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2. 2. Buckminster Fullers knowledge building curve says that new knowledge that doubled
every century shall now double every 18 months! 2
3. 3. If Rip Van Winkle were to wake up today, he would be awestruck by the multimedia
messages and the world around him. But if he were to wake up in a classroom, the only
thing that would have changed is the colour of the blackboard!!! Einstein said We
cannot solve problems using the same kind of thinking that we used when we created
them. Applied to education, we cannot educate today's children using the same methods
we used yesterday. 3
4. 4. In education, most of the change has focused on Teaching-Learning. The focus now is
shifting to assessment, which is believed to be the driving change in education. The
challenge lies in reformulating curriculum, reformatting standards, developing
instructional strategies to deliver them and designing assessments that measure these
skills. 4
5. 5. Using the data driven approach towards assessment, teachers and students would have
multiple ways to measure competencies. A balance of formative, summative and alternate
assessment would be the norm. Tests would be taken over time as students show
readiness and mastery of content. Test scores would show growth rather than merely
comparisons to others. 5
6. 6. Fundamental skills include core skills of Reading, Writing, Math, Science and Social
studies. Once the foundations are built, 21st century skills support, enable and facilitate
the fundamental skills. 6
7. 7. WHAT THEN ARE THESE 21st CENTURY SKILS? 1) THINKING Critical thinking
Problem solving Creating Metacognition 7
8. 8. 2) ACTING Communicating collaborating Digital literacy Technology literacy
Initiative and self direction 8
9. 9. 3) LIVING IN THE WORLD Civic responsibility and Citizenship Global
understanding Leadership and Responsibility College and career readiness 9
10. 10. 21st CENTURY ASSESSMENT FUNDAMENTALS 21st century assessment will
be part of a larger system that supports student learning, and is incorporated at all levels.
11. 11. ASSESSMENT SHOULD BE RESPONSIVE Visible performance based work
generates data that can inform curriculum and instruction. Assessments are developed
keeping incorporating best practices in feedback and formative assessment. Feedback is
to be targeted to the goal and outcome. 11
12. 12. ASSESSMENT SHOULD BE FLEXIBLE Lesson design, curriculum and
assessment require flexibility. Assessment needs to be adaptable to students and
settings. Students decisions, actions, applications vary, thus making assessment
flexible too. 12
13. 13. ASSESSMENT SHOULD BE INTEGRATED Assessment needs to be incorporated
on a day to day basis, rather than a once a year activity. Assessments are informed by
awareness of meta cognition. Students consider their choices, identify alternative
strategies and represent knowledge through different means. 11/24/2013 13
14. 14. ASSESSMENT SHOULD BE INFORMATIVE The desired 21st Century goals and
objectives should be clearly stated and explicitly taught. Learning objectives,

Instructional strategies and assessment methods should be clearly aligned. Students

build on prior learning in a logical sequence. 14
continuum should include a spectrum of strategies. Students should be able to
demonstrate knowledge and skills through relevant tasks, projects and performances.
Authentic performance based assessment should be emphasized. 15
16. 16. ASSESSMET SHOULD BE COMMUNICATED Results should be routinely
posted on a database along with standard based commentary. Students receive routine
feedback of their progress Educational community recognizes achievement of students
beyond standardized tests. 16
17. 17. ASSESSMENT SHOULD BE TECHNICALLY SOUND. It should be precise and
technically sound, so that use are consistent with their administration and interpretation.
It should measure stated objectives and 21st century skills with legitimacy and integrity.
Assessment should be fair to all. 17
assessment requires a systematic and planned approach. Evidence is gathered throughout
the instructional process and teaching is responsive to that evidence. Summative
assessments are administered at the end of the instruction. It provides a snapshot of a
students knowledge at that particular time. 18
19. 19. CHALLENGES AHEAD There is little consensus on what 21st century skills are.
Complex thinking is difficult to express. Assessing it will require explicit processes and
measures. Need to alter the perception that 21st century skills are an add on. Instead
they need to be integrated into the teaching learning system. Intensive professional
development is required for students, teachers, school leaders and policy makers. 19
20. 20. THE GRASSHOPPER AND THE ANT If instruction involves the business of
conveying knowledge, then assessment is sometimes the languid grasshopper. 20
22. 22. st 21 CENTURY ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Rubrics Checklists Student
Contracts Self reflection/ assessment Peer review Observation Logs
Anecdotal records Concept maps Journals Questioning Conferences Portfolio review 22
23. 23. RUBRICS Rubrics are generally the most specific of the 21st century measures and
include explicit indicators of achievement at all levels. They are more descriptive than
rubrics and can be used by both teachers and students for peer and self evaluation. 23
BASIC NOVICE Conveys message for a selected target Recognizes purpose, can
organize & present info to meet it. Is aware or the purpose and can organize the info to
meet the purpose Unclear of the purpose, compromises quality of information and
presentation. Confused about the purpose of communicatn Has difficulty focusing on
content. Receptive communication Listens, reads, views purposefully Distinguishs facts
from opinion, recognizes intent of message Identifies facts, summarizes main ideas. Can
identify some facts in a message. developing skills in interpreting message. Partially
understands the purpose of the message. Uses a full range of resources to express ideas.
Uses a combination of comm. resources appropriate to the topic. Regularly selects a few
resources that are a good match for the assignment. Requires support to communicate

