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BI NICULESCU Cee hid de conversatie ROMAN-GERMAN Cyt hid de conversafie ROMAN-FRANCEZ crc] hid de conversatie ROMAN-ITALIAN crn) hid de conversatie ROMAN-SPANIOL crn] RTT RMP VBE OVA] Wend CBr Ban, . [4 See econ -ieyiou V0), NICULESCU MV leb dina o}o) o) Ghid de conversatie ROMAN-ENGLEZ pentru toti Despre carte Lucrarea de fat indeplineste un rol util gi multiptu in cadrul dezvolticii mijloacelor de informare si de invitare @ limbilor strdine in tara noastr. Rod al unor stridanii indelungete pentru _adunarea si sistematizarea unui material pretios, pentru perfecjionarea 3i aducerea lui la zi, in pas cu dezvoliarea gtiinfei 41 tehnic precum si cu schimbsrile atit de dinamice ale realititii 51 relator cofidiene, lucrarea asigur corespondenta intre modurile de exprimare atat de diferite ale romanilor si englezi Jor, utilizind un vocabular bogat si contemporsn. ‘Acest ghid se adreseazii rorsinului cSlstor in numeroase iri e limbs englezi precum si oaspetelui vent in Romania dint-una din aceste iri. in plus, el ofera clevilor, studentilor, in general, celor care studiacd limba englezi expresii si tipare wauale~ in structuri si contexte paralele ~ foloste in cele'mai variate situafi, Aepisind astfelnivelul unui simplu ghid turistic, putind fi utlizat ca un adevérat manual de converstic. Despre autor Maximilian (Maxim) Popp (n.19 ianuaie 1912, Ia Viena), de cetienie romani. si austaci, a fost profesor universitar la Universitatea din Buevresi gi la Conservatoral _,Ciprian Porumbescu din Bucuresti A studiat la Hochschule fir Wellhandel din Viena si la Academia de inate Studi din Buoures, specalizindy-se in predarea limbilorstrine (englezi, germand, francea!). A wait si studiat Sani in Marea Brianie, Perioads in care a fost membra al Confederate’ Intemotonale & Studentilor de la Londra. $a luat doctoral la Viena. A publict rumerse artcole gi lueiri de specalitat, intre care "Limba ‘germand”~ 2 volume (Editura Didactca si Pedagogica, 1968), "Engleza vorbiti~ cwvine si expres: de uz curent’, “Spoken English - Everyday Words and Phrases” (Editura Sport-Turism, 1978), "English through Pictures" (Editura Stitiiea gi EncielopedicS, 1983). Dovedind o experienti deosebiti th predarea modema a limbilorstrfine, metodele consecrate de el Sunt renumite pentru acuratee, elegant si eficieni. S-o stins din viagt la 10 februare 1998. Maxim Popp GHID DE CONVERSATIE ROMAN - ENGLEZ pentru tofi NICULESCU Dosesea Pest dso feisecs National Ross ‘otiun NICULESCU. 2016 ise Ba Regi ‘tant Barre, Rosai Ce al el 312978; 0724505 385 Fano 12873 roa fiurs@aidiesa fierce Cope: Carmen Lace “Tipe aFED PSA ISBNOTEITSTHSSEO one ope nam, Nona pf mp ema UES ag Tepe ge ca cn esa ogra me SO 1 ae a at poreines Eth NCULESCL finan cal el correc we aster praia ea Oceana pnd parecer Tatum CLES oe ert bch OXFORD UNNERSTY PRESS In Ron ‘Em vfor@icaesce; Internet: winLexter-ielesc0 Diverse Miscellanea YF NOTIUNI INTRODUCTIVE INTRODUCTORY NOTES Expresii conventionale in conversafia englez curenti Cererea sau rugdmintea de ani se spune ceva, de a face sau a ni se°face un serviciv, un anumit lucru etc. este de obicei formulata printr-o constructie interogativa introdusi de verbul “will.” Ex: “Will you tell me the time?" (Vreti/Binevoiti ‘s4.mi spuneti ce ori este’), "Will he take this letter to the post office?” (Vrea el si duca scrisoarea accasta la posti?) Expresii similare in continut in acest sens mai sunt: "Are you so kind as..2 (Sumteti asa de amabil sa...) sau "Can/Could you...” (Puteti si/A\i putea si...7). Ex: “Are you so kind as 10 lend me a hand?" (Sunteti asa de amabil sé-mi dati o mana de ajutor?), "Can/Could you translate this text for me?" (Imi puteti/™Mi-ai putea traduce acest text?) NB. Politetea obliga ca astfel de cereri sau rugiminti sa fie please, ..if you please” Construcile prin care vrem $4 exprimim o dorintd le infroducem cu cuvintele: "I should like to.."" (Ag dori/Mi-ar face plicere s8..). Ex: "I should like to meet hen” (Ag ori/Mi-ar face plicere £8 0 cunosc.) sau: "We should like to take a walk.” (Am dori/Ne-ar face plicere si ne plimbim) Obs. La forma interogativs, should este inlocuit cu would. Ex *Would you like to meet her?" (Ati dori/V-ar face plicere si 0, ceunoasteti?), "Would you like to take a walk?” (Ati dori/V-ar face placere 8 va plimbati). Cand solicitim mgiduinfa sau permisiunea de