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Programul evenimentului Black Sea Ports and Shipping 2016
Vineri, 06 mai 2
Pentru prima oara in Romania, in perioada 25-27 mai 2016 va avea loc la Constant
a cea de-a cincea editie a Black Sea Ports&Shipping.
Evenimentul se va desfasura conform urmatorului program:
Miercuri, 25 mai 2016

Inregistrarea delegatilor in holul Hotelului Malibu Mamaia
9.00 Plecare de la Hotel Malibu Mamaia
9.15 Sosire in Portul Constanta pentru primirea oficiala de catre echipa
de management a CN APM SA Constanta, urmata de scurta prezentare a portului (ma
cheta, dezvoltarea istorica a portului, scurta descriere a turului)
9.30 Imbarcarea GRUPULUI I la bordul navei multifunctionale A. Saligny p
entru turul tehnic al portului
9.30 Imbarcarea GRUPULUI II pentru turul cu autocarul
vizita la USA-NIDE
12.00 Sosirea Grupurilor I&II la Terminalul de Pasageri pentru un pranz
12.30 Imbarcarea GRUPULUI II la bordul navei multifunctionale A. Saligny
pentru turul tehnic al portului
12.30 - Imbarcarea GRUPULUI I pentru turul cu autocarul
vizita la USA-NI
14.00 - Sosirea Grupurilor I &II la Terminalul de Pasageri pentru deplas
area cu autocarul la DB Schenker, Constanta South Container Terminal (DP World)
16.15 Plecare din Portul Constanta catre Hotel Malibu Mamaia
16.30 Sosire la Hotel Malibu Mamaia
19.00-21.00 - Networking Welcome Reception oferita tuturor participantil
or la Hotel Malibu Mamaia. Tinuta smart casual
Joi, 26 mai 2016
Ceremonia de deschidere
9.00 Inregistrarea delegatilor la conferinta
Comentariile organizatorului - Rory J. Doyle, Managing Director, T
ransport Events Management, Malaezia
10.05 Cuvant de bun venit - Valeriu Nicolae Ionescu, Chief Executive Off
icer, Compania Nationala Administratia Porturilor Maritime SA Constanta, Romania
10.10 Cuvant de deschidere - Mihai Daraban, Presedinte, Camera de Comert
, Industrie, Navigatie si Agricultura Constanta & Presedinte, Camera de Comert s
i Industrie a Romaniei
10.20 Alocutiune - Adrian Nicolaescu, Prefect al judetului Constanta, Ro
10.30 Discurs de deschidere
Reprezentant Ministerul Transporturilor Roma
10.45 Ceremonia de deschidere a expozitiei si turul expozitiei efectuat
de catre grupul VIP
SESIUNEA 1 Economic transformation of the Black Sea region: Real needs and commo
n challenges

11.30 Observatii introductive - Valeriu Nicolae Ionescu, Chief Executive

Officer, Compania Nationala Administratia Porturilor Maritime SA Constanta, Rom

11.30 - Constanta opportunity in the Black Sea trade - Carline Bos, Cons
ultant - Maritime Economics & Operations, Royal HaskoningDHV, Olanda
11.45 - Implementation of SOLAS requirement for verified gross mass of p
acked Containers - Andrew Huxley ACII, Regional Development Director, TT Club, M
area Britanie
12.00 - The importance of improving logistics in order to better use the
potential of the Danube and the Black Sea to connect the European markets with
the markets of the Eurasian Union and the Far East - Sanja Djurisic, Chief Execu
tive Officer, Portul Pancevo, Serbia
SESIUNEA 2 Ports investment and expansion opportunities in the Black Sea region
12.15 - Port of Constanta - The Eastern Gateway of EU-New Developments a
nd Investments - Alexandru Madalin Craciun, Director Comercial, Compania Nationa
la Administratia Porturilor Maritime SA Constanta, Romania
12.30 - Development of Trans Caspian corridor - Salome Kelenjeridze, Hea
d of Marketing, Freight transportation SBU, Georgian Railway, Georgia
12.45 - Role of financial institutions in developing infrastructure inve
stments in the Black Sea region - Ana Maria Mihaescu, Chief Resident Representat
ive pentru Romania, Bulgaria, Republica Ceha, Ungaria, Moldova, Polonia si Slova
cia, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Romania
13.00- Intrebari si raspunsuri urmate de networking lunch
SESIUNEA 3 Black Sea container traffic demand between 2015 and 2030
14.00 - New steps for the cooperation of the Danube and Western Black Se
a regions - Raluca Daraban, Director Comercial, DP World, Romania
14.15 - How to optimize cargo delivery process
Sea and intermodal contai
ner Transportation - Francesco Ghio, Research Department, Portul Livorno, Italia
14.30 - Reviving Romania s potentials as a trade link between Europe and A
sia - Andreea Nistor, Vice Presedinte, The Silk Road Association, Romania
14.45 - Terminal Operation in a changing world Efficiency improvement by
lean operation with humans and equipment - Thomas Mueller, Head of Business Uni
t Port Technology, Vahle, Germania
Intrebari si raspunsuri
SESIUNEA 4 Dry Bulk Shipping & Cargo Handling: Redefining Market Recovery for th
e Black Sea Region
16.00 - Role of Port of Baja in the distribution of products in the Danu
be region - Timea Bakos, Head of Bureau, Portul Baja, Ungaria
16.15 - Economic growth in the Black Sea How bulk & cargo shipping indus
try responds - Nemanja Zivanovic, General Manager, Transagent, Serbia
16.30 - Development of the intermodal transport in Romania - Present sit
uation, challenges and future - Johan de Bot, Director, Traba Logistics, Olanda
16.45 - Dust free containerised bulk handling - Cameron Hay, RAM Spreade
rs, Australia
Intrebari si raspunsuri
18.30 22.00 - Networking Welcome Dinner oferita tuturor participantilor
la Crama Murfatlar, Neptun. Plecarea de la Hotel Malibu Mamaia va avea loc la or
a 18.30, iar intoarcerea la hotel se va face aproximativ la ora 22. Tinuta smart
Vineri, 27 mai 2016