through additional resources. Familiar with only a few modalities for expressing ideas,
result compromised work. 24
25. 25. CHECKLISTS Checklists are more functional and contain a list of essential targets
and desired outcomes. They can be used while the students are in the process of learning
or on the completion of the activity. CHECKILST FOR PRESENTATION COMMENTS
Introduction captures attention of audience Objectives are stated in the introduction
Content is clear and understandable. Presentation is logically sequenced Projects voice so
all can hear Uses technology to effectively support message Summary synthesizes main
idea. 25
26. 26. STUDENT CONTRACTS Learning contracts are agreements between students and
teachers that describe the learning outcomes and strategies for achieving them. They
give the students a choice over personal goals and strategies to achieve these goals.
They provide for differentiation of learning and assessing and can be used to hold
learners accountable. They encourage a blending of core content and 21st century
outcomes. 26
27. 27. LEARNING CONTRACT NAME________________________ TOPIC, UNIT OR
GOAL_______________________ Students responsibilities: Completion dates and
deadlines: Teachers responsibilities Evidence required: Resources recommended/
required Assessment of learning ( formative and summative): Students
signature_______________ Parents signature________________ Teachers
signature_______________ 27
28. 28. SELF ASSESSMENT/ REFLECTION Self reflection and assessment are important
lifelong skills that can be developed and supported in the classroom. Self assessment
may be daily or long term, oral or written, done individually or in small groups.
Elements of self assessment include opportunity for reviewing learning, identifying
confusion, providing evidence of learning, evaluating progress, planning and improving
outcomes. 28
What worked and what did not? Whats next? SPECIFIC QUESTIONS: What
steps can I take to improve my writing? What three habits of mind did I use and how did I
apply them? How well did I listen to the ideas of others and make a contribution to the
group? If I were to do this again, here is what I would do differently: 29
30. 30. PEER REVIEW It is important to make students aware of the importance of non
judgmental peer review and to make it a regular part of the learning process. A structure
such as a checklist can help students stay focused on the learning outcomes. Peer
Assessment of Group Project 4=Strongly agree 3=Agree 2=disagree 1=strongly disagree
SCORE All members contributed equally and fairly to the group. Members of the group
worked together well When we disagreed , we were able to settle it promptly without
hurting each others feelings Group members encouraged each other towards achievement
of goals 30
31. 31. OBSERVATION Teacher can use formal or informal observation to assess student
understanding to use 21st century skills. Observation can be anecdotal or may be
combined with a checklist or rubric. Teacher can note the use of web based reference
material, actively listening to others contributions, building on others ideas, adding
original ideas to the discussion etc. to the checklist. 31

32. 32. LOGS Logs help students track their work towards a target. They can be used by