a face ceva, pputem face uz de unul din verbele may sau permit, ambele avind aici intelesul de "a putea/a ise permite s8..” Ex.. "May I ask you a question?" (Pot/imi permite si va pun o tnrebare?), "May we smoke here” (Putem/Ne permite $3 fumam aie), "Permit me to help you" (Permiteti-mi si va aju) sau "Will you permit me to..2" (imi permet s..2). CCuvintele de muljumire pot fi exprimate ~ inte altel ~ pri Thank you!” (Va mulfumesc!) sau "Thank you very much! (va multumesc foerte mult!) sau "Much obliged!” (Va sunt foarte indatorat!) sau americanismul "I appreciate!" Obs. 1 - Penisu a conferi acestor expresii o not mai oficial, de la caz ls caz potem adauga si: ..Sir (domnule), ~.Madam (Goamnd), --Miss (domnigoars). Ex: "Thank you, Si!” (V8 rultumese, domnule!) 3 (bs. 2- Cuvntelor de mutomie ce ni se asreseaza le pute mde cu una din expresiile: “Don't mention it”, "Youre” Fame co at all all ight cnespunciN 29 TRativ exprsillor romanesti: "Naveti pent ce!" si respectiv Pentru putin'” Obs 3 In cazal in care, in schimbul unui serveiy sau al wnei Seni ete. interlocutoral presteaz3 un altul sau cord Corespunzstor o indemnizate, la "Thank you!” se réspunde tot grin "Thank you!” seu" Thank you to!” (Si eu va multumesc!), Dacd mu infelegem sau nu auzim bine cuvintele rostite de inerlocutoral nosiry, spunem: "Pardon?" sau "I beg your pardon?” (Poftim? Va roe... NB. In stlul familiar puter folosi si interogayia "What..." (Ce?) inséniciodats “Please?” Obs 1 Rugimintea de ase repeta cuvantul sav cavintele pe care au le-am infeles sau auzit o mentionim cu una din expresile: "Please, repeat!” (V8 rog, repetai!) sau: ‘gain, please!” (Spune(i ned 0 dati, va rog!) sau: (quite) understand you!" (Nu v-am infeles (prea bine)!) ‘Obs. 2 - Foarte frecvente sunt siwvatile cand in convorbire cu persoane purtind nume string, de ex. viitatri de peste hota, nu putem deslusi oriografia numelui inteslocutorului nos Pentru a-gi spune miele “literd cu litera" ne vom adresa cu urmitoarele cuvint: "Spell your name, please!” sau: "How do You spell your name?” (VA rog pronuntati numele dvs.. thers fu litera). Acelagi verb (10 spell il folosim gi in eazul altor fname ca de ex. eu referire Ia ari, localitai et. despre care mu ‘tim cum se scriu in limba englezi. Ex.: "Spell itthis word, Gate ini Fecventflost ca form de polite obigntarie (VS rox) cing ‘erem sau fem ceva. “Let me bave’ a look at your Nghter. please” (Remitems, vi ro, e4 mb tI richeta dvs), "Accept this. fom meas & foken of respect and griiade, please” (Accepia/Primi, vA og aces. in pasten met ca un fern de respect i recunoqint) 8 Yr please!" (Pronuntai, va rog, liter cu liter acest cuvént!). Interjectia "Poftim!™ cu infelesul "Ia(ta)/ Tine!" folosita cénd trice fabricate in Romania sunt de-a dreptul minunate in prezent, din ce in ce mai multe trenuri din Romania sunt electrice. “Mergem foarte repede. Aver doui locomotive? Imi place... +84 citese in timpul cals so88 privesc pe fereasts la Peisjulsatcle ete. din drumul nostru. Na te apleca in afar/pe fercastrs, Este peiculs. Inchide fereasra; intrim ‘intr-un tunel. Lace ort. ssosim lafin..? ajumgem la Londra? Niu glu exact. Intreabi-! pe conductor, tocmai vine Si perforeze biletele. Would you mind my opening the window a litle? Do you mind if I shut the ‘door? Its rather smfly (hoveold) in here. It's a bit draughty. Shall L ull up/fpull down the ‘window? turn off/tur on the heating? ‘Are you comfortable? Yes, quite, I don't like travelling with my back to the engine. ‘Will you change seats with me? generally travel second. These new Diesel/electric ‘wains made in Romania are just wonderful, ‘More and more trains are now run by electricity in Romania. We are going fast. Have we ‘got two engines? Vike. 40 read on the joumey. .=to look out ofthe window at the landscape/villages etc. we pass on our way. Don't lean out of the window. It is dangerous. Shut the window; we are centering a tunnel. What time... wndo we arrive atin. aslo we reach London? 1 don't know for certain. Ask the goard, he is just coming to clip/punch the tickets. 