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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: LaSaundra Lipford

Date: 12/02/2016

Grade and Topic:3rd Grade Population Growth

Length of Lesson:1 hour/2 days_____

Mentor Teacher: Marla Phillips

School: University Of Memphis IDT 3600


This lesson plan is on Population Growth.

Given access to several websites to explore, the students will compile information and create a comic strip on
the changes that come with population growth with a 100% accuracy
The goal of this assignment is to expose the students to the changes that occur in the infrastructure due to
gradual population increase over time.
Common Core
3.8 Interpret digital sources and informational text to describe how humans interact with their
3.13 Summarize how people interact with their environment to satisfy basic needs and how geographic
challenges are resolved, including housing, industry, transportation, communication, bridges, dams,
tunnels, canals, freshwater supply, irrigation systems, and landfills.
ISTE Standards
Research and information fluency

Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

Plan strategies to guide inquiry
Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize,
and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media
Evaluate and select information sources and
digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks

Process data and report results

Handouts, PCs, Search Engine, Pencils, Paper
Computers will be utilized for research, creating the , comic strip.
This lesson plan will help enhance the students research skills and help them understand the effects of
population growth on towns/cities.
The academic language introduced in this lesson are: infrastructure, government

The previous lesson on population growth focused on the increase in population in Memphis, TN. This lesson
took the research skills from that assignment. This assignment takes the lesson a step farther and looks at the
ramification of population growth.
The future lessons will focus on the social aspects of population growth and how it changes the community and
possibly force diversity
Different activities will be planned to ensure that the students understand the information provided.
Assessments will be used to gauge the level of understanding of each student.


Introduction: I will start by sectioning the class into 2 groups. Four classmates on one side and 16 on the
other. I will instruct the smaller group that they are town A and the larger group are town B. Town A will be
offered a bottle of water and 2 crackers. Then, I will instruct 10 of group B to join group A. This will lead to
the question, immediately what changed and how did it effect the resources.
Procedures: Provide a sequential (step by step) description of the procedures and activities for the lesson.
1. Divide the students into 4 groups of 5 (2) min
2. Give each group a Laptop (5) minutes
3. Make one person the captain, 2 note taker, comic creator (1) min
4. Have the Captain go to website http://aripd.org/journals/jaa/Vol_1_No_1_June_2013/4.pdf to start

the research aspect. (15) mins.

5. Have the note takers generate all the information needed from the site. (10) min
6. Have one the other members of the group create a table of the effects in Word. (25) mins
7. After the information has been typed in Word 2016 the students will create a Comic strip showcasing
some of the information gathered. (1) hr

For Students with learning differences, I will pair them with a partner who could assist them in
the process.

Closure: At the end of the lesson, I will discuss the information generated with the class and ask them to tell me
some social issues that may arise from the changes in population.

Provide the formative and /or summative assessments that are part of this lesson.
Make sure there is a clear link between the Goals and Objectives and the Assessments.

Group Planning -- Research Project : Population

Teacher Name: LaSaundra Lipford
Student Name:

Quality of


independently locate
reliable, interesting

independently locate
some reliable
information sources

Researchers, with
some adult help,
locate reliable
information sources

Researchers, with
extensive adult help,
locate at least 2
reliable information

Group Timeline

Group independently
develops a
complete timeline
describing when
different parts of the
work (e.g.,planning,
research,) will be
done. All students in
group can
describe the high
points of the timeline.

Group independently
develops a timeline
describing when
most parts of the
work will be done. All
students in group
can independently
describe the high
points of the timeline.

Group independently
develops a timeline
describing when
most parts of the
work will be done.
Most students can
describe the high
points of the timeline.

Group needs adult

help to develop a
timeline AND/OR
several students in
the group cannot
describe the high
points of the timeline.

Delegation of

Each student in the

group can clearly
explain what
information is
needed by the group,
what information
s/he is responsible
for locating, and
when the information
is needed.

Each student in the

group can clearly
explain what
information s/he is
responsible for

Each student in the

group can, with
minimal prompting
from peers, clearly
explain what
information s/he is
responsible for

One or more
students in the group
cannot clearly
explain what
information they are
responsible for

Plan for

Students have
developed a clear
plan for organizing
the information as it
is gathered and in
the final research
product. All students
can independently
explain the planned
organization of the
research findings.

Students have
developed a clear
plan for organizing
the information in the
final research
product. All students
can independently
explain this plan.

Students have
developed a clear
plan for organizing
the information as it
is gathered. All
students can
explain most of this

Students have no
clear plan for
organizing the
information AND/OR
students in the group
cannot explain their
organizational plan.

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready
for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

Student Match It! Reviewing information covered

Match it: Aspects of Population Growth

Using the information gained from researching population growth; select
each necessity/attribute of a city that has experienced growth that applies.



Information Bank
Need for more roads

Adequate Transportation

Need for more schools

Adequate Representation (in Gov.)

Need for more food

Land Grab

Sudden over population

More hospitals

Need for more housing

Need for electricity

Possible cultural blending

More Cowboys

Sufficient employment

Need for adequate irrigation

Cost of living increase

People living longer

Students Comic Strip on population

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