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The Conjuring

The opening sequence of this super natural film epitomizes two

young girls, discussing their paranormal experiences. They
believe that they are being taunted by an evil entity, which has
attached itself to their doll, and are urging guidance from two
imminent individuals, who can only be characterised by their
voices. For the duration of the two-minute sequence a range of
cinematography techniques are exemplified to produce
connotations and denotations of deeper meanings. At the
beginning of the sequence, an extreme close up of the sinister
dolls eye is shown. The genre of this movie is horror; therefore,
the incorporation of this shot creates a sense of discomfort for
the audience member, aiding the question as to whether the
doll really is an insidious entity. As well as the use of
cinematography, the scene entails many editing techniques,
which relate to the theme of a paranormal environment. The
opening sequence begins on a black out, which is accompanied
by a voice over. This exemplifies the themes of a thriller,
because the audience possess an irrational fear and suspense
of what image will be placed on the screen. The fact that the
audience is instantly greeted with the eye of a haunting image
creates the idea that the entity is watching them, which is an
effective idea to epitomize. Parallel sound is used also to link
the sudden sound effect of a tape recorder along with the
image of the extreme close up. This is then followed by an
extreme close up of the sinister dolls eye. The genre of this
movie is horror; therefore, the incorporation of this shot creates
a sense of discomfort for the audience member, aiding the
question as to whether the doll really is an insidious entity. In
the scene, the audience can only see an over the shoulder shot
of the mediums which creates an enigma and leaves the
audience to assume these characters are of a sense of
importance or they have a secret. The editing effect of a zoom
out is further incorporated to highlight the body language of
the mediums in contrast to the victims.
Parallel sound is used as well as the effect of fast paced editing
to epitomize a sense of chaos in the scene, as well as
symbolising the distress of the characters within the scene.

Sharp and quick non-diegetic violin sounds work in parallel with

the shots of the images in the scene. The images are seen to
have the faces of the individuals within it scratched out. The
fast paced editing connotes fear and reiterates themes of
Mise en scene
Zoom out
Side close up
Three shot
Zoom out to an over the shoulder
Point of view when experiencing supernatural

Parallel sound
1) The doll appearing and the click
2) Violins and snap shots of pictures
Voice over
Fast pace editing when pictures are scratched
Black out
Shot reverse shot- women return home
Cross cutting

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