91 Biletele, virog. Vreti simi spuneti weum se nmeyte satu! focalitatea pe lings care tocmsi am ecu ceumide se afl vagonal restaurant? wade facem urmitoarea oprie? cneit timp Aiciscol0? vuacd am timp 8 cobor teva minute? daci trenul—acesta opreste la.../ toate statiile? -dacd mai este 0 cuyeth lier in vagonol de dormit? sti trenul Cuvinte suplimentare: aglomerat//gol bagaje de mina bilet de peron colet controlor coridor ctichets ctichetlcarte de vit atir nati de/la geamantan iesire intare intiriere mecanie de locomativa pod feroviar recipsa de fa casa de hagaje recipist pena bagaje predate la vagonul de bagaje retea de ale fertl restaurant gi sae sacosi Your tickets, peas. Will you tell me. please whe name ofthe vilagey place we have jst passed? swhere the dining car is? swhere the next stopping place is? he --how long the train stops hereithere? wif T have time 10 go alight fora few minutes? ada bacsis cuiva bara drumul «nif this train stops at../at aprezenta biletul every station? if there is stil a fee berth aciuta.. in the steeping carriage? ‘acobori din tren acticheta bagajcle Additional words: ikiiere ; crowded, packed/empty a intra in compartiment hand luggage ‘a preda bagajele la platform ticket ‘aavea o reducere de.. package/parcel artraverslinile de pasarela CE ticket collector a trimite pe cinova si ridice corridor bagajele label ase urca in tren tog A venisiridice bagajele exit entrance delay engine driver junction KN left-luggage ticket i luggage ceceipt railway network station restaurant sack/oag Ona net-(shopping) bag ‘communication cord starting signal rain station station master steam train fast train express train/non-stop train ‘goods train passenger train hovercraft morning paper totip somebody to block the way to show one's ticket (for inspection) to look for. to get off the train to label the luggage to (blow the) whistle to get into the compartment toleave the luggage with. tohave a reduction of... to crosthe lines by the bridge to send someone to fetch the luggage to get on the train to cal for the ngage 3 ‘CALATORIND PE CALEA AERULUL La seroport Hamal, ia geamantanul acesta i cautl si ma intdlnesti la cantar, Bagajele mele trebuie inspec- tate, cintirite si inregistrate. | Sunt (trecut) pe lista de cilitor pentru curse nr. 11 Grabestete. Avionul este sala si decoleze. Pilotal a gi porit toate eele patra motoare. Crainicul invth lator Jn avion | ‘Domnigoara stewardess... -wretisikmiardtagi care ste local meu? cvreti_ sk veniti pind ta mine gi (38 mi ajutai) s-mi aranjaji centura de sigu- rani? ‘Aviomul incepe... wi muleze pe pista de decolare .si prinda vitezi. sh urce repede. si in indlfime. TRAVELLING BY AIR At the Alrport Porter, take this suitease ang meet me at the weighing. in desk. 1 must have my luggage inspected, weighed -and labelled tagaed. Tam on the passenger list for flight No.11 (eleven). Make haste. The plane is about to takeoff The pilot has already started all four engines. The announcer invites the passengers to board the plane. (On the plane Miss/Stewardess/Hostess.. :will you show me to my _-will you come up to me and (help me) adjust my safery-bel? ‘The plane begins... --to taxi along the runway. to pick up speed. to climb quickly. ‘to gain height. Suntem in ac. We are in the air. ‘Mai pot vedea inci camenii I can sil se the people who careau venitsiineconducl. _have come to see us off. Lacealtitudine zburim? What altitude ae we flying at? Suatem deja la 2000 metri. We must be to 2 000 metres already. De ce nu zburim Ia iniime Why are we not up any mai mare? higher? [Ne apropiem de creasta unui We are approaching the sum- Tan de mung. nit ofa range of mountains. Jsti/Vine insofitoarea de bord/ There comes the stewardess. stewardess. Se serveste Lunch is being served. gustarea. ‘Aral foarte bine tn uniforma She looks very smart in her ei. uniform. Vi rog, ce mA fac dacd mi 1 say please, what am I to do simt riu? if feel sick? De ce, nu vi simjti bine? ‘Why, don't you feel well? ‘No, nit chisr aga. Sunt doar No, not that much. I am just Putin speriat. tii, zbor a bit nervous. You kriow, pentru prima dati. its the first time Tm flying. La nevoie gisiti o pungi de In case of neod, you'll find a hhirtic chiar in fafa paper bag right in front of scaunului dv. ‘your seat. Beti! Sorbiti doar céteva Have a drink! Just @ few picituri din acest... drops ofthis. Pot fuma aici? May I smoke in here? Fumatul este interzis mumei Smoking is forbidden only cand... while... --aviomul este la sol. the plane ison the ground. avionul decoleazs. tbe plane is taking off Priveste pe fereastr. ‘Look out of the window. Ceca ce pare ca. What looks like, 0 farfurie oval, este ..an oval plate is the ‘stadionul oragului. stadium of the city ..0 bared minusculé, este a tiny boat is in reality fn ealitate un vapor destal quite a big steamer. demare. 