both teachers and students to show progress towards a benchmark. Eg, a student
assembling an electronic portfolio may track his own progress, set schedules and post
messages to other students. PROJECT PROGRESS LOGS: DATE PROGRESS
EVIDENCE What goals have I worked towards? What have I learned? What are my next
steps? What is the timeframe? Whom can I collaborate with to improve my work? How
have I used my critical thinking skills? How would I assess my progress so far? 32
33. 33. CONCEPT MAPS Graphic organizers can be used to assess students knowledge,
understanding and critical thinking. A design that contains only partial information can
be given to the students , who can then fill it with teacher support. Video Web 2.0 Sims
You tube Movie maker Digital storytelling Blog Twitter Facebook Xtranormal
Secondlife 33
34. 34. JOURNALS They provide a window into a students thinking and learning. A
journal entry begins with a response to a question. Compare a decision you had to make
to the one made by the character in the story. Or How will you use your new
knowledge in your next blog posting? They help students assimilate new content,
describe points of confusion or reflect on controversial issues. They can be supported
with wikis and other supporting software. 34
35. 35. QUESTIONNING Formal and informal questioning can be used to move students
forward with their learning. Formally they can be used to assess previous knowledge in
the beginning of a lesson or for closure of a lesson. A series of questions ranging in
cognitive complexity from understanding to application, analysis and synthesis can add
depth to the lesson. 35
36. 36. PORTFOLIO REVIEW Portfolios can be used to demonstrate processes and growth
in relation to selected Learning Objectives. They can be used to display 21st century
skills such as Problem solving, creativity and information literacy and reflect strengths
and weaknesses. To be objective and comprehensive, assessment of student portfolios
should be based on contracts, rubrics, peer/self assessment. E- portfolios are becoming
increasingly popular. 36
37. 37. 21ST CENTURY SKILLS 37
38. 38. CRITICAL THINKING Definitions of Critical Thinking include concepts of
analyzing information, applying strategies for deciding, readiness to consider ideas ,using
logical enquiry, making inferences, appraising evidence, testing conclusions, making
accurate judgments and analyzing assumptions. 38
39. 39. IN PRACTICE: Mrs GREENLYS CLASSROOM Mrs Greenly is covering an
interdisciplinary unit on Genetically modified food. Begins with an introductory KWL
activity, wherein students write on sticky notes and paste them on the KWL chart. She
determines their knowledge level and presents them with core knowledge and vocabulary
needed along with a self assessment rubric where students can track their progress.
After a quick formative assessment she decides which resources and strategies to use.
She puts the students in groups to read two opposing articles on GM food. Groups are
then reformulated with student choice. They can choose to be a scientist, farmer,
nutritionist, politician etc. 39
40. 40. Using previously acquired digital literacy skills, they complete a web quest for in
depth information on GM foods. A world forum is set up with representatives from each
interest group. Some students present the groups findings while others become part of

the evaluation panel. All students participate in peer review, using a specially designed
rubric. Finally, the groups prepare a product that can be a brochure, power point
presentation, prezi, video, website, blog, poster or any other platform. Each group
presents 5 important facts for the others to know. The desired critical thinking skills are
woven into the assignment and are clear to the students. 40
41. 41. ASSESSMENT Student friendly rubrics Checklists Self assessment Peer
reflection Journaling Learning logs 41
42. 42. PROBLEM SOLVING Problem solving is the basic process of identifying
problems, considering options and making informed choices. It is used when an easy
answer to problem does not exist. It involves the following Knowledge and Skills:
Describing the problem with depth and clarity. Evaluating alternatives and considering
multiple perspectives. Gathering information to make informed choices. Implementing
and monitoring. Evaluating the problem. If required, revisit it. 42
43. 43. STEPS IN PROBLEM SOLVING Understand the problem Brainstorm possible
solutions Devise a plan Carry out the plan Evaluate the result Beyond the classroom,
Problem solving has global, local and personal applications. Those of us who develop
problem solving skills are better equipped at solving conflicts in the real world. 43
44. 44. IN PRACTICE Create a pretend scenario for students that requires them to think
creatively to make it through. An example might be getting stranded on an island,
knowing that help will not arrive for three days. The group has a limited amount of food
and water and must create shelter from items around the island. Encourage working
together as a group and hearing out every child that has an idea about how to make it
through the three days as safely and comfortably as possible. 44
IDENTIFIES THE PROBLEM Clearly describes the problem including details and
supporting information. Describes the basics of the problem with some details &
supporting information. Explains a part of the problem but has trouble understanding all
parts of the problem. Has difficulty recognizing and defining parts of the problem.
IDENTIFIES MULTIPLE SOLUTIONS Comes up with a number of feasible and clearly
defined solutions. Say four. Described three possible solutions. Described 1 or 2 possible
solutions. Had no solution or is not sure of his solution. Evaluates the solutions and picks
one that seems feasible. Gave a simple explanation for one choice. Is not able to explain a
solution. Analyzes all the DEFENDS SOLUTIONS possible solutions and picks up one
that shows his understanding of the problem. 45
46. 46. CREATIVITY Creativity is the ability or power to create, to produce through
imaginative skill and to bring into existence something new. Originality, uniqueness,
imagination, flexibility, fluency, making connections and forming new patterns are the
core of Creativity. Creativity is the process of making something that hasn't been made
before - be it a painting, an idea, a solution, a relationship or a new dance move. It is a set
of beliefs and attitudes as much as it is a toolbox of skills and knowledge.
http://www.thinkingclassroom.co.uk/ThinkingClassroom/ Creativity.aspx 46
47. 47. PODUCTS THAT STUDENTS HAVE DESIGNED A dog leash/collar that carries
the dogs water bottle. A twirling spaghetti fork and an automatic coffee stirrer. A car
seat for a pet. A sleeve sneeze catcher. An educational twister game. A new musical
instrument with both percussion and wind. 47

