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5D Astrology Report September 2016:

Points of Infinity
Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You
didnt make it but the current You survived Andrea Balt.

Septembers Eclipses
If your birth chart is a symbolic map or mandala of your contract with life, youre about to be
reminded just exactly what that is by Septembers cosmic wild cards - the eclipses on September 1
and 16 at 9 and 24 degrees Virgo and Virgo/Pisces.
Eclipses are a dramatic display of light and dark when the two Lights - our Sun and Moon - occult the
Earth and each other.
In the new quantum 5D astrology:
eclipses are known as infinity points because for the minutes of the eclipse, linear time
stops for a brief moment of infinity
if eclipse degrees align with planets in your own birth chart, you are bumped on to the fast
track of your evolutionary spiral

eclipses are a door between the material and subtle worlds- your environment includes far
more than you consciously perceive, including gravity waves, light frequencies, ionic ratios
and mineralogical vibrations of the planet. Your physical body has cellular biological
consciousness, so hormonal and bio-chemical balances are directly affected by the light
format and matrix of the planet
eclipses have an impact because they project differentiated light, alter gravity and are
coded with conscious life force.
eclipse events can seem karmic or predestined
you have a distinct sense of sudden transition. You move from one space of life into another.
a release as well as a re-calibration can take place.

From the 9 to the Zero Zone - Physical Clearing

These eclipses coming in the 9th month of the 9 year are going to bring intense physical clearing as
the evolutionary burn and RESET spirals into the Zero Zone from the 9 into the 0: 2016 into 2017.
This is where your practical mastery meets magic in the physical world and it is seeding an obvious
deepening in your body and life, an unprecedented grounding as the light of your soul enters places
never before illuminated. This late 2016 Zero Zone portal is being called the Separation of Worlds &
Wherever the Nodes of Fate are, so too are eclipses. In your own chart the sign and House of the
Moons Nodes reveal the blueprint of your souls Evolution and the gateway to transcending time
and separation consciousness. The North Node is your dharma, the South Node your Karma-they
are the places within your earthly existence where the 5D Self interfaces with the 3D self and the
only points in the chart that move clockwise round the signs - back to Source. The Nodes of Fate are
directly connected to the double helix spiral of our DNA, representing the yin and yang, becoming an
intrinsic part of the system of energy centers known as chakras. In fact, the South and North Nodes
are the Earth Star and Soul Star chakras. As the Nodes of Fate move through each sign once every
18.65 years, at every eclipse you have the chance to move further round your evolutionary spiral.
Since September 2015 the North Node has been travelling through Virgo and the South Node
through Pisces on the axis of matter and spirit, eclipsing out the old false separation. Virgo marks
the end of a cycle of purely personal development; it engages the lower bodies physical,
emotional and mental in a process of self-transformation - the evolutionary RESET. The task of the
Virgo /Pisces polarity is to build neural bridges between the left and right brain; between deep space
(Pisces) and visual space (Virgo); between an intuitive and rational approach to life. Until 28 April
2017 your mission statement will play out along the Virgo/Pisces axis. Whichever part of your life
Virgo /Pisces represents in your chart and psyche is the receiving stations for earthing the new

New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 Degrees Virgo September 1st 2016

Renewing or Deleting your Soul Purpose

Solar eclipses are New Moons on steroids: they signify something essential, as bright and important
as the Sun in your life, has come to an end, its task completed. Just as the Suns energy is hidden and
occulted during the solar eclipse, something essential in your life becomes hidden too. And then it
disappears, its work completed. Wherever 7-11 degrees Virgo is in your chart It is a time of a major
ending foreshadowing a new beginning. Track the trail of clues from your own life from the
repercussions of the last solar eclipses on this degree-: September 1 1997. Which aspect of your life
disappeared? What new direction replaced it?

