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list of artifacts in biztalk?

1)schema:schema is nothing but message,in biztalk the message should be in xml fo

rmat so here xml message we can call as schema, .xsd(xml schema
defenation) is the extension of schema
types of schemas
i)document schema:- document is nothingbut xml type schema it may be sim
ple or complex, it is by default schema in bztalk it is having
message type and desired xml structure
ii)flatfile schema:- flatfile is nothing but raw data and which we are h
aving raw data in notepad, flatfiles are two types
1)positional flatfile:- positional flatfile contains fixed lengt
h of each and every field it accepts the data within the length and not accept i
f the
length is exceeded positional flatfile is having two imp
ortent properties positional length and positional offset(starting of field)
2)delimeter flatfile:- it is not considering the length of the f
ield and it is only following the end of the field and it seperate
with any special character
iii)property schema:- when you are doing property promotion of your fiel
d and the field itself create as a schema that schema we can call as property sc
iv)envolope schema:- envolope is nouthing but cover where we can insert
same type of records or different types of schemas.
2)Adapter:adapter is nuthing but binding information , based on environment we can
use adapter to help biztalk either we retrive the data or we send the date to
environment(file adapter,SQL,FTP,WCF adapters,SMTP,POP3....etc)
3)Pipeline:pipeline is the component in biztalk to transform xml format and do the
promotions we have two types of pipelins
i)receive pipeline :- these are two types
a)xml receive pipeline:- It having the following stages
i)decoder:- it is nouthing but decrypting of your message data w
e have multiple decoder components are there (UTF16,UTF8,UTF32,MIME,SMIME)
ii)dis-assembler:- disassembler is the component to convert mess
age other format to xml format along with adding the message
type,promoting the properties and splitting the message.
iii)validater:- validater to validate the message properties aga
inest your schema property
iv)resolve party:- if you want to call any certificates or thumb
print related securitites in biztalk by using resolve party we can able to call
b)passthrough pipeline:- if we want to pass the message without validati
on you can use passthrough pipeline

ii)send pipeline :- two types

a)xml transmit :- it is having three stages
i)preassemble:- to collect all splitting messages which are spll
itted in disassemble component
ii)assemble:- making a single schema by using preassemble messag
iii)encode:- by using encode we can change the data into user re
quirement fortmat
b)passthrough pipeline:- if we want to pass the message without validati
on you can use passthrough pipeline
4)Map:map is nouthing but transfromation we can do the transformation source t
o destination by using functoids
5)orchastration :it is nouthing but business logic what ever you want you can write logic
for your applications by using orchastration and shapes
orchastratins are having three types of transaction
i)longrunning transaction:-where your orchastration running in d
urable mode with following C(consistency) & D(durable) properties so can
able catch the exceptions by using longrunnig transaction
ii)atomic transaction:- it is the simple and single execution an
d we can able the persist the data by following the ACID properties we can not f
ind the
exceptions in atomic transaction and we can able to repr
ocess by using compansation block
iii)non transaction:- it is the default transaction in orchastra
tion which is having all the properties
6)message box:it is the heart of biztalk where we can store all the messages and refer
ences,subscription information and instance information every msg is routed from
box only
7)Host:it is nouthing but resource provider and also container of host instance
s,host instance is a service and physically existence and it is provide required
resource to each and every artifact. hosts are two types those a
i)inprocess host:-where biztalk is handling applications and application
s all are running by inprocess host
ii)isolated host:- where biztalk is not handling the applicatins and IIS
is handling the applications that apps are runnig by isolated host,boztalk cann
handle the isolated host

Databases created with biztalk:1)management DB:It is the shadow of biztalk environment it contains registry of applicat
ion with includes all the artifacts, so what ever you want able to see data in a
console it is fetching from managementDB
2)Messagebox DB:It is the storage area of your message references it should contains mes
sages refernces info,subscribers info and host queing data
3)Traking DB:It contains hystorical data of your environment by using TDDS servie the
data is moving from message box DB to tracking DB
4)SSO DB:It provides authentication and security to biztalk applications by using
ENTSSO service SSO stores the authentication details and configuration info
transmission failure-----------Map
executing in pipelines,reading and writing and context errors---------pipeline e
service not found,operation not available,schema missmatching---------web servic
e errors

---Admin errors----resource not available,instance not deployed correctly and destination not avail
able,authentication errors
content based routing:content based routing means the schema routed based on some condition it
should not expecting any context values its purely depend on subscrber content
message type:usually in biztalk message type means taget namespace #rootnode .the usa
ge of message type is it is giving unique identification of your schema and also
for without using message type we can create a schema, here mess
age box considers root node of schema paired as a message type
services.msc:It contains localisation of your services. any software deployed or inst
alled it must be registerd in services.msc
gac_msil:-(global assembly catch_microsoft system installer)
it means it is the depositery oi your dll's
registery editer:- shortcut(regedid)

property promotion:when we are doing property promotion of a field and the field creats pro
perty schema which is public access specifier this we can use any where in the
interface we can use booting purpose and accessing from message box,non repeated
field we can able to promote
distinguish promotion:it's a lite weight promotion we can accessble only from message box and
orchastration only this we cannot use outside of your orchastration compare to p
promotion it accepts no limit characters
Host instance:it is the logical container, it is a windows service we can create indi
vidual host instance for every server we can able cluster also
difference between send port and send port group:send port means it is a individual subscriber from message box based on
subscription , send port group means we can able to send the message to multiple
subscribers at a time send port group contains multiple send por
ts here group level filter only applicable individual filter is not applicable h
it is a condition
assembleis:assebly is nouthing but information of your arctifacts , we have two typ
es of assembleis private assembly and shared assembly
private assembly:- it contains arround more security some one ca
n not access from other side
shared assembly:- multiple users can run and use at a time in mu
ltiple systems
contest properties:the pipeline promotes runtime properties with respect to the schema body
properties. (these are promoted by pipeline defaultly)
content properties :user manually sending the field to cotest by using property promotion.
How many types we can restart our host:- (4 types)visual studio,services, cmd pr
ompt, mannually in assemblis

attribuate:it was having the fixed value , we can not change the value dynamically
in runtime
record:we can change the value dynamically.

