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Mass Schedule
Saturday 5PM
Sunday 8AM & 10AM

December 4, 2016

Misa Espanol
(Spanish Mass )

Sunday 12 noon
Served by:
Fr. Anthony R. Lipari, FCM

Franciscan Community of Mercy

Fr. Miguel Fernandez, N/FCM

Associate Pastor

Fr. Drew Miller

Associate Pastor

Sr. Donna Lombardi, N/FCM

Pastoral Associate
Family Faith Formation

Wendy and Mike Melly

Parish Council Leaders

An All Inclusive Independent Catholic Community,

Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place

A Shepherds View
December 4th

5PM Harry & Rosalie Hartman

10AM Pat and Amelia Fusaro
12 noon
December 11th

Franciscan Reflection
"In the love which God is, I
beseech all my followers---Seek
to humble yourselves in all
things, and do not glory in
yourselves or rejoice inwardly,
or exalt yourselves for the good
words and works or indeed, of any good
which God sometimes says or does or
works in you or through you."
-- St Francis of Assisi

Saints of the Week

December 6:
St. Nicholas Bishop
December 7:
St. Ambrose, Bishop &
Doctor of the Church (+1591)
December 8:
The Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
December 9:
St. Juan Diego, (Cuauhtlatoatzin)

On this Second Sunday of

Advent we hear the
beautiful words of Isaiah who
prophesies what it will be like
when the Messiah comes; and
we also hear the harsh words
John the Baptist. Both men
encourage us to prepare the
way for the Lord. Here, in our
world today, what are WE doing to make this world what the Messiah would be
proud of? What have we done with Ourselves, our
Community, and our Church to show that we are producing good fruit from the labors of our faith? These
are important things to ponder about even amidst
the shopping and preparing for these Holidays. Try to
make extra time to celebrate what this season
is REALLY about.
St Paul's words today surely encompass the American
National Catholic Church---"Welcome one another, as
Christ welcomes YOU! Sometimes in the chaos of
shopping at malls, the highways, and the business of
our lives, we tend to forget to have a spirit of
welcoming. Prayer helps! Paul also reminds us to be
of encouragement, endurance and harmony.
Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation also
helps with this. Consider speaking to either myself,
Father Miguel or Fr. Drew to prepare the way of the
Lord with the greatest gift of our clean hearts! Be assured of our prayers for each and every one of you as
we journey in Advent together!

Live Jesus in our hearts,


Please consider making

a $10 or $25 Donation to
Good Shepherd ANCC for
Christmas poinsettias and
flowers. Your support is

Adult Faith Formation with Fr. Anthony

Monday evenings at 7PM - downstairs
All are welcome!

Bible Study with Fr. Drew

Friday evenings at 7PMdownstairs
All are welcome!

Weekly Justice Challenge

2nd Week of Advent
Justice Challenge: The first reading for the Second Sunday of Advent is from the prophet Isaiah. It includes these words: Then the wolf shall
be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie
down with the kid; the calf and the young lion
shall browse togetherThere shall be no harm or
ruin on all my holy land; for the earth shall be
filled with knowledge of the Lord (Isaiah 11:1
-10). Isaiah portrays a powerful image of cooperation and peace in this reading.
Your challenge this week is to go to the
Catholic Relief Services website at:
read a real-life story of people helping people,
research the work which CRS is doing to bring
peace and justice to our world, and choose one
action you can take as a family or household to
support the work of this great organization

Do you know anyone that could use a visit

from on of our Clergy during this time of
Advent homes, Nursing Homes, hospitals?
Please call the church office at: 732-279-6837

GOD OF OUR WAITING TIME, with the holy

ones who have gone before us, we long once
more for the coming of
Jesus, Your Word made flesh. Utter your Word
anew in our world at once beautiful and wounded. Open our hearts to listen to your voice as
human family cries out for justice and hungers
for meaning. Wait with us,
accompany us, work and pray through us for
the unfolding of your promise, for the fullness of
your dream this Advent and always.

New at Good Shepherd ANCC

Beginning December 4th
Misa Espaola
(Spanish Mass)
Sundays at 12 oclock noon

2 Domingo de Adviento

En este segundo domingo de Adviento, la figura de Juan

Bautista anuncia lo que debemos de verdaderamente
atender: el llamado a la conversin y la proximidad de y
con Dios. El centro de la celebracin se centra en la siguiente frase: "Arrepintanse, porque el Reino de los cielos
est cerca" (Mt 3, 2). Juan, como todos los profetas, no
habla de s mismo sino que anuncia a Dios. El ejemplo de
su vida manifiesta la credibilidad de su misin. La conversin significa abrirse a Dios, lo cual Juan entenda muy
bien. l saba que seguirlo no sera fcil. De hecho,
encuentra la muerte ms adelante por denunciar el mal.
Veamos: qu rea de nuestra vida requiere la conversin?
En qu parte debemos de abrirnos al Seor?
El Adviento es un tiempo preciso para dar fruto. Juan
plantea la conversin comunitaria: su llamado es plural y
la responsabilidad es de todos. La conversin conlleva el
saber cmo preparamos y vivir el deseo de nuestro
encuentro con Dios. Y bien, la conversin y el cambio son
un constante llamado a nuestra vida espiritual. Este
llamado es serio y de inmediatas consecuencias: si la
llamada al arrepentimiento no es escuchado y si no damos
fruto abundante en nuestra vida diaria, corremos el riesgo
de ser arrojados al fuego. Las lecturas de hoy nos invitan a
encontrar un desierto donde podamos contemplar profundamente al nico. Dejemos pues al Espritu que habita en nosotros dar abundante cosecha de bondad y esperanza. nimo! Dios est cerca. Preparemos nuestro
corazn esta semana haciendo un poco de silencio. As
daremos crdito a la invitacin de conversin de los profetas Isaas y Juan Bautista.

Christmas Eve
4pm and 10pm


During the next few weeks of
Advent, rather than take a treat
each day, place one food item
per day, as you are able, into a
grocery bag.; then bring your
bag(s) to mass the weekend of
December 17th18th only.
Your donations will be delivered to:
Ocean Monmouth County Food Bank

December 18th 2PM6PM
The Park Pavillion
Seaside Park
(above the Sawmill)
$40 pp (due by 12/11)
Buffet Dinner - Cash Bar

The following items are the most needed:

Canned Tuna, Chicken, Salmon (in water)
Canned Fruits (packed in juice or light syrup)
Natural unsweetened applesauce
Brown, Wild, or White Rice
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Pasta (whole grain preferred)
Canned or dry beans, peas, lentils
100% juice boxes
Healthy snacks
Unsalted Nuts
Hot & Cold Cereal (low sugar preferred)
Cooking Oils
Ready-to-eat canned meals

For reservations contact:

Karen at 732-279-3867
or via email at:


Patti Fusaro for creating the

beautiful Advent Wreath

Terry & Karen for the use of their

Large Nativity displayed on the
front lawn of the church.

Christmas Giving Tree

The angels on the Giving Tree have wishes

written on the back. The wishes are from
Childrens Specialized Hospital in
Toms River. Please consider helping an
angel fulfill a wish by purchasing the item
written on the back and return it
unwrapped to
Good Shepherd by December 18th.
For information about Childrens Specialized
Hospital, visit their website at:

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