95 Este din ce in ce mai greu si dlistingiIucruile de sub noi. Intrim intr-un nor. Zurim printre nori. Acum suntem deasupra norilor. Intreaga priveligte” este estompata. Nori se destrams. Sub noi si prin goluri’ avem din nou 0 priveliste ‘minunati. Cu ce viteza 2burim? Am impresia ci nu facem nici un pas inainte. Mise pare cam monoton, Acum 2burim cu (0 vitez’ de) peste 1000 km pe or’. Eu nu aud zgomotele mo- toarelor. Cabina este izélats fonic. ‘Nu pot vedea elicele. E un turboreactor. Incepem si coboram. incep si se vadi goselele, turlele bisericilor, acoperi- guile caselor. Jos, ineat ne mirim nu afinge virful pomilor. Avionul aterizeazi. Avionul se roteste deasupra acroportului, Pilotulaterizeaz’ perfect. Se aduce sedrita, latoriiincep s8 coboare. Jt is more and more difficult to distinguish things under us. We are entering a cloud. We are flying through clouds, We are now above the clouds. ‘The whole view is blotted out. ‘The clouds are breaking. Below us and through the ‘gaps we again have 2 ‘wonderful view. ‘What speed are we flying at? It doesn't seem to be going any pace at all. It seems a trifle monotonous tome. ‘We are now flying a speed of cover 1000 kan per hour. 1 cannot hear the noise of the ‘engines. ‘This is a soundproof cabin. cannot see the propellers. This isa turbojet plane. We are beginning to descend. ‘The highroads, the steeples of the churches, the roofs Of the houses are coming into view. The pilet.. ‘brings the plane down so low that we wender it does not touch the treetops. ‘The plane is landing. ‘The plane is circling over the airfield. The pilot makes a perfect landing. ‘The steps are driven up. ‘The passengers begin to alight. Tia plicut calatoria cu ional? Aj avut ru de aer? ‘Ai intanit vreun gol de aer? Nu, nici vorbs de asa ceva, Doar o dati, ..am intrat intr-un gol de acr siavionul a inceput si se legene nitel. avionul a suferit 0 tntér- ‘ere din cauza unei furtuni foarte puternice, Aj cilatorit vreodata cu avionul? CCalitoria pe calea aerului este ‘in ziua de azi tot atit de siguri ca si calatoria cu trenul. Costul unui bilet (de avion) este aproape egal cu costul ‘unui bilet de tren de clasa I Cuvinte suplimencare: aeroplan antend aripa aterizare fir vizibilitate aviator aviatie; ~ militard avion cu elice avion (mare) de edtatori avion cu reactie avion de recunoastere avion sanitar avion supersonic de pasageri avion de vanstoare balon bombardament (avion de -) cabind/calé pentru bagaje i Pasageri carlings Did you enjoy travelling by air? Have you been airsick? Did you hit any air-pockets? ‘No, nothing of the kind. Only once... «--we ran into an ait-pocket and te plane began rocking alittle. whe plane was delayed on ‘account ofa heavy storm. Have you ever travelled by plane? Air travel is nowadays as safe as travelling by train, ‘The cost of a ticket is about the same as the first-class railway fare Additional words: airplane aerial wing blind landing airman, plot/fier aviation; ar force propeller driven aircraft airliner jet plane scouting plane ambulance plane supersonic passenger plane fighter (plane) balloon 7 club de aviatie ‘comandant de aeronavl ‘cosmonaut ccurenti de aer cchipaj elice fuselaj hangar helicopter; aeroport pentru - hhidroavion inginer de aviagie mecanic de bord oficiul de meteorologie ‘ava spatial ‘navigate arian paraputl personal terestra ica} pilot automat planor, planorism racheti; - cosmic radar (echipament-) radio-telegraf seaun rabatabil/inelinat semnal(e) radio stewardesi/insotitoare tren de aterizare tum de control vehicul spatial Viaibiltate —bundlexceptio- nalifreduss bor ~ fits motor, - firs vizi- bilitate; - pe orice vreme ‘zgomot asurzitor 8 face o aterizare fort 2 se alimenta a avea legituri aeriene a detuma/ripi un avion 1 zbura peste/deasupra... a incdtca corespondenfa 98 flying club commander ‘paceman air currents propeller, airscrew fuselage airshed, hangar helicopter; helipor, seaplane jation engineer aireraft mechanic \weather/meteorological office space ship actial navigation parachute ‘ground staff dive, nose-dive auto(matic) pilot lider; gliding rocket; space - radar equipment wireless operator adjustable-heckling chair radio beacon(s) bord stewardess/(air)hostess undercarriage control tower space vehicle/ship