48. 48. IN PRACTICE In my Physics class (VIII) at the end of the session when the

students are familiar with the concepts of air resistance, buoyant force, Newtons laws,
they are given to design an Egg Lander that would land an egg from a height without
breaking. Students are divided into groups of 4 or 5 and work collectively to create an
Egg Lander, that they research, design, test their design, modify if needed and finally
launch the Lander. Each group then prepares a product like a ppt, video, prezi etc. 48
49. 49. METACOGNITION Metacognition is an expensive way of saying Thinking about
ones own Thinking. It requires taking active control over thinking and learning and
using strategies for enhancing learning and performance. It considers how learners take
in, store and retrieve information. 49
50. 50. Darwin observed that Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does
knowledge In classrooms, ignorance cannot be bliss. When an athletic team loses a
game, they go back and review the tapes. They analyze errors and device strategies to
improve their performance in the next game. This is Metacognition. 50
PROCESS Assessment strategies can be wrapped into other assessments: Think aloud:
Students talk, think and record their processes. Written responses to writing prompts.
Graphic organizers while the work is in progress Anecdotal records. Questionnaires
that give students insight into their work. 51
52. 52. METACOGNITIVE REFLECTION PLANNING: What do you know about this
topic? What do you want to know about this topic? What resources are you considering
exploring? Where did you start? What did you do first? Why? ACTING: Describe your
steps. Which resources seem worthwhile? Why? How did you know you were doing
along? What did you ask yourself? What problems did you run into? How did you adjust
your process in response? How did you know you reached your goal? EVALUATING:
What worked to produce a high quality product? Describe any new strategies you used.
What would you do differently if you were starting over? 11/24/2013 you do in relation
to the requirements of the assignment? copyright www.brainybetty.com How did 2006
All Rights Reserved 52
53. 53. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Communication involves creating meaning,
imparting knowledge, skills and beliefs to others and receiving inputs from multiple
sources. Learning in school and in the outside world is based on effective
communication. Todays teacher has a vast array of resources like audio, video, digital
images and technologies that connect students in real time, even to remote areas.
Students can record their learning and explain their thinking, share with others, display
their work, thus increasing the relevance and meaning of knowledge. 53
communication such as conversation, debate, persuasion, constructive dialogue etc.
Receptive communication skills: Paying attention, listening and comprehending.
Reading, viewing and listening to multiple types of media. Producing effective
communication through oral, written, visual, non verbal and technical media.
Expressing views and preferences in a neutral manner. 54
55. 55. ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE COMM. SKILLS Reading Multicultural
understanding Math Games Summarizing Teach another Debates They can be integrated
with other instruction or used as a stand alone. Communication skills can be assessed
using checklists and Rubrics. 55

