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Haleigh Riley

Jessica Morton
UWRT 1102
12 September, 2016
Homework Response Number Four
Wow, what stood out to me in this section of the novel was that the narrator has a split
personality. It is a very complex mental disorder but very interesting. The narrator thought he
was just the narrator and had a friend named Tyler Durden but the whole time he was both. The
book states Oh, this is bullshit. This is a dream. Tyler is just a projection. Hes a dissociative
personality disorder. A psychogenic fugue state. Tyler Durden is my hallucination. While he
thought he was asleep dreaming his second personality named Tyler came out trying to destroy
humanity. The narrator didnt realize that he and Tyler were the same person until this section of
the novel. His personality Tyler was the one ruining the narrators life. This split personality also
explains why the narrator thought that Tyler and Marla never talked. Which explains why he
always felt tired even after sleeping and how he would wake up feeling beaten with bruises. This
section struck interesting to me because I would like to research the disorder and see if there are
any known causes. This personality disorder stands out to me because how could you be one
person but have multiple personalities and not know about them?

1. How are people with disorders like this treated in the real world?
2. Why would humans cause so much anarchy and chaos within the world?
3. Why do people stereotype and analyze each other before meeting?

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