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Kendal Chapman

Rebecca Miner
October 16, 2016
I was considered obese for the majority of my childhood years. Those years were
incredibly hard for me. Once I decided to change my life into a healthier lifestyle, I learned how
much obesity influences our country today. In the United States today, we have created awful
habits of not enough exercise and too much fast food. Right now in the US one in every three
adults and one in every four children is obese today.(Why Are Americans Obese?) This has
caused us to be one of the top obese nations in the world. Obesity is defined as an unhealthy
amount of fat in the body determined by the body mass index. This epidemic has caused many
problems in our country.
An organization called The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America
recently updated their research and data on obesity. As of September 2016, adult obesity rates
now exceed thirty-five percent in four different states, thirty percent in twenty-five states, and the
rest of the states exceed twenty percent. Louisiana is the
most obese state with a rate of thirty-six percent.
Colorado has the lowest rate at twenty percent. Adult
obesity rates have increased significantly since 1990.
With recent data, we have learned that in four states,
obesity rates have decreased for the first time in over a
decade. (Adult Obesity in the United States) This is great
news, but what could we do to make a more significant

(Adult Obesity in the United States)


Being overweight or obese isn't a cosmetic problem. These conditions greatly raise your
risk for other health problems. (What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity?) One
of the major problems of obesity, is that it most likely will cause more health problems. Obesity
has been known to cause coronary heart disease which is caused by plaque or CHD build up
inside the coronary arteries, which supplies blood to your heart. It also has been known to cause
high blood pressure which can lead to strokes. Another big health issue caused by obesity is type
2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a disease in which ones blood sugar levels are higher than normal.
High blood sugar can cause heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, amputation, and blindness.
Diabetes has become one of the top ten causes of death in our country today. Studies show that
about 80 percent of people with this disease are either overweight or obese. Type 2 diabetes

wasnt very common a decade ago, but today, it is so common that even children have been
affected by this disease. (What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity?) Daily tasks
can also become struggles with those with obesity. Climbing stairs, taking their dog for a walk,
or even just getting dressed in the morning can become a challenge. The quote stated previously
says that obesity isnt just a cosmetic problem. It makes life difficult. The simplest tasks can
become the most challenging ones just by the struggles obesity causes.
Many wonder how we can solve the problems of obesity. Some may say that it is very
simple. That people who are obese should exercise more and eat healthier. But, there may be
more to it than that. Obesity may be caused by many different situations. Where someone lives
and the lifestyle they have learned to live since their childhood. Where someone lives plays a
huge role into their daily choices. Research has proven that low income neighborhoods have
more fast food restaurants and not enough grocery stores. And if they do have a grocery store,
the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are limited. Research proves that 23.5 million people
dont have access to a store within a mile from their home. (Why Are Americans Obese?)
Obesity researcher Adam Drewnowski wanted to do a study. He wanted to find out why money
plays a big role in the food we buy. Drewnowski went to a local market and discovered that the
most affordable food was the food in the middle aisles of the store. These aisles include foods
such as high fat chips, high processed freezer meals, and carbonated drinks. Drewnowski learned
that he could spend one dollar on cookies and receive over 1200 calories worth. But, if he spent a
dollar on carrots, he would only be able to afford 250 calories worth.
Not only does the location of our homes influence our food choices, but the habits we
learn from our parents and community does as well. Our lives our busy. And society likes to be
fast paced. The faster, the better. This has caused us to rush our meals. We want something fast
and easy, and this usually is fast food or something similar. Parents are their childrens teachers.
If we dont teach children the importance of exercising regularly and eating fruits and vegetables,
whole grains, and lean proteins, they are more likely to become obese by adulthood. (Adult
Obesity Causes & Consequences)
So, the question is how? How can we fix this problem in the United Sates? How do we
decrease the rates of obesity? How do we decrease the amount of health problems it has caused?
How do we make it possible to have more people able to go to a grocery store stocked with the
necessities to live a healthier life? How do we teach our children the healthiest way to live? With
the help of researching, studying, and observing people who live a healthy lifestyle, there is an
answer. And the answer is an education in nutrition. This doesnt mean to go get a bachelors
degree in health and nutrition. It just means to be more aware and informed. If we as a country
came together and educated ourselves, taught our children, neighbors, friends, and family the
importance of a healthy lifestyle, we would see changes. Being able to help those in need and
inspire those struggling will help us see a change. Educating ourselves and the importance of
why we should eat healthy, why we should exercise, and why we should treat our bodies like this
will help us make a change. I know from my own experiences, that I will try inspire those around
me. Helping to inform my community, family, and friends will help me be able to start an
improvement in our countries obesity problem today. Making a change will help us create better
behavioral habits for the future of America. As stated previously, as of September 2016, four

states in our country have had a decrease in obesity. Lets learn from these states, and lets
discover a way we can decrease these rates in the other 46 states.

During my research, I had one goal. The goal I wanted to accomplish was to make sure
my writing would be able to inform others on obesity. This subject hits really close to home for
me and I want to influence those in my life to make healthier choices. I had a hard time writing
this paper and how to show my own emotions through my words. As I was able to fit in my own
personal story and make this paper a little bit more relaxed, I feel like I brought more meaning
into it. This helped me make this piece my own. I hope that I can share the information I have
learned with those around me to better their life and those who they influence as well.

Work Cited
"Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, 15 Aug. 2016. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.
"Adult Obesity in the United States." : The State of Obesity. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.
Pollan, Michael. The New York Times Magazine. N.p., 22 Apr. 2017. Web.
"What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity? - NHLBI, NIH." U.S National Library
of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.
"Why Are Americans Obese? | PublicHealth.org." PublicHealth.org. N.p., 08 June 2016. Web.
17 Oct. 2016.

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