representacin por
"cosificar" a las mujeres y contribuir a la cultura subyacente de la violencia hacia las

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4.2. Para saber ms


Haz clic en estos enlaces para practicar con la voz pasiva:

Practice 1
Practice 2
Practice 3
Practice 4
Practice 5
Practice 6
Practice 7

Vocabulario til sobre

las compras

el consumo .


Aqu podrs practicar con el vocabulario relacionado con el consumo y la publicidad:

Practice 1
Practice 2
Practice 3

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