good/exceptional/poor visibility; visibility ni Aight; motorless ~; blind -; all-weather flying deafening noise to make forced landing to refuel tobe linked by airlines to hijack to fly over... 10 load the mail cALATORIND CU 'YAPORULIPE APA ‘Amn refmuto cabin’ de clasa 1 ‘pe bord vaporuli "Star" A fost gre _-5i ein un bled oe pe. <-si objin o cabind pentru ous persoane. CCabinele de clasa 1 gi a Tea ‘au fost refinute anticipat peo lund. Mi inte cu cine vor stain ceabing. Unde se aft vaporal? Chod plecim? ‘Vaporul se afi la cheinl nr. 3. Pasarela... .coboars. este Hisath. Sirena vaporului ne previne ch este timpul si ne urcim pebord. © voce anunti: Poftiti pe Pe bordal unui vapor ‘Vaporul ridicd ancora. Un mic remorcher il scoate/ trage afara din port. Pasagerii de pe bord agiti mainile edtre prietenit i rudele de pe chei. ‘Oamenii de pe chei strigé sau agit batiste citre prietenii lor de pe bord. ‘TRAVELLING BY SHIPWATER T have secured a first-class cabin on board the "Star" twas difficult. -40 book a passage onthe. to get a cabin for two, 1 wonder, who(m) are we sharing the cabin with. ‘Where has the steamer been docked? ‘When do we sail? ‘The steamer lies at quay No.3. that itis time go on board. ‘A. voice announces: All On bosrd a ship The sip is weighing anchor. A small tug is pulling her out ofthe harbour. The passengers on board wave to their friends and relatives on the pie below. “The people on the pier shout or wave handkerchiefs to their fiends on board. 99 at de repede ne indepirtim se jarm! Curia. ts va mai vedea coasta. om fi in Jargul mai Steward, vrei .-% ne conduci la cabina noastra? 88 ne ajufi <3 ajungem ha, Cabinele de clasa I sunt pe pontea principal. Cabinele de clasa a Ia 5i Mla sunt pe puntea inferioard. -schimba cabinele? ‘Intimplitor, 0 cuseti/o cabin’ do clase a Ika este disponibild. Da, dar va trebui si patti un supliment de... Poate cineva si-mi aduc jos, in cabina mea, bagajele de pe punte? Dorifi i Iuati toate Iuerurle ‘eu dv. in cabina? Da, a5 dori sé iau in cabins acest. Nu, acest... poate merge in ali/magazia de bagaje. ‘Apropo, cind se serveste prinzul? ‘Mi aflu pentru prima daté pe bordul unui transatlantic. ‘Acest transatlantic este un ‘adevirat ora plutitor. 100 How quickly the shore is receding from our sight! Soon. othe coast will be out of _Well be on the high seas. Steward, will you.. ‘Show us 10 our cabin? _ -chelp us (to) find the way to. ‘The first-class cabins are on the main deck. ‘The second- and third-class cabins are below deck. Can we... wmake use of one more berth? swchange cabins? A berth/a second-class cabin happens to be disengaged. Yes, but you'll have to pay ‘an additional fare of. Can anyone fetch my Tuggage from the deck down to our cabin? Do you want to take every thing with you in the cabin? Yes, I'd rather have this... No, this... can go into the hhold/luggage-room. By the way, what time is lunch being served? This is the first time I am on board of an ocean liner. ‘The liner is a real floating town, Este mai mare gi mai frumos ‘decét mi-am inchipuit. {Are tot confortul modern Cabinele sunt frumos mobi- late. Pe puntea de sus unii oameni Joacd tenis, alti danseazs. simergem. nist prvim la “pe punta de promenad. Ese pat stan cabina ex acr inchis. Sh deschidfereastrahubloul? Ini places privese I. pian dind oxdne “marinatii ‘care aleargh incase ical. Cei mai multi pasageri... sunt atari pe punts “au porit st exploreze vapor, As dori si inspectez vaporul.. ‘Am putea pettece timpil nd cola in eclongur Nu crezi chest prea rlconre/ vintos a stim os? Soarele lumineazi strilucitor, iar despre vant nici vorba. Sper ct vom aves o clitorie nit ute rezema de balusrad3 Mis clzut ceva peste bord Ce sunt lucrurile acelea care plutese pe suprafaia apei? Sunt geamandurile. Unele din ele indicd directlle, tele locurile primejdioase. Tata un far. Ce destinatie aveti, dact ‘petmitet sf intreb? She is bigger and more beau- tifal than I have thought. She has every modem con- venience. ‘The cabins are beautifully furnished. On the upper deck some people are playing tennis, others are dancing. Let's go... .