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Student-Teacher: Fatima Bilal

Grade Level:
grade EPC
2- section
2 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1
Subject: Math
Learning Outcome : By the end of this lesson students will be able to..
- Differentiate between the marital and individual numbers.
- Recognize the marital and individual numbers.
- Understand what each number can do.
The manipulatives.

Preparation (what do you need to do/make before class?

Preparing my materials and the manipulatives

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

I will give the students some cubes and I will ask them to do a square with the cubes, and some of the studnet
will have three cubes and the others will have four or five, where they will find a problem with putting them a
together, after that I will ask them what they noticed with the three cubes and the four cubes, then I will
tellthem that number three is an individual number where is number four is a martial number.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

I will give the students the manipulatives and a paper with two columns, I will ask them to put them all
together and count them, and if they have a martial number they will write it in the martial number column an
if it was an individual number they will write it in the individual number column.
Time: 40 minSmall

Time: 15 minWhole

Key vocabulary/ Target Language


Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

I will give each student a paper with a number in it and a martial and individual names in the paper so they ca
match, and I will ask them to read the number and match if its martial or individual number.
Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

In this activity (partners) each student will have a card with a number in, and the other students will have a
manipulatives, and the student who has the number card will tell his partner I have number (4) for example,
and his partner will bring 4 manipulatives and will put them all together, if he could do it as a cube he will sa
if the number is martial or individual.

To make sure that the students understood the lesson, I will write the numbers on the board and when I will
point to the number they have to say if its martial or individual number.


5 minWhole


I assed the students by checking on them and make sure that theyre on the track with me.
Reflection WWW/EBI

In this lesson, the things that went well, are when the students interacted with me and understood what the lesson is
about, and they knew how to differentiate between the martial and the individual numbers. But things could be better i
I did some individual work in the class, because I just focused on the group work and pair work, and if used the
individual work, I will be able to figure out the levels of the students.
Next Steps in learning and teaching
My next step in teaching I will be focusing on scanning on the students levels in the class and differentiate between

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