Inregistrarea delegatilor la conferinta

SESIUNEA 5 Development strategies for freight transport market in the Black Sea:
Road, rail and inland waterways

9.00 - Observatii introductive - Andrew Huxley ACII, Regional Developmen

t Director, TT Club, Marea Britanie
9.00 - Potential of the Danube-Sava Canal - Bozana Matos, Managing Direc
tor, Autoritatea Portului Vukovar, Croatia
9.15 - Integrating infrastructure investments and modernization: Perspec
tives from South Africa - Siyabonga Gama, Chief Executive, Transnet Group, Afric
a de Sud
9.30 - The road to a strategic responsibility for Constanta Port - Danie
l Mazilu, Subsecretar General, Asociatia Romana pentru Transporturi Rutiere Inte
rnationale (ARTRI), Romania
9.45 - Cooperation on Education and Scientific Research for Promoting Ec
oinnovation in Transport and Logistics in the Black Sea Region - Prof. Dr. Eden
Mamut, Secretar General Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN), Romania
10.00 - ARILOG
Networking supply chain professionals - Romeo Dumitru, Vi
ce Presedinte, Asociatia Romana de Logistica (ARILOG) & National Operations Mana
ger, Kuehne + Nagel, Romania
10.15 - Integration, interoperability and automation along the supply ch
ain: Opportunities for international fast trade lanes coming from the new EU cus
toms code and shipping market evolution - Luca Abatello, Chairman, Log@Sea, Ital
Intrebari si raspunsuri
SESIUNEA 6 Future adaptation of container handling technology and solutions in t
he Black Sea
11.30 - Shore side power implementation and challenges in ports developm
ent and construction - Hugues Berthet, Shore Connection Business Development Dir
ector, Schneider Electric, Franta
11.45 - Modern energy guiding systems for port-cranes - Peter Sebastian
Ptz, Key Account Manager, Business Development, Tsubaki Kabelschlepp GmbH, German
12.00 - Alternative Marine Power Systems - Daiel Hoffmans, International
Sales Manager, Stemmann Technik, Germania
12.15 - How port equipment innovations improves productivity - Aurel Pop
a, Sales Manager, Liebherr, Romania
12.30 - Container handling industry specific solutions Reducing total co
st of operation in Ports environment - Rainer Marian, Sales Director Big Trucks
Hyster-Yale Group, Olanda
12.45 - Marine fender design for port operations - Judith Viola Richter,
Sales ShibataFenderTeam AG, Germania
13.00 - Intrebari si raspunsuri urmate de networking lunch
14.00 - Optimization of terminal operations - Christina Ghiga, Senior Ac
count Manager, Navis, Olanda
14.15 - What if your TOS is outdated and not supported anymore? Where to
migrate? How to choose the proper replacement? Pros and cons of different appro
aches - Daniel Pershin, Head of Marketing, Solvo, Rusia
SESIUNEA 7 Regional ports cooperation to improve competitiveness: Spotlight on D
anube-Black Sea opportunities
14.30 - DB Schenker logistics and port operations in Constanta: Your gat
eway to Black Sea - Adrian Crizbasianu, COO and Board Member, DB Schenker Logist
ics, Romania
14.45 - Competitive advantages of Port of Constanta for feed and agricul
tural commodity trade in the Black Sea - George Visan, Director Comercial, Chimp
ex, Romania
Intrebari si raspunsuri
15.30 - Trans-European Transport Network: Experience and lessons learnt
- Ioana Statu, Project Officer, Directoratul General pentru Mobilitate si Transp

ort, Comisia Europeana, Belgia

15.45 - The evolution of Constanta Port
Integrating ports growth with su
stainable development of Danube waterways - Alexandru Capatu, Presedinte, Pro Da
nube International, Austria
16.00 - Danube-Black Sea region as the gateway for freight transport con
nections from Central Europe to the Black Sea, Caspian region and the Far East Viorel Panait, Director General, Comvex SA, Romania
16.15 - Leveraging on new growth opportunities in Romania: Perspectives
of Europe and the Far East - Victor Rohan, Director Comercial, SOCEP, Romania
16.30 Key customs benefits brought by the Union Customs Code for EU port
s at the Black Sea - Mihai Petre, Senior Manager - Customs & Global Trade, Deloi
tte, Romania
16.45 - Intrebari si raspunsuri

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