-and have a look at them. ‘upon the promenade deck. It is a pity to stay in this stuffy cabin. Shall I open the porthole? like to watch... the captain giving onder. ‘the seamen running to and fro. ‘Most of the passengers ‘are out on the deck. shave set out to explore 3 ship. TE like to look over the ship. ‘We may spend our time lying in the deck-chairs. Don't you think its too coolhwindy to sit down? ‘The sun is shining brightly and there is no wind o speak of T hope welll have a smooth passage. Dont lean, ‘What are tose things floating onthe surface ofthe wate? They are the buoys. Some of them mark ditections, ‘others the dangerous spots. There isa lighthouse. Where are you bound for, if may ask? 101 ‘M-am imbareat cu destinai Franga. ‘Am navigat de la Lisabona la Gibraltar dea lungul coastei de vest a Portgalii; eapatul voiajului meu este Tanger. Noi facem 0 croazieri de agrement. ‘Traversarea Canalului Minecii pe vreme frumoasi nu este deloc neplicuti. (Cit dureazd traversarea? ‘Care este ruta cea mai scurts? Ruta cea mai scurti este (prin) Dover-Calais. Marea, allt de calm mai Inainte, pare acum furioasi Ce valuriingrozitosre! ‘Vaponul tangheaz5 putemic, ase afund pupa, base ‘funds prora Vaporal “lupti* impotriva fortelor natu Marea este agitts Calitoria ar putea fi agitas Ma simt ri ‘Am rau de mare. Va pot da cev ‘mpotriva raul de mare. wt sh sedpati de raul de inare. Vaeste frig? Pane(icvi un gl pe spate. Daca nu va simi bine, 68 ‘coborim incabina dv. CCleatva in cugeta dv. Mice eami cf m-am ficut de ‘Sunt un pasager foarte dificil, Lace ord trebuie si fim la. ‘Vapoul acest face escal la? Priviti! incepe si se vada armul. Pregatiti-va pentru debarcare. 102 have embarked for France, have sailed from Lisbon to Gibraltar along the westem coast of Portugal; the end ‘of my voyage is Tangien, We are taking a pleasure cruise. The crossing of the English ‘Channel in fine weather is not at all disagreeable. How long does the crossing take? Which is the shortest crossing? ‘As dori si merg... ‘ope farmn/s8 debarc la... $4 vizitez curiozitaile. Guninte suplimentare: adincimea mari antena;- pentru semnale radio autoritit portuare The shortest crossing is via babord Dover-Calais. fies The sea, so calm before, bared cu pinze looks furious now. bare’ ee Eire What tremendous waves! barci cu visle Recemestot, Meeceee aoe filitore de afaceri; cSlitorie ‘The ship is struggling against Su9 aabercaios cx place the forces of nature. pee The sea is rough. coer ‘The passage might be rough. em ) [feel unwell. 3 Lam seasick. a Tan give you something. elopat ie esis cone de stvare get fd of your se. Srceven Do you feel cold? al ‘Throw a shaw over your back. i Ifyou dont feel well, les go ee _ down into your cabin. iphone Lie down on your berth. qi Tam afraid I have disgraced fia Hye lice 1am Such a pour sailor. Lele claroadiaey Cad Dues this ship calla.” pes do choi Look! The shore of. is golf coming into sight. Parcs rritims, Get ready for the landing. iaht The ship... «Sails into the harbour. “pists up and drops pas- scngers, cargoes and mal May we go ashore? Td like to go.. ashore a “Sigheecing. Addstional wor: depth ofthe sea tntenna; - of adio-beacons port authorities Intboard ferry (boat whale sailing-boat lifeboat rowing boat sea route voyager business joumeys (ripvoyase) cargo ship, freighter mast sailing in case of emergency fog, foggy rudder bell coast life-belt funnel landing-stage, wharf dolphin breakwater dock, docker floating dock flag propeller, screw ‘wreck (of a ship) train ferry fleet; navy golf, bay chart yacht 103 ‘marin; peisaj- ‘marina comercial smilé marina motor Diesel naval; ofiter - nang, naufrgit ante de comand registra/jumal de bord rezervor sald a magi cu drapele SOS. (svat sulletcte noastre) strdmtoare submarin salupa santier naval istond crane; derik crane Imarine; seascape merchant marine nautical mile (1-853 m) Diesel engine naval naval officer shipwreck, shipwrecked mate, frst mate colours land Peninsula seagull tanker pilot sail mt caplain's bridge share log-book tank engine-room saloon beacons; flag signals SOS (cave our souls) straits) submarine motor-boat shipyard barge starboard tourist custom house vessel fishing boat man-of-war sea voyage to steer to gone cruise to land to weather a storm to loadifo unload to be (chip)wrecked to sal fortowards. torise the gangway to sink ‘CALATORIND CU AUTOCARUL ‘Am pierdut renul spre... Trebuie s8 fiu la... pind la oral Exist. Este ‘=-¥fE0 cursi cu autocarul pre. yyreunautocar care pleact spre. Dende pleaca? Stafia de autocare se afld ‘vizavi de Hotel Victoria. Urcati in microbuzul care va duce la state, Mai pot gisi un bilet in autocarul