call orchestration:it was call the another orchestration by passig the parameters and it wa
s expecting the response from called orchestration it was also called as sycunro
start orchestration:we just passing the parameters to start another orchestration and not ex
pecting any responce this is called start orchestration and this process we call
asycunronous process.

by default biztalk supports asycurnous process

synchronous(it means it was sending the request and expecting the responce)
what is difference between inbound and outbound?
the process of transforming hapening before message box we called as inb
ound map, if it is hapening ofter message box it called as outbound map. inbound
map or outbound map are eecuting only one map during the runtime
what is difference betweeen message data properties and context properties?
message data properties are runtime source values which is provided by t
he user ,context properties are generated by the pipeline during the runtime by
percistent point:the state of the message stored into messaage box that point called as p
ersistence point .bellow are the points we will get as persistense points
1)startorchestration,2)dehydrated state,3)atomic transaction,4)send shape,and 5)
end of the orchestration
schema import:a schema inserted into another schema with different target namespace
schema include:a schema inserted into another schema with same target namespace
schema redefine:a schema inserted into another schema with same target namespace and we
are able to change redefine structures

Difference between biztalk 2010 and 2013R2

2013R2 not only support for biztalk server it also support the biztalk s
ervices(biztalk Azure) and it is also support heigh end software configurations
and it is comming with lot of new adapters(WEB HTTP,SFTP,Service bus,and custo
isolated,net HTTP,FTPS,...etc),it is also support rest services without using en
d point
configurations and removed some of the old adapters(Soap adapter
,WCF SQL adapter....)
Difference between WCF services and SOAP services
WCF service supports with multi-dimentional data----Soap support with si
ngle dimentional data
WCF service support with multi transport like WEB HTTP,Basic HTTP and WS
HTTP---soap supports with single transport only

WCF manually we need to ad custom headers to the application----soap by

deafult have headers
wcf supports with multiple authentications---soap is having higher authe
ntication(basic,form,windows,.net authentications) compare to wcf
wcf supports with rest services---soap doesn't support rest services
Zombie messages:-(copy of message)
the message is having context properties and subscriber details but it d
oesn't go to any subscriber locations these type of messages stored into the mes
box because of the sequetial covey and adapter network impression
Arphan message:which message doesn't have context properties and subscriber details is
called arphan message we need to remove these messages manually
Biztalk architecture:1)biztalk means it's a middle ware intigrater to intigrate multiple envi
ronments to exchange the data and to transform the data
we have two environments a and b in different flatforms by our scenario
to transform the data from a environment to b environment we need to connect wit
h an environment by using an adapter based on the environment we need to use the
adapter, here the adapter make a connection to flow the data between biztalk an
d other environment. and then it is passes to the pipeline(receive pipeline) by
default the pipeline is having two types xml pipeline and passthrow pipeline if
you dont't want to validate your message you can use passthrow,if you want valid
ation use xml pipeline. if you use xml pipeline we have 4 stages ofter executing
four stages the message published into mesage box.here the message box will alw
ays loops subscriber for the perticular message once get the subscription the me
ssage sent to required subscriber , the subscriber is may be orchstration or sen
d port if orchastration is the subscriber it will applys the logic which we are
make in orchastration once it is done the message was pass throw send port,the s
end port will subscribe the message from message box and it is passes throw send
port it applies three stages on messages by using an adapter

what is the difference between schema as a service and orchestratiob as a servic

e:Publishing an orchestration requires you to get ready with the Orchestra
tion development at first place or let your subscribers wait till you finish you
r orchestration development. On the other hand, publishing Schema as service wil
l enable your subscribers get your Data Contracts and they can begin their devel
opment. Your subscribers don t have to wait till you complete your business logic.
type of bindings
receive port bindings:we have three type of bindings available in receive port
1)specify later:-this we can give port bindings ofter deployement in adm
in console and we can configure the locations only in admin console
2)specify now:-we can give the port bindings in visual studio only when
we are doing the development application,but we are having

limitation to use the adapters HTTP,FILE,and WCF LOB only can use
3)direct binding:-direct binding are three types
i)port configuration to message box
ii)message box to orchastration or message box to message box
iii)self correlating of your schema to make singleton instance o
f orchastration
send port bindings:send port bindings are four types apart from direct,specify later,specif
y now and we have onemore binding it is called dynamic binding
dynamic binding:-dynamic binding means it is taking runtime configuratio
details like transport and address and running under avilable host resorce

singleton orchastration:multiple mesages and schemas are initiated with single instance of orcha
different types of messages:1)typed message:-the orchastration was bounded with schema or message ty
pe is called typed message
2)un-typed message:- the orchastration was bounded with system.xml.xml d
ocument is called un-typed message

rest service:REST means 'Representational Service Transport' it is a light weight mes

sage and we don't want pass all the payload messages we just pass only single pa
rameters with respected of your variable mapping and this parameter will make an
parameter against the message.rest is having multiple operations HOST,GET,DELET
E,....etc and it conatins all the message contents mostly it support with J-son.

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