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Eliminate The Useless Crap

Lets face it
Youre busy.

And you have very little time to spend debating what you should do in the gym or what you should
be eating.

So Im going to make it easy for you.

First, lets cover your workouts. Youre going to train 3-4 days per week and youre going to get in
and out of the gym in 45-60 minutes.

This helps to keep your testosterone levels high and allows you to maintain maximum focus

Youre always going to choose big, compound exercises for each body part. Starting from the top
down you will do the following movements:

Traps- Deadlift, snatch, high pull or clean.

Shoulders- Dumbbell or barbell military presses or handstand pushups.

Chest- Ring pushups, ring dips, incline dumbbell presses, 15-30 degree barbell incline presses.

Lats & Upper/ Mid Back- All variations of chin ups, inverted rows and 1 arm dumbbell rows.

Biceps- Standing hammer or dumbbell curls.

Triceps- Dips and close grip pushups.

Lower Back, Glutes and Hamstrings- More deadlift variations, kettlebell swings, glute ham raises.

Quads- Squats (goblet, front, back, safety bar, single leg, pistol, split) and sled drags.

Simple, right?

No machines, nothing complicated.

Dont waste time searching for 739 other fancy exercises that wont work any better than what I just

What About Conditioning?

Your head is probably spinning from all the cardio recommendations you read about regularly. So
lets cut through the junk and simplify it.

Youre going to do hill sprints.

Thats it.

That simple.

Twice a week to start, for a total of 15-20 minutes. Over time you can work up to 30 minutes and
add an extra day if you want.

Why hill sprints?

Well first of all because its thats what Walter Payton did and we should all try to emulate

Secondly, when the weather permits, you should get off the bike or treadmill and get outside more
often. And mainly because there is nothing any simpler or more effective that you can do.

Sprints on flat ground are great but require some technique and a long warm up; something which
people may not always have time for. Sprints with a sled or Prowler are awesome but not everyone
has one.

Most people can find a hill somewhere. And dont worry about the distance. If your hill is only 30
yards you will do 30 yard hill sprints with as little rest as needed for 15-20 minutes.

Over time you will simply try to do more sprints and decrease your rest periods. If your hill is 100
yards, then you sprint 100 yards, or as far up the hill as you can get.

Dont over think it.

Thats a one way ticket to Keyboard Warriorsville, a place where the population is small, fat and

How About Diet?

Can anyone really tell me they dont know that Big Macs and candy arent healthy?

You know whats healthy.

You just have to commit to eating those foods.

Today I want you to throw out everything in your house that comes in a bag or a box. Straight to the

Youll only eat foods that a caveman would have been able to eat. Organic grass fed meats, wild
caught fish, fertile eggs, fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. Thats it throughout most of the day.

After training and/or at dinner have some organic white rice or sweet potatoes.

If you need a treat at night have some really high quality organic dark chocolate. But just a square or

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