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Array: /re/ v. To place, position, or set out in proper or desired order: to array troops for
Autobahn: /tbn/ n. A highway in German. A motorway in German-speaking countries
Awaken: /wekn/ v. to waken. She awakened at dawn. She awakened the children
Barely: /brli/ no more than; scarcely: barely enough money to pay the rent.
Blade: /bled/ the flat cutting part of an implement, as a knife: The blade on this knife is
Blossom: /blsm/ to develop successfully; grow; flourish. His talent blossomed at the
university blossomed into a beautiful young woman.
Bright(er) : /brat /radiating or reflecting light; luminous; shining.
The bright coins shone in the gloom.
Bring down: /br dan /to lessen; reduce. I won't buy that lamp unless they bring down
the price.
Brochures: /
brjz: /a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product
Come on:
To hurry up; move rapidly. Often used in the imperative: Would you please come on! We'll
be late!
Commitment: /kmtmnt/ responsibility that takes up or occupies one's time. Because of
his commitments at home his work began to suffer.
Complex (es): /kmplks/ composed of many interconnected parts;
compound; composite: A complex highway system
Condominium: /kndmnm/ a unit in such a building. They had a one-bedroom
condominium in Florida.
Deadline: /ddlan/ the time by which something must be finished. Our deadline was only
two hours away.

Disperse: /dsps/ to (cause to) separate and move in different directions;

(cause to) become scattered: The crowd dispersed when the police arrived. The riot police
dispersed the crowd.
Drive out: /drav at / force to go away
Dust: /dst/ matter in fine, powdery, dry particles. A layer of dust on the books.
Dynamo: /danm/ an electric generator, esp. for direct current.
Emit: /mt/ to send forth (liquid, light, particles, etc.); discharge: The fireplace emitted
pleasant warmth.
Fahrenheit: /frnhat/ relating to or measured according to a temperature scale.
Fog: /f/ a cloudlike mass or layer of water droplets near the surface of the earth.
Fossil: /fsl/ the preserved remains, or an imprint, of an organism from a former age.
Fraction: /frkn/ a part of a whole; portion.
Fuel: /fjl/ matter that can be burned to create heat or power, such as coal, wood, oil, or
Gathering: /r/ approaching /prt/ to come nearer.
Geothermal: /diml/ of or relating to the heat of the earths interior.
Gigawatt /dgwt/ one billion watts.
Glare /l/ a very harsh, bright, dazzling light.
Gloom /lum/ total or partial darkness; dimness. I couldn't see in the gloom.
Heat /hit/ degree of hotness; temperature. The sensation of warmth.
Hectare /hkt/ a unit of surface, or land, measure equal to 100 ares, or 10,000 square
Hose: /hz/ flexible tube for carrying a liquid, such as water, to a desired point. A garden
Jump start: to start the engine of (a car) by connecting it together engine with jump leads
or ( of a car) to start in this way.
Lightweight /latwet/ light in weight. A lightweight topcoat.
Line up: /lan p /to secure; make available. To line up support; to line up a speaker for the

Look at:
When you look at something, you direct your eyes towards it.He looked at the food on his

Megawatt /megwt/ a unit of power, equal to one million watts.

Mounted /mantd/ put into position for use. Equipped with or riding horses. Provided with
a support, backing, etc
Offset /fst/ something that makes up for something else. The start, beginning, or
Onto /nt/ to a place or position on.
Peak /pik/ the most important level;the maximum point or volume of anything. At the
peak of her career.
Photovoltaic /ftvltek/
Capable of producing a voltage when exposed to radiant energy, especially light.
Pie-in-the- sky idea: - / pa-n-i- ska ad: /
1.a future reward after death, considered as a replacement for a reward not received on e
Don't hold out for pie in the sky. Get realistic. If he didn't hope for some heavenly pie in th
e sky, hewould probably be a real crook.
2. . Having to do with a hope for a special reward. (This is hyphenated before a nominal.)
Get rid ofyour pie-in-the-sky ideas! What these pie-in-the-sky people really want is money.
Plugging: / plg/ an attachment at the end of an electrical cord, inserted into a socket
for electric power. a piece of wood or other material used to stop up or block a hole or
Polymer: / plm / a chemical compound formed by the addition of many smaller
Put (ting) on: /pt (t) n /to assume or pretend.
Renewable: /rnjubl/ to restore or replenish:
Rooftop: / ruftp / the roof of a building, especially the outer surface.
Row: / r / a number of people or things in a line
Semiconductors /smikndkt / basic electronic part using such a substance, used in
communications equipment and in computers
Sinking over

Steel /stil/ a form of iron made with carbon.

Stretch /strt/ to spread out fully. to (cause to) extend or spread from one place to
another. to extend in time
Tapping: / tp / to strike with a light blow or blows that can just be heard. a light, soft
Tenth /tn/ in the tenth place.
Terawatts (trwt) electrical engineering a unit of power equal to one million megawatts
Thermal /ml/ a rising air current caused by heating from the surface.
Thin-film: / n-flm / (of an electronic component, device, or circuit) composed of one or
more extremely thin layers of metal, semiconductor, etc, deposited on a ceramic or glass

Truck /trk/ a frame, platform, or open cart with wheels used for transporting heavy
Turbine /tbn/ a machine having blades inside, driven by the pressure or thrust of a
moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air.
Unpredictable /nprdktbl/ not predictable. unpredictable weather.
Something difficult or impossible to foretell or foresee.
Watt /wt/ a unit of electrical power equivalent to one joule per second.
Yield: /jild/ to give a return, as for labor expended; produce; bear.

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