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The present study aims at constructing an achievement test used in testing the
subject of educational administration and supervision at the teacher training institutes
according to the latent trait theory. The scientific procedures are followed in the test
construction starting with the items of educational administration and supervision
subject according to the sectorial committee of the Iraqi Ministry of Education. The
total chapters of this subject are (9). After directing an item checklist of this subject to
the teachers in action to find out the items they actually teach, they all agree on 100% of
the total items. 189 behavioral objectives are developed for the three upper levels in
Bloom Taxonomy (knowledge, comprehension, and application). One multiple choice
test item with 4 options is developed for each behavioral objective taking into
consideration the accuracy and comprehensiveness of objectives and test items.
To check the validity of the test items and their appropriateness to the behavioral
objectives and response options, they are exposed to a jury of 18 experts in educational
and psychological sciences. According to the jurors suggestions, some items are
modified and others are excluded. The final version of the test includes 153 items.
The achievement test is conducted on a sample of 310 students who are selected
according to the stratified random sample method. This sample includes students from 9
teacher training institutes in Baghdad.
Rasch model, which is one of the latent trait theory models, is used in the analysis
of the test items. To verify the assumptions of this model, the following procedures are
1. Checking the unidimensionality. All the items developed for the ten chapters are
analyzed according to the basic content method to check the test factor
construction. One meaningful factor is achieved for the test. This factor is based
on the lower limits of (Getman) who considers the factor as statistically
significant if the explainable latent root equals or exceeds 1 . Burt & Banks
formula of standard error is adopted as a criterion for item saturation with the
general factor which is found to be (0.148). 10 test items, the factor saturation of
which is found to be less than the adopted one, are excluded from the test.

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2. Checking the correspondence of test items to Rasch model by using Rascal
program according to Chi square at the level of (0.05). The program excludes
(14) items for having a higher Chi Square value at the level of (0.05).
3. Approximation of test discrimination coefficient to 1.
4. Checking measurement interdependence to achieve measurement objectivity
according to Rasch model. 18 test items are excluded for not being objective.
5. The final version of the test includes 111 items all of which are statistically
analyzed to convert the Logit unit into Watt. This is done to get rid of the
fractions and minus signs in the approximation of item difficulty and individuals
ability. The coefficient stability of the final version of the test is found to be
In the light of the study findings and conclusions, a number of recommendations
are presented, and suggestions for further studies are put forward.

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:The Problem of the Research
) (Classical Measurement Theory
) (True Score

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) . (:

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). (Nunnally, 1978: 315-316

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:The Importance of the Research

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: Aim of Research

: Limitations of the Research
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: Definition of the Terms

: Test : :

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: " "Achievement Test :
": "1981,Ghieselli & et al
). (Ghieselli & et al,1981:432
": "

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: Achievement Test
) (Modern Test Theory

) (Gusstafsson,1980:205

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). (Reise & Waller,2003:55

: Teachers Preparation Institutes

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) (Popham & Husek 1969


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). (Popham,1978:93
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) & Anastasi
. (Urbina,1997:76

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"Latent Traits Theory" :


). (Hambleton,1985:6

Item Response Model

Probilitic Deterministic

)) (Hambleton & Swaminathan,1985:6. ( :



: Assumptions of Latent Trait Theory :

. :

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. Unidimesionality :

) . (Single Trait
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) (Hati :
- .
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. Local Independence :
) . (Allen and Yen, 1979:241

).( :
. Item Characteristic :
) (
) (ICCs

). (Hambleton & Swaminathan,1985:6

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. Speediness :

) . ( :

). (Hambleton & Swaminathan,1985:30
. Invariance of Item Parameter :


). (Anastasi & Urbina,1997:191
. Item (Test) Information Function :



). (Hulin,1983:56
Rasch Model :
one Parameter

Rasch B

Rating Scales .
David Andrich
). (Andrich,1998: 79-80

( ...
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). ( :
. )( : )(
)( ). (Elliott,1983:61
. :
. Sample Free

) Item Free (
). (Kline,1993:68
. ) (:

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) . ( :
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). (EL-Korashy,1995:760

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" "
. ()

35. Allen, M. & Yen, W. M., (1979): Introduction to Measurement theory
California, Broks Cole publishing company.

36. Anastasi, A. & Urbina, S., (1997): Psychological testing, 7th ed., New
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37. Andrich, D. (1998): Rasch Model for Measurement Beverly Hills,

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38. Anton A . B .(2000) : Robustness of Equating High- Stakes Tests ,

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39. EL Korashy , AF . ( 1995 ) : Applying the Rasch model to the selection

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42. , Ronald K . ( 1987) : Item

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... (
) -

43. Hulin, C.L.; Drasgow, F.; & Parsons, K., (1983): Item Response Theory
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44. Kline, p (1993) : The Hom book of psychological Testing. First Edition.
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45. Masters, G.N , (1984): DICOT: Analyzing Classroom Test with The Resch
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46. Nunnally, J.C, (1981); Psychometric Theory. 2nd ed. McGraq-Hill, New

47. Popham, W.J., (1978): Criterion-Referenced Measurement, Englewood

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48. Reise, S.P., & Waller, N.G, (2003) : How many IRT Parameters Does It
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49. Stenner , G. (1990 ) : Objectivity Specific and General Rasch

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50. Wiberge, M. (2004): Classical test theory vs. Item response theory An
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51. Wright, B.D.; & Panchapakesan , N. A. (1969) : Procedures for sample

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52. Wright, B.D.; & Stone, M.H., (1979): Best Test Design: Rasch
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