56. 56. COLLABORATION Collaboration is learning to plan and work together, to

consider diverse perspectives, to participate in discourse by contributing, listening and

supporting others. It is about recognizing and valuing individual contributions towards
the groups productivity and improvement. Collaborative learning is based on the idea
of synergyThat the whole equals more than the individual parts. A brilliant example:
Facebook was created from the collaborated ideas of many people 56
57. 57. st 21 ESSENTIAL CENTURY COLLABORATION SKILLS Balance listening and
speaking, leading and following in a group. Demonstrate flexibility, compromise,
empathy. Consider, prioritize and advance the needs of the larger group. Work together
to create new ideas and new products. Share responsibility for completing work. Work
respectfully with others to make decisions that include the views of multiple individuals.
Narratives Portfolios Graphic Organizers Checklist / rating scale Self and peer
evaluation and reflection Teacher observation Student logs and journals 58
59. 59. VISUAL LITERACY Visual literacy refers to both understanding (interpretation,
analysis, evaluation) and production ( creativity and synthesis of ideas) of digital images.
Methods and modes include pictures, photographs, comics, symbols, maps, graphic
organizers, infographics, graphs, timelines, flowcharts. 59
60. 60. IN PRACTICE Students of class 8 of my School worked in groups to research on
topics of their choice and prepared infographics as the end product, to illustrate what they
have learnt. A checklist or a rubric to assess Visual literacy should include organization,
labelling, use of colour etc. This will help the students to understand the grading criteria
and it will also ensure consistency on the part of the teacher. 60
Interprets symbols used in the imagery. Understands meanings and draws inferences.
Compares source to other resources on the topic Draws on previous knowledge to make
meaning. Critically analyzes the work. Translates images into written language in ones
own words. Creates a visual response to the work. 61
62. 62. TECHNOLOGY LITERACY 8 to 18 year olds are spending 8 to 10 hours a day
interfacing with media in the form of TV, music, computer, smart phones, video games.
Nicholas Carr states that deep reading is being replaced by superficial and cursory
learning, die to the bombardment of the brain with constant stimuli. In his research
found that digital natives are better at multitasking and short term decision making and
less capable of complex reasoning and emotional aptitudes like empathy. 62
63. 63. THE CHANGING ROLE OF THE TEACHER The teachers role has changed
from a deliverer of information to that of a conductor of learning who helps the students
to reflect and apply what they have learnt. Thus, assessment too must be flexible.
Multiple methods using multiple modalities will help students demonstrate their skills
and knowledge in many ways. Technology will both guide and track learning and
support assessment. 63
64. 64. ASSESSMENT Rubrics and checklists Student contracts Learning logs
Thinking and acting logs and journals Peer and self assessment Observation, student
conferences Portfolio work Storytelling 64
65. 65. CIVIC & CITIZENSHIP SKILLS These are the skills that we need to live in a
world that we cannot visualize today. Studies have shown that these skills can be

explicitly taught.(www.civicyouth.org) Value of civic engagement has shown to

improve with participation, increased understanding, tolerance and respect for others. 65
66. 66. IN PRACTICE Prepare a skit on Historical figures and present them to the
elementary/junior school students. Topic Day: Students can research topics like
Services for seniors, Health care for the underprivileged children prepare and present
a product like a ppt, poster, prezi, tweet, infograph, website, blog etc. 66
67. 67. GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING Cultural awareness to recognize, respect and accept
the interdependence of all cultures and countries. Education should empower students to
build a knowledge of global issues. 67
68. 68. IN PRACTICE Student exchange programs provide both the cultures an opportunity
to learn from each other! Youth for Understanding is an International Cultural program
that my school is participating in. 68
foundation in core areas, but academic knowledge alone is not enough. Students should
be able to rise to higher levels of Blooms Taxonomy, solve problems, draw on their
creativity, and are insightful into how they think and learn. Communication,
Collaboration, Technology expertise build workplace skills that employees value. The
emphasis on college and career skills to reduce the gap between skills learnt in high
school and skills needed in college and the workplace. 69
ASSESSING MYTHS TRUTHS It is not for everyone Students of all ages, grades,
subjects, genders, cultures and achievement levels benefit from it. It is too hard for some
students When used thoughtfully and appropriately, all level of students benefit.
Classrooms will become chaotic There may be some messiness, but learning occurs in a
non linear fashion It is more important to teach core content Core content must be
integrated with 21st century skills, as they support each other. They must be assessed
together It makes more work for the teachers It is a change that requires a different
approach to teaching and assessing. It will replace tests It will increase the spectrum of
assessment that are used to determine learning. 70
71. 71. REFERENCES Assessing 21st century skills by Laura Greenstein.
http://homepage.usask.ca/~dln136/files/873%20%20prototype2.pdf http://education.cuportland.edu/blog/teachingstrategies/5-problem-solving-activities-for-theclassroom/ 71

Visual Thinking Strategies

Assessing 21st Century Skills

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