In the eclipse chart, the 5D deep space planets are re-tuning and recalibrating old astrological
archetypes as part of the evolutionary RESET. The Sun and Moon are conjunct Orcus, archetype of
the Souls Vows, a plutonic point bringing order from chaos, renewing or deleting your soul
purpose. Mercury Retrograde and Venus both conjunct Makemake archetype of shock and awe on
the Super Galactic Centre are acting as receptors for global change. Mars conjunct the Great
Attractor is refracting Skilful Will rather than Strong Will as the energies of this supermassive black
hole lets you see round corners to connect with core soul unity the perfect frequency for your soul
The Symbols for the eclipse at Virgo 10:
Sabian Symbol: As if in a moment of vision a man is seen possessed of two heads; both of these look
out and beyond the shadows.
Kozminsky Symbol: An oracle in a cave, seated on a tripod beneath which is a cloud of smoke. The
leaves of fate are flying into the open air through the mouth of the cavern.
Take time to meditate to focus on your intent during the active phase of this eclipse its energy is
enormous and, whether visible or not on your part of the planet, it projects a seeded- coded
frequency globally,

The Lunar Eclipse on September 16 at 24 Virgo/Pisces

Your Mind is not a Camera; its a Projector
Full Moon eclipses symbolise the past and the present, sliding through one another and the
disappearance of something in form and matter. Its time is over. Having fulfilled its destiny, its no
longer needed in your life. Previous identities, roles, labels and past creations, are left in your
dustbin of personal history. This affects you emotionally as you become aware of the passage of
time as memories and dreams come up to the surface. The last lunar eclipse on this degree was on
September 16 1997 at 23 Pisces/Virgo - think back for clues. This Lunar eclipse brings the 2nd
instalment of a new story started 6 months ago at the Solar eclipse at 19 Pisces on March 9 2016:
What intriguing possibility back then captured your interest and set you off on a journey of

You experience a direct connection to deep space in this chart with Moon conjunct Centaur Chiron
in Pisces in a T square with Sun, Jupiter and Mars conjunct Ixion. Jupiter the Guide of Truth is in
Libra activating the Super Galactic Centre with Makemake. The Super Galactic Centre is a massive
Black Hole where none of the old rules apply. Its a point of reinvention. Chiron the Shamanic
healer acts as a pattern breaker, springing you from the mud of stuck or fossilised beliefs and
behaviours. The eclipse message is: Your mind is not a camera. Its a projector.
The Chandra Symbol for Virgo 25: A gold ring in the form of a snake swallowing its tail
Being bound and determined to complete the karmic wheel and to make way for spirit to lead
beyond the individual and the personal into the universal and the infinite. Feeling extremely
committed to the process of fathoming all karmic lessons and moving on, taking up this path at the
level of wakeful engagement. The picture inside of the way the destiny is intended to unfold is so
vivid and formidably held that it is virtually impossible to feel reconciled to the twists and turns the
path takes. We hold before our inner eye what we have agreed to take on and we will not stop
keying on this; obsessing upon its vital necessity.

The Eclipses arent happening to you - you are happening to the eclipses
We are designed to live from the infinite creative potential, not the
history of our past Creations Michael Neill Inside Out
As you progressively change your belief system from a Newtonian worldview to one based on the
Quantum Field moving from cause and effect to synchronicity:
be kind to yourself ,be discerning, patient and tender towards your growing edge .The past is
withdrawing from us and we are in the process of disabling the past
if you're feeling - as so many of us sensitives are - down, depleted, drained, alone or in a void
like floating on the Dead Sea, understand that you are not fading, falling or failing but
energetically detaching from the ending of many planetary cycles. Detaching so you can
witness the withdrawal of many of your previous creations - roles, labels, careers, alliances
instead of focusing on what isn't happening or what you're not doing, allow yourself as much
rest, withdrawal and non -doing as you can as the physical and psychic cleansing builds. Your
body is a messenger with feedback about your current operating system.
be present in your body and allow outworn gestalts, debris, illusions, attachments and
patterns to dissolve while absorbing the incoming deep space energies at cellular level.
you are still in transition to a new elevated creation cycle that will see you move from
seeking all lost parts of yourself to creating the highest expression of your Self in form

you are learning that the more you become true to your Self and the more you withdraw
your energy from anything external that leads to soul defragmentation, the more energy
you have available to self -sustain, self -generate, self-realise
through the next few months, as we continue to embody more of our transpersonal Self in
human form, many of us are/will be up-levelling, uprooting and expanding into more
meta level, yet earth-focused service.

frame it as Waking up by Waking Down finding your creative freedom, financial

independence and self-sustainability in the midst of global collapse. To be an advocate for
anything in the physical world, you must have a presence, a strong physicality and be willing
to attract attention. Gone are the days of being invisible, hiding out behind the scenes.

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