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Raquel Gudino


Subject Area
Algebra 2

Grade Levels


11 -12

90 Minutes

CCSS Math,
CCSS.Algebra 2.Trigonometric Functions. F-TF.2.1
-2.1 Graph all 6 basic trigonometric functions. CA
Lesson Title

Graphing Trigonometric Functions

Standards for Mathematical Practices

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP8: Look for and express regularity in
repeated reasoning.
Lesson Objective(s)
1. To be able to confidently compute common fraction values
for any of the six trigonometric functions.
2. To understand how to identify asymptotes.
3. To understand how the trigonometric functions relate to one
4. To be prepared for transformations.

Instructional Strategies
-Indirect Instruction, Journals, Turn and talk and whiteboards.
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Teacher Does
Begins class by playing the introduction video of why
trigonometric functions are important in the real world. Teacher

explains students will be plotting the trig. Functions and proceeds
to provide them a warm-up. After they have finished the warmup provide them with a copy of the unit circle.
Lesson Body
Teacher Does
Begin Powerpoint presentation and uses whiteboard to work out
problems and demonstrate graphs and the plotting procedure on
the board.
60 min

Lesson Closure

Student Does
Student watches video, and after video ends begins
to complete warm-up.

Student Does
Students take out their journal for notes. In the
dictionary portion of their notes they will jot down
vocabulary (like asymptote) that they may not be
familiar with. Students will also plot the points to
graph a function, for this step they will find a pattern
between how we plot certain functions, since trig
functions have a repetitive pattern when plotting.

Teacher Does
Student Does
Hands out homework problems and ask students to work in
Students must be working on problems and show the
15 min
groups and complete one problem from part 2 of the homework. teacher their solution at the end.
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia
-Powerpoint on projector, whiteboards, whiteboard black markers, and whiteboard erasers.
-Journals, highlighters, colored pens, pencils, and rulers.
Assessments: Formal and Informal
-Warm-up: The warm-up will serve to give the teacher an understanding of the prior knowledge.
-Whiteboards: Serve to make the teacher aware which students are understanding and keeping up through the lecture.
-Exit Homework Problem: Before leaving the students must complete a homework problem in groups.

Where will student struggle? How will you address their needs? What kind of differentiated instruction will you provide?
1. Understanding why and which trigonometric functions have asymptotes.
2. Computing values for trigonometric functions correctly and sketching the curvature in the graphs.
Addressing issues:
1. Having students work in groups, will enable them to discover things among themselves.
2. I will give them a unit circle and have them refer to it, I will also remind them of how 30-60-90 triangles and 45-45-90 of the unit
circle help us in solving for values of the trigonometric functions.
Differentiated instruction:
1. I will provide visual representations for the visual learners such as graphs, tables, and group activities. These visuals will not only be
displayed in the presentation but prior to it the students will see the teacher draw and plot it out on the board.
2. The unit circle will aid them in computing values and seeing relationships.

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