de 8,30 spre...? Autocarele noastre pleacd spre... din 2 in 2 ore. De cite ori pe siptiméns? ‘ince zile si la ce ore? Cit cost bien spre..? Este mai ieftin 58 ealatorest ex autocarul. decit cu trenul Tariful este mai redus cu autocarul. ‘Am (nist) bagaje Unde pot pune cuia asta? © punem noi pe acoperigul avtocerulu, sub prelats. Care este tariful_pentra bagaje? Pentru bagajele cdlétorilor nu se pliteste nimic. Apropo. vamerge/pleaci _vreunul TRAVELLING BY MOTOR-COACH Ive missed the train to... T must be atin... by eleven o'clock. Is there. amy coach service to... «any coach bound for...? Where do they leave from? The coach station is opposite Victoria Hotel, Step in the minibus that takes you to the station. Can I still get a ticket on the cight-thirty coach to..? Our coaches run every other hour to. How many times a week? In what days and at what time? ‘What isthe fare to...? It is cheaper to go by coach than by train. ‘The fee is smaller by coach, I've got some luggage. Where can I put this box? Welll place it on the top/roof ‘of the cotch, under the tarpaulin. What's the charge for the luggage? No charge at all for passengers’ luggage. By the way... does any of your 10s din autocarele dv. spre Titoral? --Organizafi excursii de agrement in stinitate? Foarte curind vom fi afaré din oras. Autocarul circulé acum pe un drum frumos de {ard ‘umbrit de pom frunzosi. Strabatem una din multele ‘Pasuni ale tinutului. ‘Autocarul — merge mai depart... dea lungul —unei autostrlzi. speste un pod, deasupra ‘unui rau. ssusul/osul unui deal. “.printr-un cétun, .pe ling o mindstire. smu departe de o fermi. Soferul conduce cu prudentt. ‘Am intrat pe o serpentind. Incep si vid zidurile oragului spre care ne indreptim. Am ajuns la... destinatia rnoastri Ia ora fixati (dupa grafic). A fost o cilitorie plicuss. imt deloc obosit(8). 106 ‘coaches go to the seaside? wo you undertake pleasure trips abroad? Very soon we'll be out of town, The coach now runs on a fine ‘country road shaded by leafy trees. We pass one of the many meadows ofthe countryside. ‘The coach goes on... long a motor road. across a bridge over a -up/idown a bill. «though a hamlet. -past an old monastery ‘fot far from a farm. ‘The driver drives carefully We have entered a winding road. ‘The walls of the city we are aiming at are coming into sight. ‘We have reached... the place of our destination up to schedule. It has been a pleasant joumey. I don't feel tired at all LAVAMA - CONTROLUL PASAPOARTELOR 1 BAGAJELOR ‘Adous: Sectia (comisaratul) ée polite - oficiul de evidenti a strainilor. [Ne apropiem de gran. ‘Aisi se cevpreint pags. Cine controleazi... <-pagapoartele? —Ofiterul e griniceri? sbagajele? Vamesi Pregitiji pasapoartele pentru control. Pasaportul dv., vA rugim. De unde veniti? Nationalitatea dv.? Cetitenia dv. Vin din Romina. ‘Sunt de nationalitate roman. Sunt cetijean romin, dar niscut in Austria. AT THE CUSTOM HOUSE - PASSPORTS AND LUGGAGE CHECKING Appendix: atthe police station - the Aliens Registration Office. We sre approaching the frontier. ‘Are the passports asked for here? Is the luggage checked here? Who examines. cathe passports? The immigration officer? cathe ggage? The astoms officials? Have your passports ready. Your passport please. Where are you coming from? What nationality are you? ‘What is your citizenship? T come/l am coming from Romania. 1am Romanian by nationality. Tam a Romanian citizen, but ‘Austrian by birth. 107 ‘Adresa din ara dv.? Ati mai fost (si inainte) in (ara noastri?| Pini acum... .nu_am fost plecat din {ara mea/din, -nu am mai fost in Anglia. Cand afi fost ultima oard in {ara noastri? Prima oari pun piciorul in Anglia. ‘Am mai venit de mai multe ri in aceasta tari, N-am mai venit in aceasta {ard din aprilie 1965. sunteti csdtorit sau nu? Tntenjionatis& riméneti un timp aicifin aceasti jars? Cat (timp) intentionati sé ‘imanetifn..? ind intentionati si plecai? Unde/ineotro plecati? Mi afhy numai in tranzit, Destinagia mea final este. ‘Am venit in aceasti ar. pentru afscer in chestiunioficiae. a turist, Voi petrece doar cateva zile fn aceasta fara. ‘Am de gind «84 rimin putin/mai mult si fac turl ai si fac 0 vizite unui Priten la a e&rui invitatie am vent. 108 What is your address? Have you ever been to this country before? Ie never been... -.out of my country/of, ole «to England before. ‘When were you last in this country? ‘This