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Coventry Hills School

12350 Coventry Hills Way NE Calgary, AB T3K 5S9

t | 403-777-6025 f | 403-777-6026 |coventryhills@cbe.ab.ca

December 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

Lindsie Arsenault was an Interim Teacher at Coventry Hills School from August 31
through to December 16, 2016 where she worked within one of our grade three
classrooms. Her classroom community consisted of 23 students with a variety of social,
emotional, behavioural and academic needs, as well as several different first languages.
Throughout the term, Lindsie created meaningful links to real life experiences and built
lessons that were both rigorous and engaging. Her lessons offered a balance of direct
instruction, demonstration, and hands-on opportunities. Lindsie utilized materials,
manipulatives, and resources appropriate for her students needs and abilities,
experimented with differentiation and gathered information about next steps from
formative assessments. Her work consistently showed appropriate groupings and
instruction, and she paired clear visuals with verbal instructions to ensure an improved
understanding by her students.
Throughout her time at Coventry Hills School, Lindsie exhibited good classroom
management skills, maintained a respectful and fair environment for all students, and
focused on consistent expectations. She demonstrated a strong sense of timing and was
conscientious about adapting to the various needs within her class. She openly accepted
the opportunity to work with several teachers in our building and was receptive to the
feedback and guidance from teacher mentors and administration. Lindsie implemented a
variety of strategies to enhance the success of her students, such as building physical
literacy and movement into curricular tasks and organizing flexible grouping activities.
Lindsies friendly and approachable nature allowed her to build solid relationships with
staff, students and parents, and she consistently treated others with dignity and respect.
Lindsie communicated with parents through the use of her mentor teachers on-line blog,
worked with her mentor teacher to understand the formal reporting process, ELL
Benchmarks and Iris. Lindsie was also actively involved in providing extra-curricular
opportunities to students throughout the school, such as supporting our Makerspace
Recess Club in the Learning Commons and co-facilitating a multi-grade Badminton Club.
Lindsie was an excellent addition to our Coventry Hills staff and I believe she would be a
valuable asset to any school that she worked within. If you would like any additional
information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Michelle Brinson
Assistant Principal, Coventry Hills School

Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 9:33:17 AM Mountain Standard Time

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