is the first time I set'foot in England, T have already come to this ‘country several times before, T have never come to this country since April 1965 (nineteen sixty-five). By the way... --What is your profession! ‘occupation? are you single or married? Do you intend to make it 2 long sojourn? How long do you intend to stay in..? ‘When do you plan to leave? ae you going to? Tam only in transit. My final aimis. have come to this country. -on business. -on official business/ matters, a5, tourist, TM spend just a few days in this country. Tam going... sto make @ shorviong stay in. +0 tour the country. ay a visit to a friend ‘on whose invitation I have ‘come. Jeearit mele nu a fost Pipch Tat No am decis tned unde si cand (63) ples. Pasaportul dv.. este in regula Caeare viza de intrare! tranzit. navare nevoie de viza Gack intrati in../daca sunteti in tranzit prin, valabilitaii lui/ei? Puteti merge in persoand sau trimite 0 cerere in acest sens Ministerului de Interne. ‘Aveti valuté asupra dv.? Doar citiva dolar gi. ‘Nu am bani in numerar. Am ‘un cee de cilitorie. ‘Ag dori si schimb vreo doud ssute de franci in... Existi vreun ghiscu de schimb aici? ‘Acestca sunt toate bagaele dv.? Mai aveti si alte bagaje in afard de acestea? Mai am un cufér Ia vagonul de bagaje. -vreun articol supus taxei vamale? uturialcoolice, parfu- muri, tigi? Nu stiu ceea ce este permis si conus... The day of my departure has not yet been fixed. T've not yet made up my mind where and when to go. Your passport. in regular ode, sneeds the entryftransit needs no visa if you enter.jfif you are in transit through. his expired. Where. is the... Embassy? must T apply. for the visa..the extension of is validity? ‘You may go in person or send an application to this effect to the Home Office, Have you got any foreign currency about you? Only afew dolars and. T have no cash. T have a travelle’s cheque. Td like to exchange some ‘wo hundged francs into. Is there any currency exchange desk here? Js this all your luggage? Have you got any more lugeage besides this? 1 have also-a trunk in the luggage van. Have you. anything to declare? any articles subject duty? -any alcoholic drinks, perfumery, cigarettes? T don't know what I am allowed and what not to. 109 Uitsti-va pe lista aceasta. Pareurget/Cititi (toata) lista aceasta, Aici sunt trecute anticolele impozabile, cele seutite de vama gi. cele | interzise, Nu cred si am ceva de declarat. ‘Am citeva tigari (de foi) si 0 cutie cu tutun Nu ati depisit cota care este i seutiti de taxe vamale. | Ceaveti in acest geamantan? | deschid? | Da varog Dear articole de imbrici- ‘inte pentru uz personal si unele cadouri_ pentru rudele// prigtenii Is care voi locu, Doar rnufe si obiecte per- sonale, Efeciele personal sunt seutite de taxe vamale cu conditia si fie seoase din {aril si fie uate cu dv. ind plecati Veet. dati jos pachetul acela? sil deslegati? Acestearticoe. sunt supuse taxelor vamale, sunt interzise. sau pot fi nici introduse, nici scoase (aara) din jar, Se aplicd vreo taxi pentru aceasta sticla. de parfum frantuzese? 110 Run your eye down this lis, Read this list through. 1, ‘mentions the articles liable to duty, duty-free and prohibited, I don't think I have anything to declare, Thave sonie cigars and atin of tabacco. You have not exceeded the duty-free quota. What have you got in this suitcase? Shall Topen i? Yes, ifyou please Only articles of clothing for personal use and some presents forthe felatives/friends, 1am going to stay with. Nothing but linen and personal belongings. ‘There is no charge on personal ‘effects on condition they are taken ‘out of the ccountry/taken back with you when leaving. ill you... -afemove that parcel from the rack? -untie i? These articles. are liable to duty. are prohibited may neither be brought into the country nor taken out of it. Is there any duty on this bottle of French scent? ul de fotografiat este impor Nu pot duce eu mine o arma de vinttoare si doud zn de cartuye? ‘Naam stut toate acesteat Trebuie.. 188 Va amend. sh vi confisc aceste.. Pentru tdinire premediata de mirfuri impozabile! interzse Inspectorul.. face un semn cu creta. ipeste 0, etichetd cu in- Seriptia "inspeciia vamala" pe fiecare bagaj, ceea ce fnseamnd ci am terminat cu formalitiile vamale. (alte formalitati necesare): ‘Am venit.. pentru a fi lust th evie

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